I decided to make this page to keep fans of the site up to date on whats going on with my site, and whats going on in my life in general.  Items on this page will not always be Kinnikuman or Muscle related, but for the most part it will.
15 Jan 06
    Wow, my first blog, yippee!  I wanted to start a blog page during my efforts to help the victims of the Tsunami, but never got around to it.  I decided to make this page to let fans know whats going on without adding to my welcome page.  I will also bring news on whats going on with my site or any exciting Muscle or Kinnikuman related news that I have to offer.  I am putting many hours of effort into the site this weekend.  I hope you guys can tell the difference.  I am still working on bringing up all of the bios on my profiles page, it is just too time consuming.  I will get a few updated tonight though.  Keep in mind that the Profiles page is a work in progress and it will continue to grow.  I know many of them are vague right now, but the more I update the more content I have to add to each.  I love my profiles page, but I understand there is much that can make it better.  I'm working on it.  It will slowly evolve into what I want it to be.  Little by little.  Sooner or later each bio will be complete and informative like I want them to be.  I am also working on other parts of the site as well.  I have been working on a claw page for some time now and was going to post what I had been working on when I got the icon for the page complete, then like a genius, I deleted the icon I spent hours on making, so needless to say thanks to my clumbsiness you will not be getting your claw page for a little bit.  You can enjoy some claw goodness and what will turn out to be the claw page though if you
click here.  Currently the claw page just consists of the awesome custom Freddy Krueger claw that my good friend Mischa made for me.  Since I won't be finishing the claw page anytime soon, I did not want this work of art to go un-noticed so check it out already. 
You will also see a "NEW" icon floating around the site.  I created this icon to let you guys know there is new content in areas of my site.  For example, if I add pictures of a new Romando, you may see the icon outside of my Romando page, and in front of the new Romando itself.  I figured it would just be a way of letting regular visitors know that there is new content and fun stuff for them to browse.
So there you have it, my new Blog and News Page.  Enjoy!  I hope all are enjoying thier New Year so far.  Like many, I have hundreds of resolutions, getting this site to where I want it to be is one of them.
29 Jan 06
   Alright my second blog entry!  I assume most blogs have icons to denote what mood we are currently in.  I will create some kinniku icons to tell you how I am feeling, since I have not done that yet, let me say that I am currently sort of depressed.  I have been planning a trip to Japan for several months now, it has been a good couple years since I have been there and I normally try to go back annually.  Anyways, due to work, school, and other out of my control circumstances the wife and I had to cancel the trip now for the second time.  I am preparing to go back on deployment in a month or so which means it will be a very long time before I get to visit the land of the rising sun and gorgeous girls again.  Other than that I am a pretty happy fella, the wife and dogs keep me happy.
    I am eager to announce that I sort of finished the claw army page that I have been working on.  Be sure to check it out in my collection pics area of the site.  It shows a good majority of my claw figures, but it still has some updating needed to complete it.  You might also want to check out my romando page while you are there.  I added five new romando to my collection since it was last updated, including the new awesome Satan Cross romando.  Very cool.  The profile page is still in the process of being updated, as I stated before this is a never ending process.  I want that page to be the best and most informative that I can make it.  It will take awhile, but it will happen.
    There is also a new site located on my links page.  It is Soupie's Muscle Color Index Archive.  Very cool.  Still in the works, but well worth the visit.  I can't wait to see which muscles have been found and which ones have not.  Oh yeah, if for some odd reason you have been off the face of the earth for awhile, there are 11 brand spanking new super rares.  be sure to check out the AKIA on my links page to get the full story.  Just when we think we know everything about muscle they through a curve ball like this at us.  11!!!  Holy cow!!!
05 Feb 06
    Ok, third entry, this blog thing is moving right along.  I hope people are actually reading it hahahahaha.  I have very exciting news to report to you guys, although if you are a fan of muscles, you may already know through the AKIA, but I am the proud new owner of two recently discovered SUPER RARES!  Check out my
RARES page for more of the specifics.  Aside from all of that, I really do not have much to talk about.  No profile updates this week, sorry for that, I was just too bogged down with work and school to work on the site more than I had the chance to.  I am still pretty disturbed about having to cancel my trip to Japan, who knows when the next time I get to go over there will be.  Not anytime in the near future but sometime soon, I plan on creating a site or page dedicated to my Dogs and sort of an outreach against animal cruelty so keep an eye out for that.  I love those little stinkers.  I also have some cool stuff on ebay right now so check it out.  Hope all is well where you are at my friends.
28 Mar 06
    Wow, almost two months and no new content or even a new blog entry.  I guess I will fill those of you that don't know in on something.  I am leaving the country in just a few short weeks and will not get to see my wife or return home for nearly SIX fucking months.  So, with that said, I have had very little time to spend on the site.  I am trying to spend every minute off of work with my wife, and at the same time take care of a million things before I leave to not leave her stranded and having to worry about certain things.  In addition, work (which is the reason I am leaving) has been absolutely crazy.  I have worked two 11 hour days in a row and it is looking like the rest of this week will be much of the same.  It sort of takes a toll on a guy.  It is not looking good as far as updates to the site before I leave go, the profiles are still in limbo and it is driving me nuts.  I will at the very least add all the pics to the new bios before I leave so that I can possibly work on them a little while away from home.  I do have a little good news to share since our last blog, I got another Super Rare to add to my small collection of Super Rares.  It is the Prizm Man Super Rare which in my opinion is the coolest out of all Super Rares.  I will try to update the site a little this weekend to reflect this cool addition to my collection.  I also have a small handful of goodies to add to the Gallery page as well.  We will see how all of that goes though.  Bear with me guys, I am trying to take care of my wife, who is not taking this trip very well, as am I.
30 Apr 06
    So, my first blog since the deployment started.  So far so good I suppose.  More and more I am starting to despise nurses.  Tsubasa got some good news but it is also a stressful time for her because now that I am away she has to move to a different state all by herself.  Kind of stressed out about that.  I have sort of put my collecting on hold while underway and some of the people in the Kinnikuman community  have driven me away from the hobby.  I am just annoyed.  Too much stress out here in the middle of the ocean to worry about stupid shit like toys so I have decided just to take a break.  I will be back.  Still going to blog and still going to try and update the site in some ways, but don't expect a whole lot of new content.  I just updated the Romando section with a couple cheap newbies.  I forgot to save some of the pictures I took of my super rares, but I am having Tsubasa email them to me so hopefully I can update you all with some cool pics of my three gems.  Other than that, not much to talk about.  I have nott seen land in a week so there is only so much to do and talk about.  Check back soon.
01 Jun 06
Ok, first month down, several to go.  We just finished the first part of this mission and we are on our way to the second stop.  I am now officially in charge of 95 people.  Kinds of stressful but I am ok.  Tsubasa is now all moved in to Colorado and starting school so she is doing well also.  Now that we are seeing patients the nurses are being less awnry.  I got to go teach a bunch of Phillipino nurses CPR and medical shit so that was pretty fun.  I don't have anything to update as far as the site goes, I also have not been very involved in the Kinnikuman world lately so there is not much to say about all of that.  One sort of funny thing is I have several Muscle men sitting on my computer and everytime I come into my office they are in different positions, which means, someone is playing with them while I am out of the office hahahahahaha.  I'll try to do more blogs at least while I am out here, but as far as site updates, it will be awhile.
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