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Things You'll Never Hear On DBZ | Too Much DBZ | Funny Pics | Funny Multimedia

Goku: *screams like a lil girl* Vegeta don't hurt me!

Gohan: Screw you dad, fuck Screw you all.

Kami: Mr. Popo, Yo' family's so dark, when they hold hands, they look like a black stretch limo!

Goku: Uhh, i am sick of food!

Vegeta: I Love You Goku!

Chaotzu: Tien, Can't you close that eye or something? It's really creeping me out. O.o

Goku: Fighting and Training sucks, lets go play golf.

Vegeta: Who are you callin Sissy *starts to fight* ahh i broke a nail

Vegeta: Trunks lets do some male bonding, lets go fishing you get the worms
Trunks: Eeewwww! Worms are gross!

Goku: Rrrrrrowwww!, Catfight! Hisssss, Hissss, Scratch, Scratch.

Piccolo: I am gonna ask Bulma out on a date.

Master Roshi: ewwww get that playboy mag away from me sicko!

Master Roshi: i ran out of Viagra!!

Piccolo: I think i ate too much sugar *runs around all hyper*

Goten: Go away Trunks! you suck i hate you!
Trunks: Screw you Goten, you fagget!

Vegeta: I need to watch my girlish figure *giggles*

Dende: Muhaha! soon i will take over the world and no one will stop me, all will bow down before me

Bra: I think my mom was drunk when she gave me this name....

Vegeta: *slaps Goku like a fag* Your mean!

Shenron: No, you can't have immortality! Can't you guys think of anything original.

Vegeta: HA HA HA HA! King Kai your jokes rule!

ChiChi: Gohan get out of your room from under your bed and save the world you wussy.

Bulma: I think Frieza is sexy.

Goku: hey Gohan, lets go take over the world.

Raditz: I love you little brother!

Capt. Ginyu: Posing is gay!

Nappa: E=Mc˛

Vegeta: Kakarot! Kakarot! Hes our man if he can't do it no one can! YAY KAKAROT!

Gohan: Let your powers combined, EARTH!!!
Piccolo: FIRE!!!
Krillin: WIND!!!
Trunks: WATER!!!
Vegeta: HEART!!!!
Goku: By your powers combined I am Super Saiyan!

Majin Buu: i gotta cut down on those candy bars.

Krillin: uh no thanks, Senzu Beans give me gas.

Piccolo: Gohan, you little Prick!

SSJ4 Goku: This sucks, i have fleas!

SSJ4 Goku: *grabs a banana and swings on a tree*

Oolong: mmmmm Ham,


Dr. Gero: ahh, mah BACK! MAH BACK!

Android 16: Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah ECT.............

Android 17: Geez You talk WAY!!!! too much 16.

Android 16: i got to go potty!!

Android 16: I'm hyper!!! weeee *runs around giggling*

Gohan: I don't feel like saving the world right now cuz I'm in the middle of a video game.

Vegeta: Come on Piccolo! Turn that frown upside-down!

Nappa: Look at me! I'm a Super Saiyan! Wait, no I'm not! Yes I am! I can't tell!!

Piccolo: The reason Nameks reproduce asexually is because all of the woman were always whining and bitching about how there were no malls so we shot them into space.

Piccolo: Because of the way I feel, I should be blue, not green.

Vegeta: You go girlfriend!

Vegeta: So, do you like my styling new hairdue?

Goku: Gohan! Stop the whining and kick some Fucking ass!

Goku or Nappa: The Quadratic Equation states that the opposite of b plus or minus the square root of b minus 4 times a times c.....

Goku: Are you just using me for my body, ChiChi?

Gohan: Yesterday I smoked pot.

Vegeta: You know what they say about guys with big foreheads...

Kami: Actually, I never really liked that 'Goku' character from day one.

Vegeta: Wow, with life perspective, this whole 'saiya-jin pride' mumbo-jumbo seems totally pointless.

Vegeta: To make up for all I've done, I'm going to become a charity worker for children's aid.

Vegeta: I really ought to see a barber.

Vegeta: Oh sure, I may act macho, but *sob* deep down, I'm really sensitive, and I'm hurting.

Brolly: Maybe I should lay off the Weight Gainer's 2000 formula..

Brolly: You know what would be really cool? Imagine what I would look like with red contact lenses!

Krillin: All my life I've been in Goku's shadow. This is going to end here and now!

Krillin: Wow, I never noticed it before, but my head bears an incredibly strong resemblance to a bowling ball!

Master Roshi: No, it's OK Bulma. Put your bra back on and let's talk this through.

Bulma: Alright Roshi, you, me, and the bathroom. Let's go!

Bulma: Computer? What the hell is that?

Piccolo: For Halloween, I'm going to dress up as myself.

Piccolo: Sometimes I worry about being emotionally unstable.

Piccolo: Cowardice really turns me on.

Piccolo: My therapist says I need a vacation. I'm thinking about Hawaii.

Dende: I feel like doing something really evil.

Cell: Fighting sucks. Let's go to the movies.

Cell: Goku, I swear! You are the living image of my ex!

Cell: You know, I'm beginning to think that green really isn't my color.

Buu: I wish I were an Oscar Meyer weiner! That is what I'd really like to be...

Buu: Just more of me to go around. Just more of me to go around.

Nappa: Am I cute or what?

Nappa: If only I had joined the Hair Club For Men, I could have kept that dashingly handsome look that I had in my earlier days. Start before it's too late!

Raditz: My secret? Well let's just say that every serious fighter starts their day with Cheerios.

Raditz: It takes a special kind of shampoo to keep my shoulders free of dandruff.

Capt. Ginyu: Alright Goku! We'll start on 3. Remember, let's keep this fight fair and square.

Capt. Ginyu: At first I thought that these horns would prevent me from ever landing a model career, but after I got my headshots at "Andy's Headshots" things rapidly picked up pace!

King Kai: Do I really sound like that?

King Kai: I've been thinking it over, and well, my jokes really aren't cutting it anymore.

King Kai: Did any of you see Seinfeld last night? Now THAT was funny!

King Kai: I'm a fat half-catfish-half-man with a bad sense of humor and ugly sunglasses.

Goku: ChiChi, I've had enough with this 'my-son-has-to-study-every-damn-day' bullshit.

Oolong: I'm happy cus i'm full of ham, I'm happy cus i'm full of ham, I am I am I am I am....

ChiChi: Gohan, If i catch u studying one more time....

Gohan: Im sorry could we cut...i dont think im getting the feeling through when i yell masenko, let me try again...

Dende: *overexcited* I got the new *Nsync CD did u guys wanna come over and listen to it with me??? Isnt Justin soooooo hot???

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