Geolocation - where the primary audience lives.

Most of our audience lives in america, 76.5% of it, And they are mostly at the simplistic side of foods, The second highest portion is Australia, Looking for the spicy foods, At 12.3%, The final places are places in generaly, south america, 2.5%, Africa 3.2%, and the rest is in india!

Age - Specify the age ranges (within a decade) that will primarily be using the site.

Most of our audience is within the teen-adult age range, going up to 80% or more people at 13-25 of age. Some foods like spicy foods are most commonly viewed by 28-38 people of age. And with the most rare of people being 50+.

Gender - the gender of the majority of your users.

The gender scales on our site are nearly even, with most of the simplistic food options being 87% of males, and for foods that are for dinners or big meals are nearly 90% females, The site has a overal rating of, Males=52%, Females=48%

Other - demographics are commonly used to identify the users.

The Other parts of our aduience are people who chose, 'Doesn't want to specify' on gender, and they are most commonly looking at very basic but foods that can still give a kick, Some of the audience also seems to enjoy partys at 43% of all of this audience doing big family or party sized meals!