The Romanian Royal Army

The Railways Regiments.

Reg. 1 Căi Ferate (formed 1.4.1915; *)

6.41   Focsani

*1941 with Bat. 1 Expl. CF (Cp. 1-3 CF), Bat. 2 Expl. CF (Cp. 4-6 CF), Bat. 3 Constructii CF (Cp. 7-9 Constructii CF), Bat. 4 CF Inguste & Poduri (Cp. 10, 11, 13 Poduri, Cp. 14 CF Inguste).
**1.7.1942 reorganized with Bat. 1 Expl. CF (Cp. 1-4 CF), Bat. 2 Constructii CF (Cp. 5-10), Bat. 3 Poduri CF (Cp. 11-12).
***15.11.1943 reorganized with Bat. 1 Expl. (Cp. 1-4), Bat. 2-3 Constructii (x 3-6 Cp.), Bat. 4 Poduri (x 2-3 Cp.).

Reg. 2 Căi Ferate (formed 1.12.1919*)

6.41   Chitila

*1941 with Bat. 3 Expl. CF (Cp. 1-3 CF), Bat. 4 Expl. CF (Cp. 4-6 CF), Bat. 3 Constructii CF (Cp. 7-9 Constr.CF), Bat. 4 Constructii CF (newly established, with Cp. 10-12 Constr.CF, transformed 1.7.1942 in Reg. 3 CF), Bat. 2 CF Inguste (Cp. 13, 15 CF Inguste), Bat. 2 Poduri CF (Cp. 21, 22 Poduri CF).
**1.7.1942 reorganized with Bat. 1 Expl. CF (Cp. 1-4 CF), Bat. 2 Constructii CF (Cp. 5-10), Bat. 3 Poduri CF (Cp. 11-12).
***15.11.1943 reorganized with Bat. 1 Expl. (Cp. 1-4), Bat. 2-3 Constructii (x 3-6 Cp.), Bat. 4 Poduri (x 2-3 Cp.), Bat. Instructie (Cp. 1-4).

Reg. 3 Căi Ferate (formed 1.7.1942 from Battalion 4 / Reg. 2 CF*)

10.10.44-45 Bg.CF

*with the Cp. 10-12 renumbered as Cp. 5-7: Bat. 1 Expl. CF (Cp. 1-4 CF), Bat. 2 Constructii CF (Cp. 5-10), Bat. 3 Poduri CF (Cp. 11-12).
**15.11.1943 reorganized with Bat. 1 Expl. (Cp. 1-4), Bat. 2-3 Constructii (x 3-6 Cp.), Bat. 4 Poduri (x 2-3 Cp.), Bat. Instructie (Cp. 1-4).

Reg. 4 Căi Ferate (formed 10.1944 from Reg. 4 Pionieri.)


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