
-------The Humanx Trivia -------

Welcome to Rico's  trivia area. Ready to test your knowledge of the Humanx Commonwealth?
Then get started with these questions.
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Easy Questions

What is the name of Malaika's yacht?
Answer: Gloryhole

What is the name of Flinx's stepmother?
Answer: Mother Mastiff

How many limbs does a  thranx have?
Answer: 8

Tran-Ky-Ky is a hot or a frozen planet?
Answer: frozen

Medium Questions

What does S.C.C.A.M. stand for ?
Answer: Severely Concentrated and Catastrophic Accelerated Motion ( missile )

The name of Flinx'  real mother was:
Answer: Anasage

How do the Ornithopes call themselves ?
Answer: Quillp

Who invented the K.K. drive ?
Answer: Alex Kurita and Sumako Kinoshita

What is a Sikambi:    a) an ancient space faring race  b) an alien primitive weapon?
Answer: b) it's a blowgun-like weapon used by the Otoids of Alaspin

What was Desvendapur's job in his new  identity (from the novel "Phylogenesis")?
Answer: food-preparator

Hard Questions

What is an United Church Class One Emergency?
Answer: U. C. regs  classify a Class One Emergency a danger that threatens all sentient species.

When did Aann attack Paszex on Willowane for the first time?
Answer: 2243 Old Calendar

What are emomen?
Answer: emodrugs pushers. (emodrugs = emotion enducer drugs )

What was the last rank of Bran Tse-Mallory in the United Church?
Answer: Chancellor Second (source: "The Tar Aiym Krang")

What is the name of the Aann main base on Senisran?
Answer: Chraara  (Source: "The Howling Stones")

How many fingers has a  hand of a Seni?
Answer: 3

Very Hard Questions

What is the complete name of Ab, the strange alien appeared in "The End of the Matter" ?
Answer: Abalamahalamatandra

What is the native name of  planet Horseeye ?
Answer: Tslamina

What is the name of the planet with the 14th largest human population?
Answer: Collangotta

Who was the 20th Thranx Emperor?
Answer: Thumonstener

Which was the code number that the Meliorare Society used for Flinx ?
Answer:  N° 12 (source: "For Love of Mother Not")

 last updated august  2000

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