Dragon Ball RPG
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You know you watch too much DBZ when You.. | Funny Pics | TYNHOD | Funny Multimedia

  1. You throw CDs around yelling "Destructo Disk!!!".

  2. You dye your hair yellow and tell eveyone that your a Super Saiyan.

  3. Your in a fight you try to power up.

  4. You try to kill yourself so you can go to King Kai's Planet.

  5. You try to talk telepathically to your friends.

  6. You actually think that you have special powers.

  7. You have more merchandise than Funimation's online store.

  8. You go outside at night and stare at the moon hoping to transform..

  9. You tell your enemy your power level is over 5,000,000,000 to avoid being beat up.

  10. You legally change your name to Goku, Gohan, Trunks, Vegeta, Piccolo, Bulma, ChiChi, Ect.

  11. You try to grow Senzu Beans in your backyard.

  12. You try to blow up your school with your Final Flash, Big Bang Attack, or Sprit Bomb.

  13. You take a lighter and try to make mini fireballs that you claim came out your hands.

  14. You wear your Dragonball Z boxer shorts/underwear everyday.

  15. In the middle of a fight you tell the other person that you're going to send them to the next dimension.

  16. You wrap a towl around your head and try to act like piccolo.

  17. You try to fuse with one of your friends.

  18. You walk around looking for Dragon Balls

  19. You know everything about Dragon Ball -- Dragon Ball GT.

  20. You own evey Dragon Ball Z/GT game ever made.

  21. You name your cat Puar and you assume you are Yamcha.

  22. You keep your cat hanging on your shoulder at all times and you label yourself as Dr. Briefs.

  23. You draw a big " M " on your forehead.

  24. You let someone beat you up so you can become stronger.

  25. You chase insects with a large mallet.

  26. You have a monkey named Bubbles.

  27. You wear nothing but orange shirts with orange pants.

  28. You can speak Namekian.

  29. You walk around randomly posing like the Ginyu Force.

  30. You've spent over $1,000 dollars on DBZ merchandise.

  31. You wonder why your capsules don't make aircars.

  32. You go to the beach every day so you can get a tan and look like Mr. Popo.

  33. You make your own Capsule Corp. T-shirt.

  34. You actually laugh at King Kai's jokes.

  35. You cry when you miss an episode.

  36. You spend half of the day trying to fly.

  37. You think Vegeta is your best friend.

  38. You go outside and yell " Nimbus!!!!! "

  39. You tell people you where from another Planet and you where send as a child.

  40. You sing "Rock The Dragon" as you walk or ride to school or work.

  41. You tell the teacher that the priciple's power level is lower than yours after he/she sends you to their office

  42. You try to use attacks like Kame Hame Ha, Big Bang, or Special Beam Cannon on your enemy.

  43. You tried to make your own Saiyan Armor.

  44. You tried to create Dragon Balls.

  45. You tried to make your own Dragon Ball Rader.

  46. You tried to make your own Scouter.

  47. You've done half the stuff on this list.

  48. You think Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Piccolo, Krillen, Bulma, ChiChi, Ect are real people.

  49. You think your grandfather resembles Master Roshi.

  50. You tend to get those Bulma mood swings alot.

  51. You tell your enemy that you can transform like Frieza.

  52. You buy seven bowling balls, paint them orange and try to make a wish.

  53. You watch the Japanese episodes and understand what's going on .

  54. You can recite the Japanese episodes word for word even though you don't know Japanese.

  55. When you talk in your sleep, you mention how Goku is stronger than you.

  56. You think you can teleport by putting your first two fingers on your forehead and concentrating on someone's ki.

  57. In science class, whenever your teacher mentions the word cell you scream out in terror "Cell is coming!? Cell is Coming!!! Run for your lives!!"

  58. In school you stand up and demand to know why you must go through the torture of school when Goku didn't.

  59. You can name all 450+ characters in alphabetical order from memory (or 200+ attacks).

  60. You have a problem and you say to yourself, "I wonder what Goku would do?"

  61. You watch the battle vs. Nappa and cry everytime when Piccolo dies.

  62. When You heard Android 16 Say Goku's Steet Address "..439 East District..." You tried to visit him.

  63. You try the fusion dance with your mirror reflection.

  64. You tell your mom the you don't have time to study cause you have to train to save the world.

  65. You tell everyone that you came from another time, and you warn everyone that androids are coming.

  66. You tell everyone you pulled out the Zed sword.

  67. You ask the supermarket for Senzu Beans.

  68. You try to power up, but instead look stupid and constipated.

  69. You try to tape rope to your butt to make a tail and become a giant monkey.

  70. You try to fly but end up falling on your face and getting laughed at.

  71. You tell old fat guys to put there hand on your head to unleash your hidden power.

  72. You once tried so hard to turn super saiyan the blood rushed to your head and you started hallucinating and you thought you were seeing your own ki then you pass out.

  73. You have a crush on a character.

  74. You name your son or daughter socks, boxer, slip, or some other undergarment name hoping that they will become great fighters due to their stupid names.

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