Dark Eldar - Conversions
Archon on Jetbike
Dark Eldar Conversions
This conversion began shortly after I acquired the Asdrubael Vect kit.  I really liked the look of the Archon Vect and decided to see if I could adapt him to ride a reaver jetbike.  I tried to make the model look more dynamic by tilting the jetbike to make it look as if it was turning.  The results follow.  I am debating whether or not to swap the power sword for a lance of some sort.  Several people have commented that I need to change the Archon's pose so that he is more upright and looking forward.
January 2003 - I have made further modifications to this conversion.  The archon's pose was adjusted so that his head is upright and his gaze looking forward.   The sword was swapped for a punisher that will be used one handed as a sort of lance power weapon.  An extra blade was added to the bottom of the jetbike in the front.       I have started painting the model in Kabal colors.  Let me know what you think: email
January 18, 2003 - I have finished painting the model and detailing its base.  The base now features the body of a dead Space Wolves Blood Claw that was killed by the Archon.  The jetbike now features snares that have snagged part of a Space Wolves marine backpack.  The backpack is distressed from being torn loose.
Photos Section  (click on thumbnail to enlarge it)
Finished Model (18 January 2003)
Miniatures � Games Workshop 2003. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dan Moore
Left side - note snares Right side showing Punisher
Front view
Rear view showing backpack remnant & snares
View of Base without jetbike
Top view showing dead Space Wolf
Original Model
Left side view
Front view - Note the tilt of the jetbike
Right side view
Revised Model - January 2003
The sword was
swapped for a Punisher
Front view - Note forward gaze Left side view - Note large blade on bike
Right side view
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