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    The lightsaber is a distinctive weapon known throughout the Republic as the traditional weapon of the Jedi Knight. Jedi always carry their own lightsabers, which they build themselves as part of their training. A weapon of unusual power and capabilities, the lightsaber can be more dangerous to a novice wielder than to an opponent, and only a highly trained individual can hope to survive with a lightsaber against an onslaught of blaster plasma bolts.


  However, for the skilled Jedi, the lightsaber is an amazingly useful weapon which can deflect attacks back at an enemy even as its whirling blade both defends and threatens. The sight of an ignited lightsaber is often enough to end a conflict, since would-be gunmen know that they are likely to find their own deadly shots deflected right back at them.

    In essence a blade of pure energy capable of cutting through almost anything, the lightsaber is the noble yet powerful weapon which the Jedi Knights have masterfully wielded for thousands of years.

    Although each lightsaber is unique, the weapon's basic design remains the same. The handle, twenty-four to thirty centimeters long, holds a power cell as well as one or more crystals - seldom more than three - whose purpose is to focus the energy released by the power cell into a tight, blade-like beam. The blade's color depends on the nature of the jewel it springs from, and while its length is fixed in the case of a single jewel lightsaber.  Lightsabers equipped with multiple crystals can have their length varied by rotating a knob which allows the focusing crystal activator to subtly modify the refraction pattern between the gems.

Crafted by a Jedi, the lightsaber is as much a functional & practical device as it is an expression and extension of a Jedi's own being.

Form, function, and personal preference all blend together to create a device that is both a symbol of honor and status as well as a deadly tool.


A Holocron is a repository of Jedi Lore, knowledge, experience, wisdom, and history.

These legendary artifacts are palm-sized glowing cubes of crystal that employ primitive holographic technology along with the Force to provide an interactive learning device.

Click on the Holocron to learn more about these ancient devices and for a tutorial on building a Holocron.


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