GOTO: (Intro) (Life in Space) (Space Launch & Travel) (Stages of Development) (Conclusion)


Who knows what benefits life in space might bring to the human species.

The research and cooperation that is required to make it succeed might solve major problems that plague human life on the planet earth (such as war, poverty and pollution).

But more than this the research might lead to the creation of the next step in evolution as human beings become more in control of the basic processes of life, and thus may become independent of those processes which currently rule the development of life on the planet earth.

Once we have full control of those basic life processes, and are freely roaming the expanses of outer space - then what will we become? Maybe something beyond our imagination can currently fathom, but definitely something far beyond what is predictable knowing only life on the planet earth.

The possibilities are truly endless, and I believe the key is - developing life in space, space travel and space exploration.

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GOTO: (Intro) (Life in Space) (Space Launch & Travel) (Stages of Development) (Conclusion)

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(C) David A. Kirshbaum (2005)

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