Chemical Burns
Tools needed:
Assorted makeup colors
Liquid latex
Stipple sponge
Stage blood
Foam makeup application wedges
Page 2 of Tutorial
Step 1 Step 2
1. Start with a clean, dry area of skin. 2. Cover the basic area where you want your wound to be with browns/dark reds/purples to create a dark bloody bruise.
Step 3
Step 4
3. Apply yellows and blend well closer to the outer edges of the wound.
4. Mix in green at points (don't add it any further outside than the yellow goes.)
Step 5
Step 6
5. Go back in with the dark red and add it to the center area of the wound.
6. Add more yellows, reds, and purples as you see fit.
Step 7
Step 8
7. Cover pretty much the entire area with liquid latex. It dries clear; don't worry about making your brush strokes neat. Let it dry until it's mostly transparent.
8. Carve into the latex with tweezers where you want raised skin on both sides. For blisters, GENTLY pinch a tiny bit of the latex and pull up until holes form in the latex. Let it snap back onto your hand. You should have some nice open blisters (if you want closed ones, lift the latex so it stretches but doesn't form holes.)
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