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Diablo I Variants Quiz Answers

1. What is the highest armor allowed for a Marshall?

C) Field Plate

2. A Lycanthrope is usually played by what class?

A) Warrior

3. What is the key difference between Pirates and Swashbucklers?

B) PIR's can use shields and SWA's can't

4. How many variant 3@30's has Charis done?

A) too many to count

5. Which variant can buy books from Adria?

C) Geezer

6. Which of the following would be an acceptable gift for a DRAG-SNOB?

D) Wizardspike (amulets are too big for Draconians)

7. Write out the full name for each variant tag.
NT --> Newbie Tormentor
ZIP --> Ballista
APM --> Apprentice Mage
ARA --> Animal Rights Activist
CGW --> Crazy Guy/Gal in the Woods
MGKT --> Mage Knight

8. Which item is appropriate for an ARA?

E) Master's Sword of Vigor (killing with blunt weapons is too cruel)

9. Which variant can use Mana Shield?

D) Kamikazi

10. Which of these variants was created by Charis?

B) Deva (yes, this is on his site )

11. Who is the bot operator for [Variants] in channel Clan Variants?

E) Sesso

12. Which of these items may not be used by a Hybrid?

A) Overlord's Helm

13. Which co-oping team is most compatible?

C) A-M and EXO

14. How many jewels can a Patron of Wirt own?

D) 4: two rings, one amulet, and one spare jewel

15. Which of these items would be shunned by a Tycoon?

C) Bronze Ring of Dexterity

16. Valiant Ring Mail of Radiance is found in a 4-player variants game. Which player gets the newly found mail?

D) the Valkyrie
E) the mail lags out before anyone can get it

17. Rearrange the following misspelled variants to form their original names:
N E R F I S C O P E T I T --> Perfectionist
K I N A D O --> Diakon
N O I E R G I E B A --> Aboriginee
S O N I C R N E S U O --> Connoisseur
H O N I C L A M E--> Chamelion
T I N N E B E D I C E--> Benedictine

18. Achery is one of the most devestating means of attack. Pick the variant that is least likely to use a bow.

A) Illusionist (only staves and daggers allowed)

19. What do Barbarians, Illiterates, and Axe Masters have in common?

B) they can't cast spells from memory

20. The goal of an Amazon Heroine is...

B) to defeat the Lord of Terror and save Tristram

- Layil

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