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Star Wars
Episode 1 �

The Messenger

            Not long after the end of the blockade of Naboo, the Jedi Council decided to send out messengers throughout the galaxy to warn as many of the Jedi as possible of the reemergence of the Sith.  The one on one contact served several purposes.  An accurate count of all Jedi could be taken.  Messengers were also required to make a record of their encounters with other Jedi, in order to test the strength of the forces of light.  And it would keep the knowledge of the rising darkness out of the public knowledge.

            Kelther Tompom is one of those messengers.  His travels take him to a distant planetary system where a single Jedi Knight maintains a presence.  Though Jedi Xaleth Nuada is an old friend, Jaleou is cautious.  Dark forces are at work throughout the entire galaxy�

            The fourth planet of the Mellinder system hung seemingly motionless in the darkness.  The tan and red mountainous crust was dotted with patches of forests, scattered vegetation and a few larger bodies of water.  The speckled bits of civilization could barely be seen.  The planet once held the garrisons of ancient armies.  Now the fortresses where warlords planned to conquer the galaxy and make themselves rulers over all the universe crumbled into ruins and dust.  Natives scratched out a living farming rare plants.  The darkness of space above the planet gave way to a small vessel.  Pulling itself out of hyperspace the craft altered its course and swept down towards the planet�s surface.

            Inside the cockpit a single human played over the various controls with an eerie detachment.  The astromech droid next to him made a few quiet chirps to itself, this pilot did not seem too intent on conversation.  Not that there was much R4-K2 could actually converse about, except for variances in engine performances and shield modulations.  Those were most certainly not appropriate conversation topics for a Jedi Knight.  Assuming that was what this human was.  R4-K2 was quite certain the brown cloak matched those he had seen on others being who made their way around the Jedi Temple hanger bays.  The metal cylinder that hung on the human�s utility belt could have easily been the famous Jedi lightsaber, or it could have been a utility light.  Either way the Jedi had not, and was showing no sign of talking any time soon.


            The leaves of the plant were covered in a fine mist of water vapor.  The sturdy ground beneath them shook.  Mayel turned towards the nearby landing platform.  Scheduled shipping vessels were common.  But this craft was neither scheduled nor was it any kind of freighter.  It was small, but boasted two powerful engines and a cluster of smaller thrusters.  It was an older Corellian design however something in the back of Mayel's mind told her that the image was a slight deception.  Various hull plates� red hue practically screamed Republic Diplomatic Corps.  On any other planet in this system it was possible that that ship could have landed for some other reason.  But on this veritable wasteland there was but one reason for unexpected guests.  The young woman put down her vapor sprayer and made her way towards the landing platform, towards the cloaked figure walking her way.

            He was another Jedi Knight.  Mayel was sure of that from the moment she saw him.  It was almost striking how similar their clothes were.  Certainly the brown hued cloak was practically identical.  The face hidden within that cloak was not, however.  A handsome face emanated from beneath the shade of the hood.  The young man wore no beard but had a look of depth in his knowing eyes.  He was of smaller and lighter stature than that of other Jedi as well.  None of the differences changed what he was or what he could do.

            �Greetings, honored Jedi.� Mayel spoke first.  Her actions didn�t even seem to phase the cloaked figure.  He gave her a small nod of respect.

            �Greetings.  I assume since you know who I am you may be able to tell me where I can find the Jedi Xaleth Nuada.�  The Jedi wasted no time in making his intentions known.  He held up a small holographic plate.  Upon it an image sparkled to life.  The image was of the Jedi he spoke of.  Mayel knew the one he spoke of without even the holo.  She could have described him to the Jedi, right down to the beard that hid Xaleth�s innocent face, the beard that made him seem years older than he actually was.

            �He has gone into the hill country to meditate.�  She answered the Jedi, pointing towards the highland forests, beyond the town. �We do not expect him back for several days.  It is possible to contact him if it is an emergency.�

            �No need.� The Jedi waved his hand and cast away the idea of disturbing the other Jedi.  It seemed strange that one would travel so far and not be preoccupied with a very serious and deliberate mission.  The Jedi actually produced a small smile on his face.  If Mayel had not know so much about the true nature of the Jedi ways she would have thought it revealed some wicked intent.  �Is there some way I can find his exact location?�


            It was a simple exercise.  Just playing around with stones.  But even the simplest Jedi mind exercises had deeper roots.  Xaleth focused on the nature of the stone.  To the casual viewer it was nothing more than a small pebble.  However, to a fully trained Jedi Knight that simple pebble was a powerful connection to the essence of the universe.  Xaleth enveloped his consciousness around that pebble.  He started to first understand its nature.  He saw within the structure of the stone.  He could move his mind around and through the mineral composition.  He reached out through the Force and began to sense all the things affected by the rock�s presence, including himself.


            The path over the planet�s surface was straight and simple, not to mention short.  The Jedi piloted the small craft to an open valley.  This point was as close as the Jedi could manage without landing in dense forests.  Much of the planet�s surface was a harsh red stone and sand mix.  However, areas of lush forests sprouted up randomly across the surface.  It was in one such area that the Jedi Xaleth Nuada was supposed to be.  He shut down the primary systems to the vessel and left instructions with the astromech droid to remain where he was until called for.  With his hooded cloak covering every aspect of his appearance, he walked down the main hatchway ramp out onto the desert like plain and made his way up a rock face slope.  Slowly he disappeared into depths of the tree line.


            As he reached out his hand, Xaleth took the next step in the exercise.  By understanding all there could be known about the stone Xaleth could focus on its connection with the Force.  He could use the Force to manipulate the rock�s very existence in the universe.  It seemed to be a weighty task.  For anyone who had no knowledge of the Force and the Jedi ways it could seem downright impossible.  To Xaleth Nuada, an accomplished Jedi Knight, it meant he was simply lifting the rock in the air.


            �He certainly hasn�t made this easy for me.� Jedi Tompom thought as he made his way along the narrow winding path that lead to Nuada�s mediation area.  The brush was thick and overgrown in some areas.  Parts of the path rolled along and disappeared into cliff faces.  The Jedi paid no mind to the imminent danger he was in.  One wrong step could send him hurtling down into oblivion.  For the Jedi though, fear does not exist.  Fear, anger, aggression, hatred; all of these things lead to the dark side.  Fear, alone, has been known to topple the greatest of beings and civilizations across the galaxy.  It was a Jedi�s life to keep fear at bay.  So many lives depended on it.  So few Jedi exist now.  A mere 10,000 to keep peace and justice throughout a galaxy filled with countless billions of beings.  Not an easy task.  Then again, nothing is every truly easy for a Jedi.  That is the way of things; the way of the Force.


            Xaleth Nuada sat in perfect stillness.  Only his shallow breathing gave any signs of life.  In front of him several stones hung motionless in the air, suspended by some unseen force.  But for those who understand the mysteries of the Force this power does not need to be seen.  The Force itself allows one to see.  The past.  The present. The future.  All of these come into focus through the Force.  So it was that Jedi Knight Xaleth Nuada opened his eyes and spoke.

            �Now this is a presence I have not felt in a long time.  A very long time.�  Behind him a cloaked figure approaches the Jedi.  The mysterious visitor pulled back his hood as he spoke.

            �I wish my arrival was under better circumstances.  These are dark times my friend.�  Jedi Nuada rose from his seated position and pulled back his own hood to reveal a slightly older looking face.  Although the two men seemed close in age, Xaleth�s beard adds several years to his expression.  Both Jedi�s expressions held years of wisdom and experience, much of it painful and tiring.

            �The Trade Federation does not scare me.  Don�t look so surprised.  Just because I have been assigned to a planet far from Coruscant and the rest of the civilized galaxy doesn�t mean I don�t hear about what is going on.  I already know about the blockade of Naboo.�  Xaleth had opened his cloak and placed his hands on his hips, revealing his Jedi tunic and more importantly his personal Jedi lightsaber.

            �Your news is old,� Kelther countered.  �The blockade is over.  The Federation is no more.  But there is more.  The High Council has kept the information I bring to you secret.  Late or not your news would not tell this:  The Sith have returned.�

            �What?!�  Xaleth looked stunned.  His face regained its stoic look quickly though.  His tone became serious and grave.  �After so long?  Is it possible?�

            �Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice, who is now a full Knight, like ourselves faced a Sith warrior.  Master Jinn did not survive.�  Kelther recounted the simple details of the events.

            �By the Force!� Xaleth exclaimed, once again taken off guard by the information presented to him.  �A Master slain in battle.  A Sith warrior.  These are dark times, indeed.�

            �When was the last time you used that?�  Jaleou gestured towards Xaleth�s lightsaber hanging from his utility belt.

            �A land speeder crashed.  I used it to cut the driver and her friends free.�  Xaleth quickly brought his focus back to the Jedi standing in front of him.  A smile appeared on his face.  �Don�t think that I am out of practice though.  I could easily take you on.  Just as easily as I did in the Temple.� 

            �Perhaps.�  Kelther Tompom smiled back and let loose a quick laugh.  For a moment the tension of the moment is gone.  Old times, better times, are remembered.  However, even for a Jedi the past is gone.  It is the present, and at times the future, that must be dealt with.  The smile disappeared from Kelther�s face.  �But do you feel prepared to take on a Sith?�

            �I suppose a little practice session could be arranged.�

To be continued...


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