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Diablo I Quiz Answers


1) Which townsperson never sleeps?
Adria, she also never eats or drinks, not even a little ;)

2) How many people live in Tristram?
10: Adria, Wirt, Gillian, Gillian's grandma, Ogden, Ogden's wife Garda, Cain, Griswald, Farnham, and Pepin.

3) Who is Cain's closest friend?

4) Name two townspeople that do NOT activate quests in either Single Player Diablo or Hellfire.
Farnham, Wirt, Gillian's grandma, and Garda (Gillian activates a quest in Hellfire)

5) How many different buildings are there in Tristram?
11: Adria's hut, the Church, Pepin's house, Griswald's shop, Ogden's Tavern, Gillian's place, restarting hut, the hut behind Gillian's, the house by the portal area, and the hut behind Farnham. (answer is 12 if you include entrance to Catacombs as a building)

6) What is the name of Wirt's deceased mother? Bonus: how did she die?
Canace; broken heart


7) At what level will a character's experience be halfway to L50?
46 or 47 are acceptable

8) How much experience is needed to make L30?

9) In the bnet chatroom, what color is the frame of the box around the picture of a rogue who has less than three dots?
white or silver

10) A rogue and a warrior both have the same hit points. Then the warrior puts on Ring of Life +22 and the rogue puts on a Ring of Life +29. Who has the higher hit points now?
warrior (44 vs 43, round down)


11) What is the durability on the warrior's starting buckler? Bonus: how much does it sell for?
10/10; 12

12) Name the two unique broad axes.
Blood Slayer, Stone Cleaver (hehe, I wonder why this one stumped so many people? ;)

13) Name two of the three unique staves that have no spell charges.
Immolater, Staff of Shadows, Store Spire (Staff of Lazarus too if you want to get picky :)

14) On which base item type(s) could I find Hyena's of the Fool? (eg. ring, armor, etc.)
jewels and staves (BNMs should get his one right :)

15) List the attributes of the Ring of Regha. Bonus: how many have I found?
-3 strength, +10 magic, -3 dexterity, +10% resist magic, +10% light; I've found 2 so far :O

16) Which is faster: a warrior with a staff of speed or a rogue with a sword of swiftness?
same speed :)


17) How many hit points does Diablo have on Nightmare difficulty?
4999 (an interesting bit of random trivia IMO)

18) How many different bosses can appear on dlvl 3? Bonus: what are their names?
9; Rotcarnage, Goretongue, Bongo, Gutshank the Quick, Skullfire, Brokenhead Bangshield, El Chupacabras, Warpskull, King Leoric (hehe, I didn't get this bonus right either ;)

19) Name the two tripple immune bosses in Multiplayer Diablo.
Lionskull the Bent, Rustweaver (I'm surprised more people didn't know this..)

20) What type of monster is Viletouch? Bonus: on what dlvl could you find him?
Death Wing; 12

21) In Single Player Diablo, what are Gharbad the Weak's resitsances/immunities, if any?
Immune Lightning, no resistances (most people never find this out since Firebolt is usually the "default" spell for many young mages, that and no one plays Single Player :P )


22) What is the "missing" spell on page 2 of the spell book?

23) What is the maximun duration of a Firewall? (hint: think highest slvl)
a slvl 20 Firewall lasts 2 minutes and 48 seconds (I'll also accept "way too long" or "long enough to make a pot of coffee" :P )

24) How much magic is required for a rogue to cast Guardian from a scroll?
47 for any character :)

25) What clvl must one be before Adria will start selling books of Golem?
18 (found this out with my NTS :)


Each normal question is worth 1 point. You must get the entire part of the question correct to get the point. Each bonus is also worth a point and you must also get the WHOLE thing right. Sorry, no partial credit :)

00-05 pts -- You have never played Diablo before
05-10 pts -- You are still a newbie
10-15 pts -- You are no longer a newbie and have a general knowledge of the inner workings of the game
15-20 pts -- You have very good knowledge of the game
20-25 pts -- You are a Diablo geek ;)
25-30 pts -- You are a Diablo guru :)
35-40 pts -- You are the average person on bnet ;)

And yes the scale is a bit off, so don't worry about being "newbies" since you know you're not!

Hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for responding! :)

- Layil

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