Does CWHN have
any Activities?
Culver CWHN members often organize activities.  In the past, these have included diverse offerings, such as park gatherings, joint museum classes, nature hikes, holiday celebrations, community service, and more.

CWHN does not design or direct the content of activities offered by individual members. 

Every member is free to make his/her own decisions about what activities to offer or join, provided such activities are consistent with our inclusive nature.
Homeschool Some current member-sponsored activities:
This website (run by member Joanne P)
The CWHN "announcements" email loop at YahooGroups, where local activities of interest to homeschoolers are posted, and details of CWHN member-created activities are hashed out (run by member Joanne P)
a secondary “talk” email loop filling the social, chatting, discussion and debate needs of a smaller group of CWHN members (run by members Pia and Kathleen.)
A park day gathering each Monday (run by a small circle of "park committee" members).  Read about our gatherings here.  The rotating park locations are posted on the all-LA homeschool calendar (run by members Heather, Patty B, and others)
A "double digits" park gathering, the first and third Monday of each month (run by member Barbara B) for families with at least one "double digits" (age 10+) student.  Younger siblings are okay, but activites at this event will be focused around the interests of the "double digits" students.  Rotating park locations for this event are posted on the CWHN "announcements" email loop and are sometimes listed on the all-LA homeschool calendar (run by members Heather, Patty B, and others)
A wide variety of local activities including classes, fieldtrips, special events and more (offered by both CWHN members and other people from the area).  These are discussed on the CWHN "announcements" email loop and many are listed on the all-LA homeschool calendar (run by members Heather, Patty B, and others)
this page last updated Nov. 7, 2006
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