There are many beautiful rivers and lakes in Tennessee.This is a photo I took of the Buffalo River in southern middle Tn this spring(2003)
        In summer time there are  many campers  in this area. And although I like to camp, I can't tell you how  much I enjoyed this early spring day of quiet and calm on the Buffalo. My friend and I walked along the river and  saw  huge turtles sunning themselves on deadfall logs. The sky was a beautiful cerulean blue, and as you can see, was reflected  in the water. And speaking of the water, that day, and most days, the water is almost as clear as tap water. We literally stood on the bank and watched the fish swimming underwater. It was a perfect spring day, with a mild breeze, beautiful blue skies and peace and calm all around us. What more wonderful cure for the long winter blahs  could you ask for?
          I really don't know how any one could be out in nature in a setting like that, and not know that there has to be a God,  The Master Artist  of all.

To My Tennessee
   I have lived in Tennessee for over 25 years and have been content to call it home. It is a beautiful state and has some wonderful, compassionate. friendly, caring  people here and I have made many lifetime friends among them. 
The mocking bird is the state bird. They are fiercely protective of their nest and their nestlings. I have seen them attack cats when they came too close to their domain. They can also be somewhat aggressive with other birds  at the backyard bird feeders
The state flower is the Iris.
This is one of my oil paintings 12 x16. to see more of my art visit my
Art Gallery
The state tree is the Tulip Poplar. It is called that, not because of the pretty blossosms in spring time, but because the leaves are shaped like the outline of a tulip. It is a member of the magnoliaceae family as is the Magnolia tree.
Tennessee state motto is: Agriculture and Commerce and is known as The Volunteer State. It became a state on June 01/1796.
The state song is Rocky Top,  but the midi you are listening to is The Tennessee Waltz. :)
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