Using bulls as transport seems to have happend in other parts of Africa too; here from South Africa in 1819: 
Eine Hottentottin
Die Lander und Volker der Erde; oder, Vollstandige Beschreibung aller funf Erdtheile, Vol. III - Africa.
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Ibn Hodeil : (d1361) Hilyat al-fursan wa-shi'ar ash-shuj'an. (The Way Horsemen are) From Spain

Taken from the French translation : La parure des cavaliers
Also called : Ibn Hudhayl al-Andalusi 

El Masudy says that the inhabitants of Upper Egypt which borders the Abyssinians, cross wild (female)donkeys with bulls, and cows with (male) donkeys, and that in the land of the Zenj, there is a variety of cows that one rides for war, with saddles and everything, and they run like horses.
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