To a site dedicated to the mythical beast- the dragon.
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The reproductive system of these creatures is internal, it means that at the look of their external physiognomy, it is hard (not to say nearly impossible) to determine if this dragon is a male or a female, only the general behavior and the small change in their color can provide informations about the dragon's gender. Dragons lead egg like reptiles and bird, eggs are protected by a hard shell that with time will weaken to let the new baby dragon break it more easily. The incubation period of these creatures is mostly unknown; some egg will hatch in a year other two and some more than five year. The dragons eggs are rich in calcium and I suppose that the newborn dragons eat is shell to not waste the nutriment in it.

The mating process is known as dragon-slide: the two partners fly high in the sky and after a moment they grab each other and close their wing and make free-fall. Then at less than a hundred feet from the ground they open their wing and land. The dragons so unusual mating process is mainly because dragons love speed and risk, and add these to the pleasure of love... you have a sensation that human could never enjoy.
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