Table of Contents


What are pheromones?

What is the VNO?

Pheromone Research Findings


Human Pheromones: Myth or Reality?

The Evolutionary Theory of Sexual Attraction

Study finds proof that humans react to pheromones

Social Basis of Human Behavior: Sex

The Human Pheromone Discovery

Pheromone Research Information

WebMD News

Human pheromone as a sex attractant

Check Out These Sites That Specialize In Human Pheromones 

Female and Male Pheromone Products

Scent of Success

Primal Instinct

'Pleasures'-Enhancing Romance

Love Scent Pheromone Products

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    Welcome to my web page on human attraction.  We are influenced everyday by the chemical signals that others give off.  Here you will learn just how that happens and what your body does in response.

    For many years scientists have known the significance of odors in the Animal Kingdom and the crucial role they play in parental care, group recognition, and more importantly, mating behaviors.

    Well, scents play an equally important role in human interaction, mainly because of these subliminal cues called pheromones and so many of us have no idea just how much we are influenced by them.

    On this site you'll find answers to these questions and more:

    • What are pheromones and what does the body know to do with them?
    • Why can't I smell pheromones if they are so powerful?
    • Are human pheromones like animal ones?
    • Are there really colognes that can attract mates?


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      2001 Jennifer N Singleton
          Last Updated July 17, 2001

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