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Jin Youzi: Rui Ying Zan (1419)
Taken from - Duyvendak; T'oung Pao
also called Shuyu Zhouzilu or Shu-yu chou-tzu-lu
This poem came to us through the: Congjian Yan: Shu yu zhou zi lu
(Comprehensive record of information about foreign places) of 1583

As illustration a giraffe from a book of Ferdinant Verbiest the missionary to China in 1726
We have heard that the ch'i-lin is the greatest auspicious sign in All-under-Heaven. When the virtue of the Imperial Ruler above reaches the Great Purity, below reaches the Great Stillness, and in between reaches the Myriad Spirits, then a ch'i-lin appears. It is also said; when the virtue of the Ruler penetrates into the dark waters of chaos and his transforming influence reaches out to all living beings, then a ch'i-lin appears. Therefore when a ch'i-lin comes forth it is certain that there is a Sage on the throne and that it is a time of true culture in the world; its repeated occurrence may surely not be attributed to mere chance. Respectfully we consider that the Son of Heaven, succeeding to the Great Heritage and regulating the Dependencies, models himself on Heaven in planning his government. By earnest and concentrated effort, dressing before dawn and not eating until sunset, he endeavors to effect order in the myriad concerns of Government. The fame of his benevolence and the reputation of his righteousness have spread far and near; his virtuous teachings reach and cover all, so that all the people and all the living beings harmoniously unite. Of the myriad countries at the four points of the compass, there is not one but submits and honors him. Here upon Heaven reflecting the Sacred Virtue, repeatedly causes brilliant favors to descend, so that in the year ten-and-seven (1419) all the felicitous objects are present in the greatest profusion and the clerks have no respire in recording them. In the 9th month, in the autumn, of the year chia-wu of Yung-lo (1414) there was a barbarian country from the South-west, called Bengal, presenting a ch'i-lin as tribune. This year in the autumn again there is the country called Aden presenting a ch'i-lin as tribute. In the course of five or six years a ch'i-lin arriving in the capital three times is a brilliant manifestation which shakes and illuminates the Middle Kingdom and foreign nations; truly it is a supreme omen of Great Peace that would have been welcomed by a thousand, yea a myriad ages. Formerly when the Way of Government of the Emperor was lofty and his virtue abundant, a ch'i-lin only appeared in his park; although the songs of Chou-nan celebrated (the Ch'i-lin) its genuine descent was not witnessed. Coming to the Han and the Tang dynasties it became rarer and rarer till it was no longer heard of. Now the Sacred Son of Heaven in his Virtue equals Ch'ung-hua, (the emperor Shun) the height of his achievements has been but rarely reached in antiquity, his abundant blessings and profound benevolence have left no place unaffected, so that this favorable sign of the appearance of a ch'i-lin is repeated over and over again. Indeed, the fact that High Heaven by means of this manifestation of the Sacred Virtue causes the transforming Influence of the Ruler to reach its highest fruition is truly a cause of felicity for the Imperial Ancestors and the Altar of the Soil, as well as for the living people, for ten thousand generations without end.
Your servant, joining the throng in the Forbidden Forest (the Zoo) has daily beheld this auspicious omen; he could not master his feelings of admiration and happiness, and therefore has written praise in order to transmit it for ever. Respectfully with hands folded and prostrating himself he presents a song of praise as follows;
Amazing is this gentle animal, of strange shape and wonderful form, the product of the Two Forms, the essence emanated from the Dark Void. Its dragon head is carried high, its fleshy horn grows erect; it has purple hair with white lines criss-cross in a pattern of a tortoise-shell. Its body is glossy and its conduct is measured.
It has hoofs but does not kick,-it truly follows the way of gentleness. It has horns but does not but,-it truly keeps to the way of righteousness. It walks with balanced tread and its voice resembles classic music. It does not step on growing grass nor does it eat living beings. It takes advantage of the transformations of the four seasons and never fails to announce them by its cries.
This is called the ch'i-lin. Its appearance is manifested by Heaven, it arrives at its proper time, neither too late nor too early, as a guest from a myriad li away, now walking, then galloping. Its brilliant luster shines in the ether, and felicitous clouds hang down. Its two eyes rove incessantly; all are delighted with it. Wide open is the Reception Hall, where (the Emperor) sits down to receive it.
Oh; Our Emperor plans his government by modeling himself on Heaven; the fame of his teaching has spread; the East is impregnated with it and the West has received it. There is no darkness but is brightened, there is no distance but is illuminated. From where the waters gather and the clouds assemble, bowing their heads bear gifts. Thus many auspicious gifts are collected, arriving one after another in pairs. How comes this? - Only through the Perfect Virtue (jen) of the Emperor. Only through the Perfect Virtue of Our Emperor, which brings harmony in the eight corners of the world; beyond the horizon and to the ends of the earth there are none but are respectful and loving. Truly the Emperor is humble and reverent; were he not a Sage himself, no beings, however precious, could assist in creating a virtuous (jen) government. Truly the Emperor has received from Heaven a great Mandate which is widely manifested. may the Sacred Age be ten thousand years, to the happiness of the Four Regions.                                            

When the Bengal giraffe had arrived the Emperor had refused to accept congratulations:
" Even without unicorns there is nothing that hinders good government"
When the second giraffe arrived: " It behooves Us even more than in the past to cling to virtue, and it behooves you to remonstrate with Us about Our shortcomings"
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