NIghtmare IV cont...
Vampires become an ever increasing threat during the game, for all it takes is for one player to be cursed, and then nobody is safe!
If you are unfortunate enough to be cursed, you will be told to turn to page 8 of The Book of Rules and to follow the instructions for your transformation into a Vampire.
Some Vampires are very weak and can only prey on their victims on gravestones marked X, but others can become extremely powerful. It all depends on the number of BLOOD cards a player has before being turned into a Vampire.

During the game, you might collect FATE cards called BLOOD, which increase the power of Vampires.  These cards are useless if you are NOT a Vampire, but deadly in the hands of one as the more BLOOD the creature has, the stronger it becomes.

There are several ways in which you could be turned into a VAMPIRE:
You could be challenged by The Countess to roll the dice "...and, if you roll a one, you are one of mine."
You could pick up a BLACK ROSE or FATE card that turns you into a Vampire.
You could be preyed upon by one.
You finally collect six keys and make your way to the centre only to pick up the NIGHTMARE card with your greatest fear on it.
If you are turned into a Vampire you must turn to page 8 and follow the instructions.
In the event all players are turned into Vampires, the game is over.
The Tape must be stopped and The Countess declared the winner.

A weak Vampire - one without any BLOOD cards - can only prey upon one player at a time, and can only attack their victim if they land on a stone marked X.
The first sign that you have been singled out by a Vampire is when you are told "You are my prey!"
The Vampire will then wait for you to land on a stone marked X, then scream your number out loud and roll the dice.  If it rolls your number, you too become a Vampire.
However, if you are being preyed upon by a very powerful Vampire, it may be able to attack you on any stone and also thwart any attempt you make to save yourself.

The only way you can protect yourself from a Vampire is through a FATE card providing you with sanctuary or a BLACK ROSE card.
Some cards simply ward off one attack and must be returned to the back of the pack after use, while others can protect you throughout the game and even destroy a Vampire.
If a Vampire is destroyed, it is out of the game completely.  It must return all its BLOOD cards to the back of the pack and be content to just watch the proceedings.
Be extremely careful when destroying a Vampire, as if you come up against a very powerful one, it could end the game!
Some important points to try and remember:
*Whenever The Blood Countess requests you to "Indulge Me!", you must immediately reply "Forever! My Lady!" or be penalized.
*Before play starts, establish who the youngest and oldest players are.
*Whenever The Countess appears, play must stop immediately, and you should only speak in her presence if you are spoken to directly.
*Read every card through thoroughly.
*If you are given an instruction or task, obey without question and listen carefully to everything The Countess says.
*Keep this Book of Rules close by, as players will be asked to refer to it at various stages throughout the game.
*Ensure everybody understands the rules of the game before PLAY, as you cannot pause or rewind the tape once the game begins.
*Finally.  Take some time to create the perfect setting.  NIGHTMARE always delivers the most frightening fun when played loud with the lights low.

Some hints on creating the best Atmosfear

1) Try and light only the table the game is being played on.  Position players in a semi-circle facing the TV screen, ensuring all have the best view.

2) If you have a stereo system linked to your VCR, adjust the levels to achieve the highest level of sound without distortion.  The louder you play the game, the greater the shock value.

3) The game is always best played after DARK!

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