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who are the author's friends ?

    hmm, how to start?. owh, well, I have so many friends actually. You, the one who visit my website, blog, or any social network that I have are also my friends. That's why at the first time I said that I have so many friends.

    Talking about friends, I have my best friends also with me now, who always be with me at any time, happy or sad we always be together. Even when one of us have a problem, we solve it together. They are called as my best friends.

    And talking about best friends. My best friends are Ocha, Sari, Laily, Rizka, Ghina, Rahma, Reza, Fira, Imey. They are the one who always listen to what I am talking, whether I am happy or sad. No matter the condition that spread us up, we will keep in touch at any time. Now on, only Rizka, the one who is act as my classmate. Others are my neighbors classmates or even they are now stay in Aceh. Yeah, we are separated in different classes. Even though we are all science lovers.

    hmm, That 's all about them, the picture that exist there are my friends picture and I when we had a celebration of Lebaran Ied Adha in Palembang 2012. At that time we went to Cheng Ho mosque.

    hmm, friends are not only from the one that we ever met, but friends also the one that we never meet, who always be with us at any time. Do you know what does it mean? It means, you needn't worry because you are also my friends. :)

    If you want to know more about me, just feel free to contact me at any time through my facebook account (Dhara PuspiTha), twitter (@darapuspita2011), netlog(darapuspita2011), or my blog (darapuspitagoblog.wordpress.com). :)

