No, that is not me- it's Grandmaster Babakuli Annakov; and you can take lessons from him!
(I am!)
Click on the above link and get $5.00 off. $40.00 for ten weeks of lessons from a grandmaster is an unbelievable offer. This is a rare and unique opportunity not to be missed, It is far and away the best chess money I have ever spent.

Chess for Cheapskates!

my recommendations for obtaining essential chess knowledge and experience on the cheap.
(a good portion of it is free!)
Chess for Cheapskates!

Many thanks to Bruce Monson, author of "The Belgrade Gambit", for allowing me to post his database of Belgrade Gambit games, in Exachess format for the Macintosh,here. Over 1,500 games from 1938-2001, including BG email Thematic Tournament Games (TGT's) and hundreds of master level correspondence games. You must visit his site,Belgrade Gambit & Other Knightmares, it is THE web resource on the Belgrade Gambit. ( for which this page was named!) The Chessbase format database for Windows machines is available for download there. All he asks is that you send him any Belgrade Gambit games you may play in the future, or have already played in the past.�

Confessions of a green blitz player

I have recently begun to play blitz chess. In blitz, you are battling the clock in addition to your opponent. I intend to chronicle some of my escapades here. I play blitz at, or the Dutch Internet Chess Server. I also play correspondence style chess at I am DrChrome, come play me sometime!

You can familiarize yourself with the various openings and defences at ChessOps. Check out these pages for advice on choosing an opening and a defence:Improving your Chess, by Ken Smith and Playing To Win With "Your" Defense by Randy Bauer.
for chess links, try here: Chessopolis
for chess books go here:

My Current Ratings

on FICS: 2004 (blitz)
2293 (standard)
in the IECC: 2001 (correspondence)

A Blitz Defence against the Ruy Lopez

I am developing a "new" defence for the venerable Ruy Lopez, check out the

DrChrome's Chess Set

See Me!


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