Diane Victor

Vastrap 1 Vastrap 2 Vastrap 3

Vastrap 4


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Vastrap (Long Arm Foxtrot)

Three large dark heads, victims and perpetrators. The drawing deals with the uncomfortable marriage and transfusion between the aggressor and the damaged. Drawn together through the guise of truth at our Truth and Reconciliation Program {TRC}.

The ease/disease with which truth and fact flow and change depends so much on context and audience. The Vastrap is a localised version of the quickstep, as practised in traditional Afrikaner communities, an aggressive almost militaristic dance and one that has come to symbolise a form of ritualised nationalism. Divisions between protagonists have broken down, indictment and accusation blur into confession and complicity. The transmutation of truth. The only constant that remains in the equation is death, its physical traces and the gaps it leaves behind, though this too is under threat to the shifting interpretation of inconsistent memory. The three cleavers, used for the preparation of meat, are presented as exhibits, displaying engravings of musical skeletons and a most delicate pair of dancing shoes.

Diane Victor


Diane Victor

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws