Indian Rock Video Project


Left Overhang


The Pit


On the left side of The Pit is a sizeable overhang. (See Map 1.) Numerous problems go up this overhang, two of which are classic. The Left Overhang starts right under the center of the overhang. Start up and work left until you can reach up with your right hand to a good edge on the face of the overhang, somewhat left of center. Reach high to the left edge of the overhang and lieback up that edge, moving toward the top center (as shown in the video.) Fortunately, there are really big holds all the way. You just have to get your feet up, and keep your head screwed on tight. A good pile of crashpads or better yet a lot of good spotters is a must.


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Dan Zimmerlin
1568 Euclid Ave.
Berkeley, CA 94708
(510) 848-5675
[email protected]

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