Welcome to the DPDUFC
Way back in 2000 the Deep Purple Down Under Fan Club ( DPDUFC ) was founded by Sue Flavel. It was conceived as a way for Deep Purple fans from Australia and around the world to be able to communicate and exchange ideas and chat about our favorite band. Time has marched on and the website itself is no more, but many of the original participants still communicate regularly via the Guestbook. Through this powerful medium many friendships have been formed with like-minded music fans from Australia, England, USA, Germany, New Zealand and other countries as well. What follows on these pages is a low key introduction to the many personalities and characters who we have all grown fond of during the last 5 years. Simply click on the persons name or picture below to be introduced. ROCK AND ROLL!!!!!!
Tim Dash Linda Willcox
Colin Hadden
Pat Maguire
Tom Bradbury
Michael Harris
Conrad Passas Chris Kiczek
Ted Frost
John Toomey
Mark Besley
Paul Hogan
Dave Ruddick
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