LovesLight's Mentoring Process
As most of you who know me, know I can be rather silly at times :)P
But one thing I take most seriously is teaching, and with teaching, tasking and the halo fall right in line.
Now When i task a student it is on an individual basis, but being a Master Teacher of the Light and of the City the job of mentoring also sometimes rests on my shoulders. I come from a long /short line of Master Teachers and I am very proud of my heritage.
My Mentor for the Halo, was Sweething I still remember the day she asked me to mentor under her, She was my favorite teacher in the city, and back then I was too shy, and didnt feel it appropriate to ask her to mentor me, even though it was something I truly wanted with all my heart.
Many of you already know that Sweething, my mentor, was once a great Master Teacher herself, and her own mentor is still a Master Teacher in the City, you all know her.. Munchkin :) And finally low and behold, Munchkin's Mentor is also still a Master Teacher in the City and none other than my own husband, Valourin.
I love sharing that heritage, it is something I am very proud of :)
But the main point of this page is to share with all the process I make my own apprentices endure. As I already stated above I do task for arts and spheres on an individual basis, but mentoring is something different and I have a process, that I find works quite well. It does seem tedious to some, but it works and there is much to be learned!

My Mentoring process is in three sections with at least 3 parts to each section:
Section One: YOU
Section Two: Arts & Teachers
Section Three: Tasking

I will go over with you the method behind my madness, though i will not list the tasks as I write them, that is for me and the apprentices to know:)P But if you are still curious .. ask me about it in the city! I really dont mind sharing it :)
Section One: YOU
There are 3 parts to Section one.
Part One deals with having the Apprentice take a long look at the road ahead of them. What path are you following? Are you sure becoming a teacher is right for you? Are you ready for the responsibility?
Part Two Deals with exploration. Take a look around you at the beauty of the dream.. this is what you want to teach about, Sure its ok to teach about the digits and numbers "facts" about arts.. but anyone can teach that, dont need a halo for that. but if you cant see the beauty of the City how do you expect to teach others about it?
Part Three deals with the apprentice taking a look into their past, who they admire respect, or look up to. THESE are the people who molded them into the dreamer they are today, and these are the people who will indirectly have an effect on how the teacher to be will teach. 
Section Two: Arts & Teachers
There are 3 parts to Section Two.
Part One deals with having the apprentice take a deeper look at their arts and what they will be teaching? What would you change if you could? Lets debate it! Have you really thought about you arts? Maybe theres a reason certain arts are the way they are. Part Two deals with talking to students of all types, after all once ordained this will be your doom! (haha) Survery best/worst tasks, whats your opinion on said tasks? What tasks are students actually learning from? Are tasks just work, or do tasks actually help make the students dream fun?
Part Three deals with other teachers. This part not only helps the apprentice learn from other teachers, but it also helps them determine their own style. "Lets take a little of Val, Flushy, Ricki, Munchkin, etc and roll it all into one. This part also allows the apprentice take a more critical look at others teaching. Lets dissect tasks, this point was good ..much to be learned there.. but this part.. what exactly can a student get out of that?
Section Three: Tasking
There are 3 parts to Section Three.
Part One Now we are ready to see how far along the apprentice is and how far they have yet to go. Write up 30 sample tasks, and lets go over them. What is the apprentice excelling in? Where does the apprentice need work?
Part Two Lets get creative! Remember Section One, Part Two? Lets devise some task say ten that would help your students learn the beauty of the dream, just as you have! Part Three If you have gotten this far then you are pretty much done and have proven to me as your mentor you are fit to teach.. Start tasking for me .. we will review the first 20, if there are no problems then untill your interview or ordainment, The apprentice will be allowed to continue tasking for the arts under me. You have done well little grasshopper!
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