• In a not so distant world, a young girl named Nadine is living peacefully when she saw her friends disappeared and unknown things started appearing on her own world. She must embark on a journey to nine worlds in order to destroy them and fix the problems of her own world. 
    In the DESTINY CALL® Nexus series in 2011, Nadine Ceres encountered a hooded lady who gave her the ability to open portals and travel through Dimension. Before, it was the sisters, Miel and Riel Vortex from DESTINY CALL® SKY from 2006, who can open portals but are limited to 2 dimensions. In Nadine’s case, she can open all the available portals, in which lead her to visit other worlds other than her own (A-Calling®, Hara Infinity®, Gratial Melody®, Cyber Space®, Ice Warriors®, etc). That hooded girl was Darlene Vibrav.
    During the Nexus time, Nadine met Gwyneth Cenda, who was her partner at that time. They travelled together to solved the problems of their world by travelling to other worlds. Instead of killing the people of the other world, Nadine and Gwyneth became friends with them and made the situation worst. This leads to the story of the DESTINY CALL®REVOLUTIONS in 2012 with Sophia Synait and Jhoana Maeres.

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  • DESTINY CALLŪ (Series 1)
  • DESTINY CALLŪ (Series 2)
  • DESTINY CALLŪ (Series 3)
  • DESTINY CALLŪ (Series 4)
  • DESTINY CALLŪ (Series 5)
  • DESTINY CALLŪ (Series 6)
  • DESTINY CALLŪ (Series 7)
  • DESTINY CALLŪ (Series 8)
  • DESTINY CALLŪ (Series 9)
  • DESTINY CALLŪ (Series 10)


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