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A Robot War II Physics Engine Preview

Using pure assembly code, Psychopath's high-performance 3-D physics engine surpasses any RPG experience released to the TI-82 community. In 2007, I set out to create the most vibrant and intense visuals possible on a 6MHz platform.

Some of the faster enemies tend to arc and overshoot as objects would in real life. All objects enjoy 16 million+ directions of travel in this game

Despite being done in ASM code, the game is highly object-oriented. The most notable change is that all physical properties of objects are now vector-driven. This will give objects the freedom to accelerate, free-fall, and even explode realistically. It's a drastic change from RW1, in which all movement was scripted. Amoung the improvements so far:

1. True 3-D Physics and Collisions
2. True static/dyanmic friction
3. High freedom of movement (Over 16 million possible directions of travel)
4. Pixel-accurate collsions
5. True Spin Physics

A 2007 particle test. The RWII Physics Engine reaches its limit at 250 objects when running on a 6MHz Zilog 80 processor.


The game is roughly 50% complete and will likely take another 12-18 months to finish. To aid the storytelling, I'm building the story into a 300-page narritave which may or may not be released with the game. Having recently graduated, things are very uncertain, so the pace will depend on unforseeable life factors. But if the past is any example, this game will be out in 2009.

Email: [email protected]
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