The Year 2001

Darryl and Bob canoe across Lake Swann

January 2001 on Miami Beach (NY Times article on South Beach):
We slept to the sound of the ocean waves beneath our open windows and dined on seafood at cafes in South Beach.
The blue water and sunny beach formed the perfect contrast to the wonderful, snowy New Year's celebration at Fall Creek Falls state park in Tennessee with Starr, Bruce, Pamela, Bob, and other friends. From walks through the wintry woods to the waterfall to poetry and fiction readings in our spacious lakeside cabin, it was a great way to end our vacation. (see the year 2000 for our photos)
We also enjoyed theatre and art in New York . We appeared on the Letterman Show and saw such exciting Broadway plays as Cabaret and Copenhagen. 

In April, after we made a trip to Los Angeles for the ARLIS gathering and a visit to the Getty Museum, we spent halcyon days on Oahu and Maui in  Hawaii.  In May, we attended Spoleto in Charleston. We saw David Sedaris, enjoyed the play "A Servant to Two Masters," and we met up with Pamela and Bob for great meals and fun.

Also In May, we attended the Music Midtown Festival and heard such performers as Bob Dylan and Lucinda Williams. John and Donna celebrated their anniversary and heard the Indigo Girls.
In June, We  enjoyed Tybee Beach with the Killians.

In June, we visited KT in the Big Easy. We dined at Herbsaint, attended theatre nearby ("As Bees Drown in Honey"), went to the Greek Fest near Lake P. and had such delectables as crabmeat martinis at Commander's Palace, poboys at Parasol's, and a champagne b'fast on the porch of the Columns Hotel on St. Charles.

Later in June and July, we had an exhilarating trip to Montana. We stayed in scenic Ensign lodge on Swann Lake and visited Glacier National Park. See a few of our dramatic photos: Summer 2001.

In July and August, we stayed with Starr and Bruce in their lovely Lookout Mountain home above Chattanooga. We attended the festival in Riverside Park and also visited Dar's family in Happy Valley. Bruce prepared culinary delights for us and we had delicious dinners downtown. We saw our new niece, Lita, and brought niece Kimberly for a visit to Atlanta, where she attended summer camp in Piedmont Park.

We attended the fabulous Sade Concert August 27. Read the great review of her show in the New York Times.  

After the horror of Sept. 11,  Darryl made an uplifting trip to New York where he saw Proof with Jennifer Jason Leigh and Strindberg's play Dance of Death, starring Helen Mirren and Ian McKellan. 

Labor Day took us to the Big Easy where we attended the Decadence parades and a few plays (Hedwig) and had the good company of Katie and friends.  We returned Dec. 7-11 to New Orleans for the SACS/SAIS Conference. We dined and partied with KT and heard innovative, exhilarating jazz at Snug Harbor with Carol Mathias.

We had an excellent Thanksgiving with John, Donna, and friends in Savannah. We visited the family, then drove for 3 days of tennis camp at a Hilton Head Resort. The beach, the weather, and the tennis were exhilarating. Over the past few weeks, we visited Chattanooga and Asheville, where we met Starr and Bruce.

We ended 2001 in Spain. (return to the index for photos and details)

Alternate Index with lots of activities from 2001


The main Zone.

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