The Romanian Royal Army

The Engineers Regiments.

Reg. 1 Geniu (formed 1.4.1882 in Bucuresti from Batalioane 1 & 2 Geniu (Decret 960 / 8.4.1882); reorganized 1.4.1884 on 4 battalions* (Decret 1070 / 27.3.1884); 1.2.1887 reorganized** (Decret 15 / 8.1.1887); 6.2.1906 reorganized as Batalionul Căi Ferate si Telegrafie, +; 1.4.1908 disbanded*** )

4.882-4.08 Corp 1 Armată Bucuresti

*Batalioane 1-4 Geniu.
**with Batalion CF and Batalioane 1&2 Mixte.

Reg. 2 Geniu (formed 1.2.1887 in Focsani* (Decret 15 / 8.1.1887); 1.4.1908 disbanded**)

2.887-4.08 Focsani

*with 1 Batalion Pontonieri and Batalioane 3 & 4 Mixte.
** forming Batalioane 1-4 Pionieri, Batalion 1 Pionieri Cetate and communication troops.

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