Dark Eldar - Conversions
Haemonculus on Jetbike
Dark Eldar Conversions
I have often wondered how a haemonculus on a jetbike would perform in battle.  There were some spare bits laying around the workbench so I decided to build this conversion.  I opted to use the haemonculus with the destructor and scissorhand combination.   I cut the figure off at the waist and glued it to the legs and lower torso of a jetbike rider. The figure was posed to be firing his disruptor.  The results follow.
After completing the Archon/Jetbike conversion I was inspired to paint and finish his Haemonculus counterpart.  I decided to detail the jetbikes base and slightly modify the Haemonculus's right arm.  The paint scheme I used for the jetbike was somewhat different from the Archon's jetbike so that they are distinct and different on the battlefield.  I opted for a blue ink wash over the metallic blade edges to give the whole bike a darker more sinister feel.  Hopefully, I achieved the  desired effect.
Photos Section  (click on thumbnail to enlarge it)
Miniatures � Games Workshop 2003. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dan Moore
Side View - Unpainted
Front View - Unpainted
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