First Post Fuckup Grace Period

First Post Fuckup Grace Period

From: [email protected] (Martin Adamson)
Subject: Re: Morons, cross-posts, and other irritating shit
Date: 18 Jan 1996 09:41:59 GMT
In article , [email protected] says...

>2. The stupidest of all the stupid posts are in the "GET A LIFE" category.
>Some dweeb reads a few posts in a group, doesn't like what s/he sees, and, in
>as stunning a display of ego-centrism* as you'll ever see, DOES EVERYBODY A
>HUGE FAVOR by telling them to "get a life". I request of the ListKeepers[tm]
>that the "first post fuckup grace period" guideline be ignored for anyone
>making such a post, and instead they be Listed[tm] *immediately*. Then they
>can get a life themselves... in The Pits[tm].

I think you are misunderstanding the nature of the "first post fuckup grace period".

Such a grace period is reserved only to those newbie posters who understand and accept the basic tenets of PaveWorld, but are perhaps a little fuzzy about some of the details. Thus, to take a hypothetical example, someone who in their first post who posted a message advocating, say, pink lines in the asphalt creating shapes that would be visible from space, could expect to get a few friendly words of advice, and perhaps a couple of affable **WHACK**s on the 'nads.

On the other hand, anyone whose first post consisted of nothing but virulent anti-Paver abuse, earth destroying propaganda, eco-weenie blatherings or, for example, pretending to be a genuine Paver whilst secretly posting on an heretical group like adte, could be expected to be Listed (TM) straight off and no questions asked.

Hoping this has set your mind to rest

Co-Listkeeper (TM)

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