Emma Bolin

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Albany, Ohio

Jan. 31, 1940
Emma(Ella) Bolin-  Mrs. Emma Brooks Bolin, age 68, died this morning at her home five miles west of here.  Funeral services will be conducted Friday afternoon at the Albany Baptist church and burial will be in Cross Roads Cemetery.
She is survived by her husband Vinton Bolin, and four sisters, Mrs. Lizzie Robinett, Mrs. Flora Ennis, Mrs. Mary Brooks and Miss Mary Bolin all of Albany.

Ella Bolin  Feb. 1, 1940
Albany-  Mrs. Ella Brooks Bolin age 68, died Wednesday morning at their home five miles west of here.  Funeral services will be conducted Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Albany Baptist Church and burial will be in Cross Roads Cemetery.
She is survived by her husband Vinton Bolin, and four sisters, Mrs. Bent Robinett, Mrs. Will Ennis, Mrs. Richard Bolin, and Miss Margaret Brooks all of Albany.

Provided by Sandy Quinn


Updated: June 12, 1999
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