David Hasselhoff Answering Questions
David Hasselhoff loves answering questions from his loyal fans.  The questions you see here have been submitted through this website, so even YOU can ask David Hasselhoff a question.
(New replies are in bold on the bottom.)
My middle name is Meriwether.

Neither.  I prefer boxer-briefs.

I don't need to brush my teeth; therefore, I don't need toothpaste.  My teeth stay clean because I tell them to stay clean.  Besides, I invented suger.  And dentists.

They all wanted me, but I had to decline because they were not hot enough for THE David Hasselhoff.  Actually, the show got cancelled because I threw all of those broads off a cliff. AT the same time.

Are YOU David Hasselhoff?  Have YOU had major success in television, movies, and music, unparalleled by anyone in history?  Do YOU have legions of fans throughout the world?  Are YOU the inventor of playing the air guitar?  Need I say more?

Simple.  My ideal woman is made of solid gold.  Plus, my ideal woman's favorite actor, as well as favorite musician, is me.  But that last one is easy because that describes every person on the planet.

Are you made of solid gold?  Didn't think so.


I invented waxing.  But no, I don't wax. 

Well, I'll have to say Jesus, only because he learned everything from me, like being nice and stuff.  I've never met Buddha.  I don't even know what that is.  I bet I throw better parties than that Buddha thing.

Our relationship is much like my relationship with Jesus.  I taught him everything he knows about being cool.

Nothing.  How can Scott Baio make a comeback when HE CAN'T EVEN READ!?!?!  

Neither.  I sing
The Hasselhoff Republic's national anthem, which is "Rock You Like a Hurricane" by Scorpions.

Doctor Phil is a douche packet.

That is a preposterous question!  I HATE that movie!  Roger Rabbit can go to Hell.   
Yes.  Women can't help but be fascinated with me.  When a woman lays her eyes on me for the first time, she'll never get it out of her mind.

To consider myself only "hung" would insult my enormous package.  A more accurate word would be "dragging".

Babies are made when David Hasselhoff comes within 40 yards of any chick.  David Hasselhoff is so masculine that sperm radiates from his body.

I invented Code Red.  I did so because I needed a badass beverage to drink that is worthy of being consumed by me.

Well, if this is actually world-renown superstar sensation blues GUITARIST BB King, why would you want to stick a TRUMPET in my ass?  I'm way too smart for that trick.  Nice try......SCOTT BAIO!!!!!

Because David Hasselhoff allows it to happen

Once I had a drinking contest with a whale, and the whale ended up dying of alcohol poisoning.  Immediately following that victory, I drank a keg to celebrate.  Does that answer your question?

I adore kittens.  I actually own 17 kitten breeding facilities throughout the world.

It is now on Yahoo.  If you can't find it, I suggest shitting on yourself.

Well, if I listed all of my inventions, I'd have to invent a way for you to learn how to read.

I have never updated my site.  I hired computer nerds to make this site about me.  If you're wondering why the site doesn't get updated often, it is because I beat up those computer nerds for fun.

Certainly, but I wouldn't want to.  He throws righteous parties.

People normally get off when I step into the same room as them, so there wouldn't be a point.  And plus I'd crush your penis with my thunder-grip.

Who are you asking?  You send the question to me, David Hasselhoff, and I answer myself.  There is no third party.  Now for the question at hand:  Bunnies are cute, and racoons look like turds.  And you are a loser.

Christopher Walken, as you will see in my
Family Reunion Photo Album.

I didn't like vegetables, but then I crossed
Beets, Onions, Okra, Beans, and Squash.  The resulting vegetable is now one of my favorite foods.

There are two reasons why I won't:
     1.  I look so amazingly sexy in football jerseys that everyone who sees me will instantly explode.
     2.  You're an ass-masher.

I had to make up a number for the amount of hair on my chest because numbers don't go that high; I have one sexiplex hairs.  It is WAY past the chest hair/sexiness safety regulations.

Here's the story of why the Berlin Wall was torn down:  I, David Hasselhoff, just finished another kick-ass concert in Germany.  (Those Germans love me.)  To congratulate myself, I decided to buy a new leather jacket.  I walked into the store and there is was, the greatest leather jacket I've ever seen: a light-up leather jacket.  I immediately purchased it and wore it out of the store.  Coincidentally, the store was built right next to the Berlin Wall.  While walking out of the store, a bone-a-licious babe walked by and so I checked out her rump.  While enjoying her beautiful backside, I accidentally walked into the Berlin Wall and ripped my brand new light-up leather jacket.  I was livid; I bashed that stupid wall to pieces with my bare hands.  Then the Germans and I had a killer party on it.  And afterward, I told my leather jacket to fix itself and it did.  So, to answer your question, I felt thirsty for a Killian's.

I don't give a shit because you don't know how to write.

Eight years old.

I wrote the very first Christmas song when I went to visit Baby Jesus.  I had a concert behind the manger.  Thats why everyone came, to see my concert.

If, by a bisexual, you mean a person who bangs chicks two at a time, then yes, I am.

I wholeheartedly support the campaign finance reform movement.  I feel that the big special interest money which influences American politics undermine the integrity of the democratic process.  Eliminating this undue influence would help protect the fairness of elections and ultimately lead to better representation.

Comeback?!  A comeback from what?  In order to have a comeback you had to have previously been popular and/or cool.  Scott Baio was neither.  The most probable comeback he'll make is a comeback from the trunk of my car.

Are you smart enough to use a keyboard?  No.  I laughed when the Dad Lion died.  And besides, I wrote The Lion King.

Nice one, retard.  Let me guess:  This is the same genius from the previous question.  I do not wear underwear, and I've never been in an underwear commercial;  therefore, I cannot give a location of the underwear commerical that never happened.

I feel thirsty, thirsty for some SHUT UP TEA.  And why are you smiling while writing this question?  If it's because you got off while typing my name, don't worry.  It happens to a lot of people.

Because that is one of the dumbest questions I've ever heard, I made John Kerry lose the election.

I invented rice cakes, because one day I was craving a tastey low-fat rice snack.  My favorite rice cake is Quaker Apple Cinnamon.

Original, because I'm old school.

Which was it, through a grape vine or from an evil priest?  Or was it from an evil priest caught in a grape vine?  Something like that did happen, but let me tell you the real story:  I was doing a couple Baywatch babes in one of the yellow beach trucks when I heard the forlorn wails of an injured kitten.  I spotted the kitten a few yards away, its leg caught in a bottle. I pulled the bottle off and saved the kitten's life.  Then I trained it to scratch those babes because I didn't even like them anyway

Either I didn't invent it, or you're too dumb to work it.

Yes, I frequently have sex in my Pontiac Trans Am.

My favorite episodes are when Fonzie jumps over 14 garbage cans on his motorcyle, and when he jumps over a shark tank on water skis.

I love Kemps 1% milk as well as Killian's Irish Red Premium Lager.  And actually, when the picture was taken, I had finished the carton of milk and I had poured beer into it.

The description of what happens is quite simple.  My sperm is made of proteins, just like any other person's.  But the difference lies in the immense energy stored in my testicles.  Because my sperm is produced inside my testicles, the energy changes my sperm into photons, with energy equivalent to that of the mass of the sperm.  These photons have a wavelength of 10E-12 meters, which is the wavelength of gamma radiation.  The sperm photons immediately permiate my scrotum and radiate outward. There is a 40 yard energy field surrounding my testicles, and once they leave it, the energy dwindles and the sperm returns to it's normal state.  But when a human enters the sperm photon cloud, the sperm will loose engery and return to the sperm state once inside the body.  If it happens to a woman, there will be enough sperm surrounding the egg to get her pregnant.

Well, I know you're lying, because Baio doesn't know how to drive.  But... what the hell, I'll do it anyway.

I have no preference.

I do not.  I cheer for Tulane.

I love them.  That is the sexiest question I've ever been asked.

If you are a massive Knight Rider fan, I cannot give you KITT because it's not for fat people.  You just wouldn't fit.  And because you're so massive, the only part I could give you is some kind of fat street vender that falls down and yells something in a weird accent or something.

Why would you want to download it when I'm sure you already have all of my cds?  I understand you want as many copies of my songs as possible, but you should just buy more cds then.
What is your middle name?

Do you prefer boxers or briefs?

What is your favorite toothpaste?

Did you ever poke any of those chicks on Baywatch?

Am I the coolest person in the world?

Who is your ideal woman?

Will you have sex with me?  I want to have little David Hasselhoff babies.  I'll even name them David Hasselhoff, including the girls.  What do you say?

Are you homosexual, David?

Do you wax?

Who is better: Jesus or Buddha?  Explain.

How close are you with Uncle Jesse?

I heard Scott Baio is planning a comeback.  What do you intend to do about it?

Your mother is Celine Dion, and your father is Charles Grodin.  So do you sing "Oh Canada" or "The Star Spangled Banner"?

David, what do you think of Doctor Phil?

Who is your favorite charactor on the movie "Who Framed Roger Rabbit"?

Are you a charmer?

Would you consider yourself "hung"?

How are babies made?

Do you drink Code Red Mountain Dew?

My name is BB King.  I was wondering if you would let me jam a trumpet in your ass.  Maybe........PLEASE?


Could you outdrink ANYONE?

Do you like kittens?

Why isn't this site on any search engines?

Could you name some of the many things you've invented for mankind?

David, why don't you update your site anymore?

Could you kick Jean-Claud Vane Damme's ass?

David Hasselhoff, will you jack me off?

Does David Hasselhoff like bunnies or racoons better?

Who is your grandfather?

What is your favorite vegetable?

I was wondering if you'd like to come and play football for us next year.

How many chest hairs do you actually have?

How did it feel to wear the light up leather jacket that you wore while singing when the Berlin Wall came down?

i dont think your cool, what do u think about that?

how old are u now david hasselhoff?

What is your favorite Christmas song?

Are you a bisexual?

What are your thoughts on campaign finance reform?

I heard Scott Baio is planning a comeback.  What do you, Mr. Hasselhoff, intend to do about this?

did you evr cry when you saw th first lionking movie

where you ever in anunderwear commercial

How do you feel about david-hasselhoff.com?  :-)

I feel that John Kerry should probably win the election in the fall.  As a German citizen, what do you think?

David, what is your favorite kind of rice patty?

Do you prefer original, pizza, or taco lunchables?

David, I heard through the grape vine from a evil priest that during the frist taping of baywatch, during a "beach jogging" scene you spotted a small cat and took off towards it after you pulled down your shorts and started furously masturbating and performing impaling hip thrusts to kill it.  Is there any truth to this?

why is the fucker not working?

Are you transexual?  If you are, explain?

what is your favorite episode of happy days?

In the first picture on the family photo album page, why are you holding a kemps milk carton instead of a righteous Killians?

On your answering questions page you said that babies were born from you coming withing 40 yards of any chick.  I was just curious for the chemical description of the process from a physicists statndpoint?  You also said that sperm radiates from your body, how so?

Scott Baio ran over my pet, will you please kill him for me?

do you like blondes or brunettes better?

Do you cheer for the Notre Dame fighting irish?

David, how do you feel about flying boats with all-leather interiors?

can you give me KITT or a replica of KITT as i am a massive Knight rider fan and can i have a part in the new knight rider movie Please Brad T

where can i download your song "current of love"?, please email me back at [omitted]
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