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                      MOON SIGNS
You are a fighter and need to stir things up especially when the pond is still. Your 
mother was likely strong and valued your independence. You don't like weakness 
in anyone in fact; you admire strength because it is what you seek. You wear a 
"don't fence me in" sign and will push the boundaries of any rule. You 
fear being locked up and not allowed to express yourself fully and may keep 
yourself active as a result. Exercise is important to help mitigate anger. You 
express all emotions with a feisty intensity and are as quick to love as you are 
to hate and simultaneously quick to forgive and forget. Nurturing is not one of 
your strong points unless you are saving someone from the bad guys. Get your 
needs met by going after what you want but remember to respect that not everyone 
needs to fight or wants a challenge! 


 You need comfort and emotional security. You want to know that what you have is 
going to be there when you need it. You often have insatiable desires and find 
safety in good food and other body comforts. You can hang on to feelings for a 
long time and often stay in situations that are not good for you because you 
don't like change. It's important for you to tune into your body for answers, 
which is why massages, hot baths and exercise will help keep your body strong. 
You love things and may have to consciously let go of clutter that you feel has 
meaning when in reality it may just be an excuse to not move forward. Sensuality 
is a must and sensual activities include gardening, singing, and warm, long hugs 
in front of the fireplace. 

GEMINI Son Derek 

You are a talker and need communication in your life to feel connected to the people 
around you. You desire understanding and you give it readily because you listen 
and translate with ease. Books, writing, and the telephone are your friends not 
mention the vast numbers of people you have in your life. You seek relatedness 
through an exchange of ideas. Your mother was active and likely verbal with you. 
You are prone to mood swings and may need to sever associations for a short 
period of time just to experience your own feelings. Within no time you'll be 
back armed with an arsenal of things to share. Love quickly turns to friendship 
and you are known for staying in contact with your ex-lovers. Emotions translate 
into thoughts giving you the exceptional ability to express what you are feeling 
in a clear, articulate way. 


You are connected to your mother for better or worse and, to those around you, are a 
mother at heart. This is a care-giving moon and one that is extremely emotional 
as you tune into the ebb and flow of the transiting moon. You care deeply about 
those you love and find the wound that needs to be healed within them. Deep down 
you want the same care that you administer and seek someone who can give it to 
you. You are imaginative and dreamy and can easily have your feelings hurt 
without even knowing why. Start to practice giving to yourself the care you give 
others, it sounds easy but just try it on a daily basis, not just when you are 
hurt. You have to practice letting go of what you perceive as your security, 
which is often another person. You can be stubborn in your beliefs about what is 
best for someone. 


 Your heart is generous and giving but you did not get 
the encouragement from your father that you needed and consequently do not give 
it to yourself. You have a grand sense of the world and are driven by strong 
desires of family and children. You want a family  of your own so that 
you can garnish the attention that you so deeply want and can become irritable 
and pouty when you don't get it. Events in your life are often embellished so 
that you can enjoy the drama even more. Recognize your inner radiance before 
seeking it outside of yourself and you'll find you are received with open arms . 
You provide yourself with a way to give yourself the acknowledgement you so desire 
from the outside world. 


 Virgo moon individual craves solitude and comes in with an inherent desire to 
acquire perfection. You are the most self-critical of all the signs and when you 
aren't critical of what's on the inside you turn your eye on the flaws around 
you. This is a care giving moon and you will do what ever it takes to provide 
others with what they need. All you want in return is solitude, a place that you 
can retreat where no one can soil your world. If you have a Virgo moon respect 
your need to be alone because if you get the time you need you will be more 
generous than most to those that you love. This moon is also prone to 
hypochondria, which is an indication that you are overextending your self and 
won't stop long enough to pull within. You crave analysis of almost everything 
feeling that you can't take your mind off of something until you have the 
answer. This can lead to constant worry. Practice putting your mind to rest and 
coming back to a problem later, this could well be your biggest challenge.

Libra moon seeks harmony and relationship more than any other sign.This 
person actively goes after what they consider beautiful but doesn't often know 
what to do when they get their prize. The Libra moon hates conflict and intense 
emotion and will do whatever they can to avoid these matters as best they can. 
They have a fear of being fenced in and will distract themselves 
with parties and social gatherings whenever possible. The Libra Moon wants 
things to look "nice" and will hide their perceived shortcomings to 
present a pretty picture. If you have a Libra moon recognize the importance you 
place on appearance and work to understand that one of your greatest gifts is to 
pull beauty out of the ugliest of places. Honor your need to have time alone and 
recognize the beauty within you on a regular basis.


This moon goes out of its way to find passion and to uncover the mysteries around 
them. Deep, brooding and often driven sexually; people with this moon need 
intensity to feel connected and alive. The Scorpio Moon is naturally untrusting 
and can verge on paranoia but by the same token is often keen with a bull's eye 
of perception when it comes to reading you. This moon never forgets a hurt and 
must learn to remember that the majority of people around them don't think as 
deeply and therefore have not calculated to hurt them. The most important thing 
to remember is that if you are angry you have been hurt and it's very important 
to deal with the hurt first by forgiving the perpetrator. It's a tough lesson 
but it will lesson the guilt that comes from expressing the anger first!


This is another moon that fears entrapment and often escapes in flights of fantasy. 
The need of this moon is to experience the true spirituality of life . They have a restless 
spirit that love to travel and proselytize the wonders of the world but fear 
they will never get their chance because they are mortal. As a result, they tend 
to create circumstances that hold them back in the form of a bad job 
or a bad spouse. It's important for the Sagittarius moon people to 
find the wonder of what is in front of them rather than to believe it is in some 
far off corner of the world. You love being in love and tire of it quickly which 
makes you want to seek new love as a steady diet. Try to recognize this urge as 
something more spiritual and you'll find yourself being satisfied for much 
longer periods of time. 

Moon in Capricorn individual needs a purpose. It can be any purpose but it must 
be one that has a beginning and an end result that is tangible if it is to be 
rewarding. These people come into the world as little adults often facing 
adverse and difficult circumstances that require them to be stoic and strong. 
The Capricorn moon needs to acquire something, be it power, land, a family, 
anything that they can claim credit for based on their hard work and 
determination. They are providers with a capital P and should try to 
realize that who they are is NOT based on what they accomplish, though this is 
likely to be their driving force. You love to provide for those you care about 
and often feel that it is important for you to hide your feelings so they do not 
burden others. Practice expressing yourself and your feelings and you will find 
you don't need to build a wall around yourself; it makes for a lighter journey! 


This position give you origiality,inventiveness. Humanistic ideals. 
It is hard for you to show your emotions in personal relationships. You seek 
brotherhood and justice.the Moon in Aquarius, you are unconventional, humorous, 
gregarious, high-spirited and humanitarian. A love of cooperation draws you to 
group activities or projects in which a common goal is sought . In relationships
you seek a person who is somewhat unusual. You look for a companion who can share many  interests with you.
In business you need a stable partner who can make good practical use of your
creative imagination and keep you grounded 
Friendship and freedom are very important to you. 


This moon is the most in need of boundaries because it is most likely to merge. 
Pisces moon individual is closely related to the mother, they feel her pain as 
well as joys. They are sensitive and compassionate almost to a fault and find 
something to love in almost anyone. The Pisces moon native has a greater 
tendency towards substance abuse than any other moon and often needs to feel 
closely connected to another. They must feel that there is more to life than the 
day-to-day rut and can fancy the unusual or mystical to aid them in their escape 
from the world's harsh realities. This moon type is likely to be in a field that 
involves helping others and is more likely than most to take on the interests of 
their partner. It is important for this moon type to take some time alone and 
release the accumulations of the day just so they can feel what is really going 
on with them. 

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