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Gundam Wing

This website is my first and is dedicated to Gundam Wing and Endless Waltz.  This is not your average Gundam site, it doesn't waste your time explaining how Heero decided not to kill Relena Peacecraft, or how Zechs (Milyardo) got accustomed to the Tallgeese, or even how Trowa Barton remembered how to fly a Gundam.  No, I don't want to bore the audience, I want to amaze you with my talents as a web designer (first time).  I will do my best to keep you interested and keep coming back.

Gundanium Alloy

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Animated Gifs


Courageous pilots

Vital Charachters




Awards I've Won

Message Board

All About Me!

   Gundam Wing is yet another Anime show which portrays the young teen's and children's hopes of becoming like the heroes.  This show is the second chronicle of a Gundam cartoon.  The series Gundam Wing and Endless Waltz are followed by the series G-Gundam and Gundam X.  There are many heroes in this show yet to come.
     The heroes in Gundam Wing and Endless Waltz are hamdsome, strong, and far from normal, which an exception of one.  Heero Yuy, Chang Wufei, Trowa Barton, Quarte Raberba Winner, and Duo Maxwell are the herores who pilot the Gundams in the begining of the series.  They go through awesome predicaments and manage not only to succed, but to overcome their enemies which much dignification.  They do the job secretly and stealthly as possible, buy if anyone sees a Gundam, they shall not live to tell about it.

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Gundam Wing

The five boys who fight for the colonies have their own personalities, if you call that a personality, but get lost in their own struggle of finding their enemy.  The colonies, in the begining, told them what missions to accomplish, but then the boys lost track of what missions to accept, so they went out and fufilled their own missions.
     At first, the boys did not know that the other Gundams existed, then they found one another by coincidence and became friends, I guess.The boys have different nationalities and show how each country should act toward each other, peacefully and no hostile feelings.
     There are, however, others who decide to pilot their own Gundams.  Colonel Zechs, Treize, and Noine choose to join the battle for space or Earth.  More information on these characters is in the
Vital Characters page.

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Current News

First Update, May 15, 2000

    This is my first News Update and I am celebrating at home, jk.  Hlj.com has just announced their being sold out of ALL Gundam Wing Model Kits, that means I will not be recieving the ones I orderd for a while now.  Oh well, I will wait.  Anyway, Cartoon Network is being gay again in playing repeats again, but I guess thats how things go.  We will just have to sit tight and hold out till they play all of the episodes of Endless Waltz.
     Anyway, the last three epidsodes were the best fighting episodes, escpecially number 49 and 50, when Treize died, it was very sad, but very noble of Treize to honor Wufei as his "Eternal Friend."  Wufei cried for the first time when Treize named some of the people who died for him and told exactly how many people have died fighting for him.  It brought a tear to my eye when Treize died because I knew he was a very noble man and the makers of Gundam Wing intended him to die and liven up the audience.  I hope Cartoon Network plays Endless Waltz soon, I know it will be one of the best Anime shows out there.

Second Update, May 19, 2000

    You might have heard it, but if you didn't, Grover Freeman, my fellow classmate's father was shot two days ago by his ex-wife.  I would like anybody who reads this to stop and honor him because this is truely a tradgedy and he was a good man and father. Thank you.
     Anyway, I have just finished my format update and will be expanding my site.  The Gundanium Alloy site will be finished soon and you will be free to puruse my pictures and information on the Gundams.  Also, one of classmates said he wanted me to put him on his page.  So his website (it sucks) is
Deathscythe0195.com.  He copied me a lot and said my site sucks, so I have beat him up nurmerous times.  Remember, e-mail me anytime at [email protected].

Not Much..., June 19, 2000

    I just got back from my cruise and had an awesome time.  I met a lot of new friends, but unfortunately they all live far away from my house.
     I have been updating all the time, I just don't write about it unfortunatley, but I am constantley updating.  I just finished the
message board and you can ask me questions there if you want.
Hlj.com finally got the new Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz models in and I will be recieving:
          Deathscythe Hell Kai - 1/100
          Tallgeese III - 1/144
          Nataku - 1/144
          Sandrock Kai - 1/144
          Wing Zero Kai - 1/144
          Heavy Arms Kai - 1/144
          Serpent Custom - 1/144
     If you want to buy them from me,
e-mail me.

Vacationing      July 9, 2000

   I just got back from Boothbay Harbor, Maine and I had a great time, it was cool.  I got to see my best friend and his family and friends up there.
     Anyways, I got my models and am putting them together, anyone can buy them, they look pretty cool.  Not much is going on, I am constantly updating the site, have no worries.

E-mail me at [email protected]

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