Aden gateway to East Africa. Left a drawing based on the map of Aden/Mombaza/Quiloa/Cefala by Braun & Hogenberg 1572. Right a modern picture of the port.
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Al-Anwa wa-al-tawqi at.....
(Ann. Rasulid Agricultural Almanac for 1405-06)

Taken from: Varisco; Medieval Folk Astronomy and Agriculture in Arabia and the Yemen.
Manuscript found in Cairo library where it is called Taymur Riyadiyat 274; This is the name of the manuscript in which on p 102 - 125 the said ann. Agricultural almanac is found. It is not the title of the book or the author.
To transfer the dates given in the manuscript to present day dates add about 9 days.

Aylul (September)
22 Naw of muqaddam
23 Planting of swami-sorghum in the mountains
24 The ostrich lays eggs
25 Departure of the Mogadishu (ships) for Aden.
26 Arrival of the ships from al-Shihr (in Aden)

Kanun al-Awwal (December)
27 First of Tubah for the (Coptic) year 1122
28 First of the second mixed nights (al-layali al-bulq).
29 Arrival of the Mogadishu (ships) at Aden.
30 Raising of pestilential diseases from Egypt
31 Sap flows in wood.

Haziran (June)
4 First of the samum (wind period)
5 First presence of violent wind
6 First sailing of the Mogadishu (ships) from Aden.
7 Naw of qalb
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