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shopping with my friends, :)

    Hi, this picture is taken when we, sari and I went together with Laily as well to Palembang Square. It was after we had our Solo Camp. So, don't keep questioning why we looked so dark. hhehe,

    We went to PS by one of public transportation car, Transmusi. We planned to eat meatball together and buy some food and daily needs there. We were in one class in the first grade of senior high school. But now, none of us placed in one class. Actually we have one more friend who didn't join us, Ocha. Ocha and Laily are in one class now, eleven science two, I'm in eleven science one, and Sari in eleven science three. We are all come from science stream.

    Oiia, at the time we met Pak Heri and Kak Olin as well in PS, They were shopping as well. But they went there with different way with us. And we got back to our dormitory by Transmusi as well.

    Something happened when we wanted to get back to our dormitory. We transited in one of Transmusi terminal, we were waiting for the next Transmusi which has direction to our dormitory. But It didn't come untill we felt bored to wait for it. Then I send message to Kak Olin to help us. And then finally he picked us up from the terminal. We give a big thanks to Kak Olin. And we arrived to our dormitory when Maghrib adzan. Lucky us we didn't get angry by the security who kept our school and dormitory. Thanks Allah for the day that You had given to us, :)
