Supplies and vault keeping is currently headed up by Nectar. For more info check out Striker's Supply Scrolls.
Current Supply workers are :  cyborg512, LoXx, Sage X, Dakkoth, & Destinee.
Access: During normal situations any member of the house Dreamers of Light may enter the supply rooms for purposes of item removal (see removal policies) item placement and or organization (see organization and drop off rewards for more information) or to check on supplies. Rulers Guardians and supply workers reserve the right to consider someone under suspicious behavoir if they enter the supplies without a good reason if they are looking for culprits to a possible theft. During times of crisis a ruler or guardian may bring up the possibility of closing supplies to only ranking house officers and supply workers during a guardians and rulers meeting.

Removal of items: During normal situations members of the house Dreamers of Light may remove items for the purpose of maintaining a state of preparedness for battle. They may not remove excessive amounts of items nor are they to take freely on item types that are in high demand.

Put any supplies that they decide not to keep back in the general spot they found them. If a time of crisis is declared the powers that be reserve the right to only allow the removal of supplies during times of battle or immenent battle. If the supplies are restricted to only higher level initiates (guardians rulers and supply workers) then those who wish to remove supplies must do so through a proxy with the proper clearance.

Supply workers: All initiates are free to work on supplies granted that they are not restricted in entering any of the supply areas at that time. Supply workers though have the access privileges to the supplies at any time. To become a supply worker an initiate must do work on a regular basis and report it to the guardian or ruler in charge of supplies. Failure to report may result in the assumption that the person is not doing work for supplies.

Placement: The official standards for placing supply items is kept in a clearly labled mission held by the current supply master (at the time of this writing Striker Luminaire known commonly as The Striker). Disputes in the policies may be taken to the supply master either in a mission report or personally. People placing items in supplies are expected to follow such standards.

Personal items: Anyone placing their personal belongings in a Dreamers of Light non reaping room excluding the library and essence storage room relinquish all ownership rights over those items placed. If items left in the library stay there for a period of time exceeding twenty four hours or if they get in the way of library work the house Dreamers of Light shall claim ownership over those items and deal with them accordingly. The house Dreamers or Light and anyone working supplies for the before mentioned house will not take any responsibility for any items lost in any of the supply rooms.

Item Rewards: If there is no mission avaliable which grants XP rewards for items donated to the house Dreamers of Light then the official supply mission may be used to redeem XP for such donations.

XP reward for work: The master of supplies reserves the right to reward experience to those who have worked supplies as seen fit. The rulership of the house Dreamers of Light reserves the right to judge the xp rewards unrealistic at their discretion.

Precedence of Essence: Essence storage takes priority over ALL Dreamers of Light supply standards. This goes to the point where if the existence of items hinders the ability for the house to store essences members of the house may start removing items to make room for future donations until such time a guardian or ruler may imprison those essences. If it is required that the essences be dropped in lower supplies due to lack of space in upper supplies then so be it.

Items Sales: Members of the house Dreamers of Light are allowed to barter supply items in exchange of nightmare essences on terms that they report a sales reciept to the master of supplies.

Missions and Policies
DoL Teaching Ledger
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