The information provided here is timely and biased.
Never treat one internet news page as whole; accept the aggregate, working facts of the original and multiple sources.  (Do your own research.)

Represent yourself.

The only thing we have to fear is being unprepared.

Stock Up!

Food prices are going up, and so is inflation.  I should have been raising the warning since 2008.
Inflation experts put chocolate at $10 an ounce in 2011.  A wheelbarrow of cash for bread in the great depression...

A psychiatrist told me that it’s dangerous to act out fantasies.  Now I’m beginning to see/know what he means..  He financially controls over 30 media sources.  Some countries consider him “an economic war criminal.”
The George Soros Special: Nov 9-11 @ 5 p.m.
Get the transcripts, the biographies and autobiography while you still can.

Speeding up the exposure will speed up the hell in response; leftists need control before they can take off the mask.


Mex. authorities: 18 bodies found in mass graves.
N. Korea warns of all-out war.
European Commission to investigate Google.
Pres. Obama meets w/ Wal-Mart CEO.
New leaks point to vital but volatile relationship w/ Turkey.

All Things Digital: Google has offered $5.3B to acquire GroupOn.
Spiderman on Broadway goes bad: actors going off script, dangling wire effects.
Nintendo reports that they have sold 900K DS units, 600K Wii units last week.
Deadline: USA greenlit Burn Notice prequel.
Playboy mansion on sale after the internet porn industry overtook magazine porn.


Charles Barkley said he is a fat man that can beat Obama at B-ball.  Always left, never right.


Irvin Kershner dies at 87.  The director of the darker of the Star Wars films, The Empire Strikes Back, he also directed 14 other films, including the unofficial James Bond film Never Say Never Again, Empire.


Official world population: 6.9 billion.

S. Korea, U.S. hold joint drills; S. Korea cancels.
Macedonia charged Soros w/ bribing journalists.
U.S. Football: Titans lost to Texans; fight broke out; player pulled helmet off other.
Lithium polymer becomes most powerful battery, used in new Apple devices.

Disorganized: Afghanistan, police training: half do drugs and 4/5 are illiterate.  Holden(?) Callwell: if the govt.’s corrupt, the police is undoubtedly corrupt.

Gabe Watson found guilty, plead guilty in Aus., for the death of wife, manslaughter, not buddy-breathing while under water, thinking he wouldn’t be charged here, in the U.S.  He allegedly took out an insurance policy bef. she died.

Morenci police: man drops off his boys at an address of what he thinks is a woman he met on-line bef. attempting suicide.  He failed, was put in a mental health facility.  Authorities don’t think the woman exists, as they search for the boys.

Al-Qaida launched Operation Hemorrhage

Bleed the U.S. to death with a thousand paper cuts.  Oh, it is happening.
Saudi Arabia has been funding Al-Qaida.

Crisis for diplomacy.  Really?

Eric Holder suddenly cares about the law.
Calls for WikiLeaks to be declared a foreign terrorist org. because they confirm things known by those who have been paying attention; the government has been lying to the public.
Hurts “democratic” activists?  Good.

Content, already known?: U.S. wants to bomb Iran, and most Arab countries agree...the rest have Iran affiliates.  China and Russia have been helping Iran in nuclear tech.  Qaddafi can’t move around w/o his ‘blond nurse,’ because she alone knows the routine.  And Italy’s Berlusconi is one w/ the ladies/parties/escorts.

Hillary Clinton says the leaks are an attack on the world, not just the United States.  Clinton is in them: spy on other diplomats, get their frequent flier and credit card nos.

Anti-American?  Communist Noam Chomsky defends Bradley Manning.  Leaks in CSV format... Manning describes anarchy as, both beautiful and terrifying/horrifying.

Scrubbed: Republic of Kenya, Cry of Blood (by a Soros’-funded group).
Bradley Manning ties to Soros: Code Pink, Movement for a Democratic Society (adult counterpart of SDS).
“How can we stop them?”  They are part of the same movement!  It reminds us of the “top down, bottom up, and inside out” theory that collapsed the Czech govt.  Soros/OSI says that the leaks have affected our delicate relations, negotiations, etc. for Open Society.  In other words, “help us get what we want after provoking nuts into doing things to indirectly get what we want.”
Problem created, again, Step 3: Destabilize the state.
Months ago, OSI said that they’re not taking a position on the WikiLeaks documents, but don’t like the disclosure of civ. names.  Assange started censoring them.

Howard Dean calls for a new Fairness Doctrine to combat the possibility of a “Fox Floozy,” and, to be “fair,” the same with MS-NBC, to achieve a “balance,” as if censorship is balance. Then the govt. can put in “sentient beings.”
Remember that the Admin. was going to stop “checking for cyber-attacks,” right after people found out that Chinese hackers were breaking in?
Then there’s the San Francisco Bay ANSWER Coalition...and one that worked at Monsanto (Soros) now works at the FDA.  Which brings up “Food Safety” again.

DHS/FBI took out fake Prada web site domain names...
They cut off some of the funding of counterfeit goods, but reject the existence of Islamic terrorism.

Socialists coming out, unashamed, as predicted.
A distraction of the obvious info to cover...Farm bill—gather control and power; this time it’s the food supply.  Capitalism must be destroyed.

Pay up, taxpayers, say the unions

UAW wants its bailout money.  The taxpayers can’t sell their stock because of the unions.
“Sell no more of the GM stock,” says the Admin.  UAW, $33.80/share.  The union is free to sell theirs though; it seems like the stock has to reach $103 for you to sell yours.
If the TSA unionizes, the union(s) will make $30 mil./year.

SEIU NY affiliate dropping HC for children come 2011.
SEIU didn’t see collapse in 6 mos.?  They say they wanted single-payer, but now they are forcing their own on or off the “care.”  Oh, the misleaders believe people will turn to them for answers, work for them.

The media call it a cut

Pay freeze for Federal employees, after a freeze for the W.H.—after the pay was increased!
Civ. Federal workers.  Not for the military—have them pay for the new actions of this Administration.
Making it all about competing ideologies—Obama is a bona fide ideologue.

Nigel Ferage(?), on the EU implosion

People in U.K. states saying, Get rid of the flag, put our nation into the dustbin of history.
You are destroying democracy—just who the hell do you think you are?  You are very, very dangerous people, indeed.

Sometimes you feel like a nut...was given airtime by AP

In the subject of global warming’s involvement in the extinction of the Mammoth yesterday, I believe it’s possible to increase the density of herbivores in our territory one hundred times, says Sergy Zimov, who himself keeps a 6-ft.-long yellow-brown tusk of an 18-yr.-old female Mammoth in a corner of his living room.  I say let’s stop the poaching.  Let’s give freedom for animals.


Hollywood has already picked up Brad Thor’s new book, The Athena Project, for a screenplay?  Well, it is a great book of faction.
He agrees with the idea of shutting down the State Department and the Fed—they don’t do any good.
Thor says Broke not only wakes you, it’s written in a way that it sticks in your head.  Beck: “Broke is probably the last pol. book I write because politics is not the answer.”

That’s a nice beaver

Leslie Nielson dies at 84; best known for the Naked Gun movie series, he also starred in Airplane!, and some dramatic roles.  He died today at 84 from complications of pneumonia. Countdown remembers Leslie Nielsen.  Dismissed as lowbrow.  He was one of the few actors, if not the first, to parody themselves.


By 2035, 1/8 of the pop. will be 65!

Tensions bet. Koreas, allies, rise as war games approach.  War games start in Yellow Sea; China wants 6-party emergency meeting, talks.  South Korea ‘accidentally fires shell.’
Sev. protests in S. Korea, in wake of N. Korea’s Tuesday attack.  One sign reads, Go Back! USS George Washington.
N. Korea warns of attack if waters are violated, says civilians were put near artillery to heighten collateral damage, the emotional reaction (wake) is fake or exaggerated, and that the U.S. wanted the attack that killed four S. Koreans.
Citizens of the North are literally in the dark, so why the B.S. display?

Plane crashes into house in Karachi; 12 dead.
Steven Hayes’ defense: jury swayed by emotion; death sentence upheld.
Iraq: 12 men charged of involvement in Christian Church siege.
U.S. troops kill man at Baghdad airport.
Man charged with death in Alabama of bride in Australia.
Police officer shot, wounded in Baltimore.
110 kg of cocaine found in flat near Paris.
Pot possession, 6 oz: musician Willie Nelson busted again.
Muggers target F1 in Bernie foreclosure.

Iran close to producing nuclear energy.
Haiti gears for elections amid reports of violence; new Pres. to be picked.
Guineans allege election fraud.
Egyptian elections: polls opened.
Qantas A380s back in service.
State Dept. to respond to latest WikiLeaks release.
Calm returns to troubled Rio slum.
Black Friday: more shoppers, modest sales.
Fiji TV: teenagers adrift for 50 days, hungry and dehydrated.
Pickup basketball: Pres. Obama elbowed in face, gets 12 stitches.

Sports: N.Z. team give moment of silence for miners.
Some famous football (soccer) players quitting, tired, says one.
Black Eyed Peas scores SuperBowl performance.

Christmas tree bomb plot: Feds arrest Somali-born teen in Portland, OR sting.
Update: 19-yr-old Mohammed Osman Mohammud was caught after 2 years of entrapment, according to judge Andrew Napolitano.  He wanted to blow up the tree lighting ceremony.

Irish bailout details being released; Sweden to help Ireland’s economic woes.
European Union approves $113 billion bailout deal for Ireland

Fears grow new rule for health insurance companies will lead to govt. care.
The Uncertainty Principle: Hundreds of new rules to hit businesses.

Apple cider-vinegar helps not just stomach acid levels, but cholesterol levels as well.

TV, Films

TIMEFrame: A John King Special.
New War Stories w/ Oliver North: border war w/ Mex. cartels.
New E! wedding “reality” show to give away free plastic surgery.
Chandon Pictures (2008 series): Nascent, Apparent, True.  Hydr...
CNN World’s Untold Stories: human trafficking exists on every continent.  Often...it is in plain sight.

Satire Bombshell on The Family Network’s Wicked, over ABC’s confusion of stoning between two religions: Christians can explain their past, the Koran can’t.  (They are forbidden from even drawing a cartoon of the prophet Mohammed.)

The Restless (2006) is pretty good.  A Japanese ancient warrior film, evil ruler trying to acquire the Holy stone.  Love stops him.

Shadow of the Holy Book: business dealings w/ Turkmenistan, one of the biggest producers of oil (Siemens, Caterpillar, Chrysler, Petrobras...), and one of the worst human rights records.  Electrodes placed behind the ears to give electric shocks.
Only the President is allowed to criticize; if you try to criticize today, you’ll be charged with terrorism immediately.


Black Friday: rushing for Christmas presents.

Commodities (4:15 E): Palladium, 863.0; CAD, 1.01*; Gasoline, 2.23*; Euro, 1.3248.

* lost/volatile digits for the minute.

600K worldwide die a day as result of cigarettes.

Source: Swedish Board of Health and Welfare Bloomberg Philanthropies.

FoxNews.com: At least 18 ACORN workers were convicted on elections fraud this year.
Comedian Robert Schimmel died on a weekend (2010.09.03) after a car accident at age 60.

Be the example

Amanda Zych found Glenn Beck’s old (father’s) coat, Beck spends much of the program promoting her, her web site.  Daniel Lapin was on again, with the reminder, “it’s good to own, but don’t let your possessions own you.”  Just as amoral is neither moral nor immoral, amusement arouses muse (to ponder, or consider thoughtfully).


Thanksgiving Day.

Brazil: Drug criminals set vehicles on fire, exchange gunfire with police.
5 Somalis convicted of piracy.
N.Z. PM: miners deaths a ‘tragedy.’
Euro continues to drop; at $1.33; $1.42 earlier this month.
More people buying on-line than ever.
Discovery launch delayed until at least 12.17.
Many treatable cancers diagnosed late.
Obama orders review of U.S. research regulations.

WikiLeaks site under construction, releasing documents at any hour (src: Guardian.co.uk).
“Cable” military term: determining friend from foe.

Obama to have honest discussions.  This is how you can tell that there’s no sincerity—having to explicitly say, “honest.”

Police find biggest stash of explosives they’ve seen, maybe ever, in a CA home; PETN included.

Recognition of Armenian genocide?
Protests over Turkish leader’s scheduled appearance, people tearing down his poster in Lebanon.

Event, TV

Macy’s parade: a Smurf among the balloons, thousands in attendance).
CNN Heroes...unwatchably boring/unnecessary for 2010.

Conan (one of few generic premieres for this holiday).
Jim Parsons (The Big Bang Theory).
Supermodel Marisa Miller: story of Tom Arnold tackling for a football, pulling on her pants, exposing butt-crack.  Putting the ‘super’ in supermodel: Miller learned sword-fighting for a Captain Morgan photo.

FOX NEWS REPORTING: The Right, All Along; The Rise, Fall and Future of Conservatism w/ Brit Hume, three hrs of six episodes, on FNC.  At least it wasn’t full of glossed-over pol. filler as with the Hannity special.


Turducken.  (An actual word for a duck-stuffed chicken inside a turkey.)
I had pumpkin pie made with that Pillsbury crust (made w/ BHA, BHT, and partially hydrogenated lard).
So, I give thanks to God.  No thanks to the toxic pie crust.


America’s Hometown Thanksgiving Celebration.

Cholera death toll in Haiti: 900-1,415.
New Zealand: no hope of survival after 2nd mine explosion.
Blizzard warnings for UT, ID.
Pakistan Pres. urged not to pardon Christian woman.
Big drop in new home sales.
Feds move to ban chemicals used to make fake pot.
Mayors sign global pact to end emissions.

Tom DeLay found guilty of conspiracy, money laundering charges; could spend rest of life behind bars.
Italy: Amanda Knox’s appeals trial starts today.
Ugly Betty actor charged w/ ‘sword murder.’
Randy, Evi Quaid looking for refugee status in Canada to get away from “Star whackers,” or rather, CA court system for felony and vandalism charges.

Oxford scientists: dogs smarter than cats; more sociable, relatable, pack leader-obedient.
Naked German man spotted on Google street view.
Cookie Monster auditions to host SNL.  How many minutes long is it?
New Study “proves” we can see the future.
Air Force One costs ~$181,753/hr. to operate; higher than the prev. $100K estimate.
‘Opt-Out Day’ was kind of a bust—~700 out of 2 mil.

With full diplomatic immunity at U.N., new Sri Lanka representative didn’t kill...as many as some dictators.

A sign of the end times.  (Nightline won’t even mention this.)
Russia is going for the ruble, China for the yuan.

TSA Setup: left are for the new intrusive policy; MS-NBC, anti.
Govt. does not have the right.  Anybody that says it has to be done by now is insane (...progressive).

Bob Saget (for a new show of, camp of “whatever”): “I told her a blow*** joke, or something.”

I found Lennon Naked constipated.


Debt is fraud.  Massive inflation, 40% of countries on Earth...by us.

S. Korea on top alert after one of their islands exchange gunfire with the North.  90-min. of gunfire, footage of smoking damage.
Four S. Koreans killed, at least one marine; North blames the South for the skirmish.
North news agency threatening attacks in “retaliation.”
Japan on high alert; U.S. gearing to team w/ S. Korea to conduct exercises on Sun.

Fake Taliban—didn’t go well.
Iran moves to impeach Ahmadinejad.
Debates on raising debt ceiling loom.
Fmr. Feingold aide fired for soliciting sex w/ minor.
Gay men who took AIDS pills prevented HIV risk by 90%.
WebMD poll finds docs open to dating their patients.

Prices artificially low in catalogs.  Atom Acer/Gateway 10.1" (Win-XP/1GB RAM), $180.
Rare Apple I computer parts bid: $210,644.  Update: sold for $213K.
Facebook taking steps to shut down Lamebook.com.
On sale: album signed by John Lennon for his killer.
FCC looking to allow 911 texting; MMS, streaming video (i.e., for crimes in progress).
Christina Applegate on Conan, is pregnant.

Profit Illusions, Delusions

“Corporate profits hit record highs, leave workers in the dust, consumer confidence low.”
No mention of profit margins, and the dismissal of inflation—the actual value can remain unchanged while the number increases.
But I know—fear can be transmitted through the airways, and people are angry without reason, and so on.

Bill O’Reilly, to Bernie Goldberg: Fox News is the most powerful media agency in the world.  Olbie attacks...well, not the ‘power’ part, but completely different things, w/ far-left beliefs.  They backed a warmonger, tried to put an old one in the White House—with Ms. bendy straws, fired people (where the W.H. has actual control).
The network, such a joke now: banner reads, Touched by An Agent.
They call Palin stupid, but she actually learns.  Progressives only learn how to use people.  They represent ignorance.

Congress-appointed bureaucracy makes much of its own interference

Should I hope that the FCC gets abolished?  They only have one useful function—non-interference.

Encouraging firm reliance on divine providence

Five stages of grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance.
The country is in a state of denial.


The pilgrims came here to be free, worship God without British authority in their way, and to give thanks for their blessings.

Unlike Iran, clean; 2,000 centrifuges in N. Korea, under inspectors’s noses, 1,000 confirmed on the spot.  Robert Gates: it is not a peaceful program.
Hillary Clinton admitted Feb 20, 2009 that the country is unstoppable.

378 die in Cambodia (festival) stampede.  Most were women?  Panic stated as the cause.
Ireland accepts EU bailout (yesterday), ends sovereignty; Portugal and Spain next.
Snowing at the time; Seattle-Tacoma, WA: plane skids off the runway.
AK undecided: election results challenged, go to state court.
Forensics, dental remains possibly Natalie Holloway’s; was 18 when she went missing.
Hacker Moxie Marlinspike detained at border, gadgets “water-boarded” for 5 hrs.

Franchise record: Harry Potter/Deathly Hallows Part I, $125M in its first B.O.
Oprah’s Favorite Things 2010: giant giveaways, paramedics, faintings.
Whoopi Goldberg walks off on The View, goes on the Factor, Tues.
Fig leaf undies: special metal alloy to blank out junk, also not set off metal detectors.

What the heck is that—JPMorgan comes out to say the dollar will become the world’s weakest currency.

Net neutrality, the Fairness Doctrine of the internet, will be pushed before Christmas.  Tired cable/internet companies may help them.

Afghan provinces Helmand/Qandahar: 92% say they have never heard of the attacks of 9/11; it helps the Taliban, propaganda of “new Christian crusades.”

Parallels to breadlines of the Great depression

Food handout line; 3,000 waiting in Washington.
MISLEADER ALERT.  The corrupt are now saying, come, follow me.

Ben Bernanke on 10.15, Soros on 10.07, both said markets are looking at deflation, not inflation.
How does Grandma make ends meet?  She doesn’t.  The cost of living won’t go up because the formula was changed.

Then the progressive govt. figured it out, years ago.  They now calculate inflation without the price of food or energy.  All so the media can say that inflation hasn’t risen, and you’d be sitting there, broke, going, WTF?
There is no such thing as pumping money into the system!  Increasing the count within the circulation devalues, inflates.

When the yellow turns black and white.

State Capitalism is really National Socialism.  Progressives just change the language.
China has been allowing private ownership so long as the owners comply with the govt.
A woman on her wedding day was detained for a mocking re-tweet on Oct 27; only now was she found.
Hitler said, National Socialism can never be defeated.  China can just steal the technology, and jail anyone that gets in their way.

China announces that they will be designing vehicles, technology that runs on Natural Gas; companies here rush toward that goal.

Why are so many people willing to give up rights, for security?

Fmr. TSA official Mo McGowen on new policies: we’re going to have to do it.  And speaker-to-be John Boehner is somehow exempt from it?
Hillary Clinton says that she would not go through w/ the new TSA procedure if she had an option.
Of a case of body search, a man was arrested for not putting his clothes back on.
TSA got rights to unionize 9 days ago.  And now we find out the AFL-CIO is behind the new TSA stuff.  It’s been a setup all along.
Andrew Napolitano was on FNC.

Philadelphia, Baltimore read the Bible in its entirety.  At the State Capital.
First Amendment, establishment clause: Congress shall make no law promoting or denying religion.

Try to discredit first, admit later

Al Gore says ethanol—the corn way—doesn’t work...something fellow “fearmongers” have said three years ago.

Bernie Sanders on TRMS, makes no bones abt. being an “independent” socialist: the Republicans will blow this country up, in the sense of not growing the debt ceiling.  (He thinks govt. “creates jobs.”)

Barbara Bush on Sarah Palin: I think she is very beautiful, and great for Alaska, and I think she should stay there.

It’s a Wonderful Life is a state of mind

The example: Wilmington, OH.
God above all else.  When DHL left, employment cratered.  Now they’re turning around.
Soup kitchens across the country are failing.  Many more examples are out there of communities that aren’t tied to the govt.  (The new project.)
Down-payments, and what has been done by contract, are done by handshake—the way it’s supposed to be done.

NBC acting like he’s a Republican

Obama to OFA: we’ll keep fighting for you, sounding like a politician trying to calm things down.  29 million Obama voters did not vote in 2010.
Not waging war against the CoC doesn’t make him “a conservative”; it makes him sane.
Overton Window: the left (Harold Ickes, Andy Stern, George Soros) are now ditching the President for not changing; we will fight conservatives on our own.  Jim Wallace was a member of SDSThe left are brilliant.  They’re also never happy.  They purged all of the blue dogs, those that disagree w/ them.
File footage on MS-NBC—it looks like a TSA employee is a proctologist...

NYT/Paul Krugman falls into line w/ Soros ’n’ Friends: anybody who continues to back Obama are engaged in an act of self-delusion; he is buying into a conservative story line.


There’s Lennon NYC, and then there’s Lennon Naked (pre-NYC).

MS-NBC is more profitable than ABC, and just under CNBC ($2.6M)...according to Countdown.
False choices, Sacrificial Lamb: prime programming marked for death; once they are sold to Comcast, they’re dead.  We will give up ours if you give up Fox News.
Laurence Korb from Reagan Admin., now at Center For American Progress (Soros) on the program to call GOP anti-Semitic for whatever stance on S.T.A.R.T. arms treaty.


Rpt.: N. Korea says it is enriching uranium at new plant.
AP: claim of a new, highly sophisticated uranium enrichment facility could be a ploy to win concessions in nuclear talks or an attempt to bolster leader Kim Jong Il’s heir.

Methane leaks from Siberian ice raises a tricky climate issue.
Coup attempt ends in Madagascar.
AP: Taliban vows to force NATO out before 2014 pullout.
Obama, Medvedev meet on sidelines in NATO summit.
Palestinian leaders: no more peace talks w/o settlement freezes.
Rights group: Egyptian authorities silencing critics as elections loom.
Ahmadinejad urges girls to marry at 16.
AP: Iran sets Feb trial date for 3 Americans.
Saudi king to seek med. treatment in U.S.
Pope Benedict XVI names new figure, and considers condom use less evil than HIV.
Pope’s praise of Pius dismays holocaust survivors.
Pakistan leader may free condemned Christian woman.
Clinton admits civ. terrorist trials are pol. theater for terrorism-obsessed Americans.
Top Bush aide calls for A.G. Holder’s resignation.
Heroic marine attacked at welcome home party.

Park ranger shot, now in critical condition; search for shooter on foot continues.
CO police discover bizarre Columbine twist in twin suicide pact.
FL jury acquits ex-baseball player on charges of vehicular manslaughter.
Charged w/ giving breast exams in bars, fake doc used to be a man.
Major family group cancels Christmas boycott of Dick’s Sporting Goods.
Roger Ailes apologizes for comparing NPR to Nazis.
NY Judge orders Gawker to pull Palin book pages.
Palin’s publisher files suit over leaked excerpts.
Newly elected FL Gov. under fire for Playboy connections.
MI city begs tax-exempt orgs. for donations to cover debt.

Foreclosure nightmare: uninhabited homes used for crime.
FDA requesting to pull Darvon fm. the market.
1/3 of those over 65 suffer a fall; serious injuries and fatalities.
2-3 drinks after bypass surgery may help, not hurt.

Experts announce a startlingly imminent year for when they think wild tigers will disappear.
Blogger picks team of current NFL players who are all having a season to forget.
Taggers: Deer bigger, more plentiful this yr.—Sun Journal.

Steven Spielberg chooses reclusive Oscar winner Daniel Day-Lewis to star in a film 10 yrs. in the making—Spielberg’s Abraham Lincoln.

AP: TSA has met the enemy...and they are us.

Airport security crackdown: TSA warns jail, $11K fines for non-compliance.
Pat-down leaves bladder cancer patient crying, soaked in urine; colostomy bag broke.
TSA forced cancer-surviving flight attendant to remove prosthetic breast.
Woman claims TSA agent reached up her skirt, violently frisked her.
Like “being raped”: elderly woman describes TSA pat-down in St. Louis.
Man charged w/ battery after punching TSA agent.

The Rich Get...

Warren Buffett attacks “Trickle Down“, calls for higher taxes on the U.S. wealthy.  “We have it better than we’ve ever had it.”

TV, Magazine

One of the new SNL players did a very good impression of Jay Z.
Most (all?) of the cable channels here are mysteriously coming in.
Sundance is rerunning their Pleasure for Sale series (2008).  girls who like boys who like boys premieres 12.07, 2 days after the season finale of Boardwalk Empire.  Sundance is also running HBO’s short-lived The Comeback.

FBI investigates white powder mailed to Dancing With The Stars CBS studio.
“Conservative” web sites, such as FreeRepublic.com, encourage “the ACORN” or “Democrat way, of vote early and often.”  Get your friends, your friend’s friends, your family...  “I voted 300 times!”
Hey—I foresaw this pitiful mess.  Palin’s daughter, voting blocs.  And ABC says that there is no rule against voting multiple times.

Jon Stewart’s career on Bloomberg.  I’m not going to be your monkey, said Stewart to Tucker Carlson on Crossfire.  Only a few months later the show was canceled.
There is so much of the story missing.  10.30 just happened out of the blue—no precursors?  The funny man just doing his thing, his shtick, bringing the truth as usual.  Do I even have to say that the media are corrupt?  Unfortunately, I do; they will not admit to it.

Fox’s Megyn Kelly makes a provocative move by posing for GQ mag.


Convicted of murder, ex-Playboy model Laurie (Lawrencia) Bembenek(?), (a.k.a. “Bambi”) dies at 52.
The case of Lawrencia Bembeneck kept Wisconsinites glued to their TV sets throughout her 1982 trial—Cherie Burbach.


Publicist Ronni Chasen murdered in CA; likely a professional hit.
Rpt.: N. Korea is building a light-water nuclear plant.
Argentinean politician lashes out at rival
Violent incident in San Francisco.  Get his gun!  Get his gun!
FCC is progressing its “fairness” policies.  Mark Lloyd again.
Percussionist band held up w/ guns drawn.  Camouflaged dance troop chased by FBI through NYC tunnel.

Est. 2.8M Muslim pilgrims attended Mecca for hajj/hadj; largest in holy city’s history.
Bullet-proof car market in Mex. rose to $80M.
Most expensive; top bid at auction for rare pink diamond (London jeweler): $46M.
New Rubik’s Cube record set by 15-yr-old Australian boy: 6.77 secs.
Study: 1/5 are mentally ill, many don’t get treated.
U.K. poll: 1/3 would dump girlfriend for lesbian kiss.

Testimony in Elizabeth Smart case; wife of the captor says Mitchell was even looking for 10-yr-olds, and then-14-yr-old Smart was raped for 9 mos.

More than 2 dozen miners trapped in New Zealand mine; more complicated, the Chilean mine, where 33 were rescued after 69 days, was for mineral extraction—this one is thick w/ flammable gases.

What else happened this week: Pres. Obama awarded Staff Sergeant Salvatore Giunta, 25, the Medal of Honor; first time since the Vietnam war.  Ambushed by insurgents in 2007, he braved enemy fire to help fellow soldiers in Afghanistan.  The IA native served 2 tours there.

“Food Patriot” Homeland Security “Regulate Everything Food” bill

Farm bill.  It passed cloture last night.  Cass Sunstein again.
Like under F.D.R., regulate the slaughterhouses!  And then food prices suddenly double.
Orrin Hatch supported it in 2009, but now has been voting against it.

Nasty socialist, who was kicked out of one group, became head of IMF, now says what else but, National sovereignty is a problem.

The co-chair of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the most quoted, now admits that the whole thing is about redistribution of wealth.

Child abuse in the classroom.  Footage of a professor berating a student for not agreeing with him, established climate change “science”—“then the blood will be on YOUR hands!”
This is actual fearmongering—don’t prepare, just do as I, we say.  You are recalcitrant for pointing out anything to the contrary!
To exterminate intellectuality, brainwash toddlers at a young age, get them to draw dead penguins—it doesn’t matter whether you agree with the stuff, the actions are wrong, dare I say evil.

What they’re telling you on television is bull

Those that can tell say that the object shot a couple of weekends ago is, in fact, a two-stage missile; it came out of the water, and had a flame—the missile was fired fm. a submerged silo (most likely fired from a submarine).  It is likely from a country flexing its muscles.  China is one of the few that are capable of doing something like this.  They owe much of our debt—think of the economic and militaristic implications.  The Communist (with a capital ‘C’) country have jailed their people for tweeting.
Misleaders treating people like numbers...

Keep your head in the sand?
AsAMom.com (Lori) to help mothers keep up on things like, I don’t know, making sure there’s food on the plate.
“Patriotic Millionaires” call for end of Bush-era tax cuts.  Do they even know what taxes are?  Taxes are charity.


After 41 yrs., Gene Shalit is exiting the Today show.
AMC’s analytical drama Rubicon has been canceled.
Betty White named honorary ranger by U.S. Forest Service.
Joe Scarborough suspended from MS-NBC over political donations; came clean on his own.
Countdown: fm. TSA to TNA.
Best of Free Speech TV...

In the 1970s, Bill O’Reilly interviewed Jeff Dunham.  The ventriloquist appears on the Factor to promote the new book, All by Myselves.

Russell Brand Exposed! on LKL; talks abt. alcohol, drugs, and Katy Perry, promotes Booky Wook 2.


America’s Third War: Mexican border war.

Mt. Merapi kills 275.
OH police find 3 bodies believed to be of missing family.
Obama says new ratified nuke arms treaty is a national security imperative.
Al-Qaida-linked Islamists use kidnappings, suicide bombings to try to tear Russia North caucuses.
Bribes for votes?  FIFA committee members investigated.
Poll: 39% of gen. population consider marriage irrelevant.

New anti-counterfeit bill (Senate) that drops domain names bypasses judge/warrant, despite legitimate items.

Hit in U.S./U.K. at the same time, twice in a year: Susan Boyle becomes first woman to do what the Beatles did.

GM public offering $33 per common share; shares rose 3.6% for 1st day after offer.
Share price has to go up to $55 to pay off bailout debts.

China: 62.4% in the first 10 days of November.
India’s inflation is like a roller coaster.

Corn, 531.43 (dramatic rise in a few mos.); Cotton, 174.75 (all-time high).
Corn: 4,000 products a store; animal byproducts (feed), foods made w/ corn syrup substances.
Oil goes into almost everything, even gum.  Transportation requires fossil fuels.  Food cannot be acquired through agriculture and magically appear somewhere else.

AP: Baby photos using Chandra X-Ray Space telescope—the ultimate edge, a black hole.

To stay in power forever

Everything is still being set up so only the extremes rule.
Rangel gets censured.  Rangel knows where the bodies are.  Illinois House GOP net gain of 61.  GOP gains are meaningless.
Gerrymandering (one-by-one in Frank’s district), regulatory laws (intrusion at best).  Nothing can be fixed by any one party.

Dreams from George’s father

Soros: Marxist theory is that you can (make certain things) a reality if you anticipate things.  He never does anything directly, and hates losing without a fight.  So now the message is, activists, do your thing; this Administration is useless to us; they have lost, politically.  From Shadow Party, this is the transition bet. step 4 (election crisis) and 5 (take power).

Why focus on Soros?  Google "collapses economy".  His name pops up every time.

Starts with a Google Alerts joke

Finally, a reaction—two major segments, and I bet James Poniewozik would again call the impression brutally accurate...without paying attention to context necessary in making an accurate judgmentHere’s my take.

The press go into full paranoia when it comes to moms and dads, old people in lawn chairs, but for the actual radicals calling for revolution?  Silence.

Having to sell NBC-Universal to Comcast; they already have fin. problems.
(You know things are bad when Brian Williams begs the audience to DVR his show.)

It appears that someone got into Chris Dodd’s twitter account; one line read, U love torturing me w this sh*t.


Wheat lasts longer than flour.

65+ killed in India building collapse.
Ger. ramps up security in preparation of terrorist threats of attack later this month.
Reality TV producer accused of killing wife to appear in court.
Maker of “Four Loko” alcoholic drinks say they are getting rid of the caffein.
Ghailani convicted, 1/+200 counts; accused of conspiracy role in 1998 U.S. embassy bombings.
OH police: ‘clown’ robbed elderly woman on commode.

Obama’s new children’s book hits the shelves.
Nancy Pelosi creates Assistant Leader pos. for James Clyburn.
Not since 1954 (Strom Thurmond): AK Write-In candidate Murkowski won; Miller has not yielded.
Over 200 members of Congress are millionaires; 5 make +$100M.
SoS Clinton calls for Sen. to pass nuke arms treaty-bill w/ Russia a day after a Repub. threatened to block it.

China tackles food shortages, inflation, as stocks stumble on fears of rate increases.
WB to prosecute Deathly Hallows film leaker...
Gary Dell'Abate hawks “Bubba Booey” book.
Scientists say they have created an anti-matter version of a hydrogen atom, been able to hold it for study.

Violent protests in Haiti; U.N. soldiers blamed for cholera outbreak.  If rumors are true, they should get out.  The running in the streets comes 2 weeks bef. Pres. elections.

Whenever they lose, they either try to defame or censor

You rarely see “successful” leftists go off script.  But when they do...
Gore Vidal: oh come on, we are a Banana Republic.
Al Sharpton (Ed Show): the FCC cannot allow conservative talkers to race-bait, etc.
Jay Rockefeller (WV): there’s a bug in me that says, use the FCC to shut down FOX News... —and—and MS-NBC.  (As infringing of the First Amendment the FCC is, it still has no jurisdiction on cable.)  Financial ties to Soros, his wife is on the board of PBS...

Giant cameras on light poles in Manhattan

While the media are literally being groped to cover the William/Middleton story overseas, they are missing everything on the TSA story.
30K images stored on one machine, as a U.S. Marshal admitted in court in a single court case (FL) that the scanning machines store them.  According to the manual, they are supposed to be able to store images (DHS has been lying).  The pics you see on TV are like Beta compared to Blu-Ray with what the machines actually pick up.  “You can make out absolutely everything,” says an official.  You can actually see the sweat on someone’s back.
The workers are being set up via policy so people have no choice but radiation, or a new invasive form of a pat down that would be considered sexual assault in any other context.
The TSA will be unionized.

In other countries, they use dogs; in Israel, psychological profiling—and it’s effective.  Fmr. Israeli intel. officer Isaac Yeffet, of El Al, calls out the disgrace of 9/11 on both Glenn Beck show and Countdown.
El Al is Israel’s most eminent airlines and cargo; instead of scanners, they use soldiers on every jet.  El Al airlines has an annual revenue of $2.1B.
Ann Coulter has to fight the Friends propagandist doc on Hannity.
...Islam abhors dogs...

Soros had 11K shares in a scanning company; sold them two days ago.  RapiScan, an OSI Systems Company (Soros’ Open Society again).  And Tides gets 8.5% back fm. Huffington Post Investigative Fund.

Could it be abt. the money, ’cause billionaires, such as Soros, have made money.  But that’s okay because it’s our friends; and then there is the top-down, bottom-up, and inside out activity; whatever happens, the progressives need a villain, so when an incident inevitably occurs, the Pres. can give a speech.
Out of the outcry, we are protecting you, you know.  No, no you are not; radicals aren’t able to govern.
Either way, Obama needs to get the message across—the people are confused.

“Because the unions created a state within a state.”

Do it, build it in the name of fill-in-the-blank.
Socialist activist: if you can’t open minds, open heads.  The Coming Insurrection says, “Go after the party.”  They are.  And now the govt. infiltrates are waiting for the excuse.
Richard Trumpka: “Working diligently with lawmakers and the White House...”
There was a National Socialist (Nazi) convention in NY last weekend...

Here’s a little taste of CPUSA (Oct): We’re inspired of what we believe—working people in the United States.  In Europe, and every [Deed/unintelligible] around the world,-will also be inspired by the great uprising of French workers and students in the recent days and the weeks.
In some cities, uh, Leon(?) for example, or Marseilles,..-uhm, it’s almost impossible to get around without permission from the unions.  Of Course, that’s something we’re very interested in, as socialists.

The last paragraph in Broke is an eye opener: govt. has yet to see the pushback.

Copy...wrong—yeah, I said it

Portland Phoenix (11.19-25): Read round the world: But honestly Monica, the Web is considered ‘public domain,’ and you should be happy we just didn’t ‘lift’ your whole article and put someone else’s name on it!
Cooks Source ripped off Judith Griggs’ recipes.  U.S. Copyright Office Web site says that recipes are methods, and methods are not protected.
Over the web response; donations, support—I love the nerd culture, says Monica Gaudio.

TV, Radio

Jason Jones’ American (second) family.
South Park: Food Network fetish, Shake Weight date (squirts, goes to sleep...mode).
Ugly Americans: a spoken language for the Man-Bird, composed of “Suck My Bal...
Next: Onion Sports.

George Lopez un-bleeped

On tbs, Craigslist jobs listings segment, “very funny”: It’s hard to know that you can get away with this sh*t on TV.
Other moments in un-bleeped history: Greg Gutfeld, “treated her like sh*t”; Jon Stewart, “now that’s really sh*tty.”
Hey, anyone remember the demonic segment of years ago on The Daily Show?

Just saw the commercial for the Tassimo Brewbot.  A robot that brews, and physically gives it to you!

On Coast To Coast AM: a 2002.09.08 UFO sighting.  Stationary, shadow—silhouette.  The camera was taken..


Haiti cholera death toll tops 1,000.
Canada plans on non-combat missions transition in Afghanistan.
Time-line set for NATO forces; their combat mission to end in/by 2014.
Dog that saved lives of soldiers killed by mistake; put in animal shelter; AZ worker fired.
Russian ire: Viktor Tout, extradition to U.S. for espionage charges.
More than 300 fetuses found in Bangkok.

Bloomberg: the world will have to adjust to higher prices on the shelf.
DJI falls 178.47.
Oil, 83.44; Gas, 2.16 (18:26 E); N. Gas, 3.816; Silver, 25.38; Copper, 3.727; Gold, ~1,339.
Euro/USD (:42), 1.374; Pound/USD, 1.5875 (:48); USD/Yen, 83.36.
The Gap says clothing prices could go up 30% by Spring.
Apple’s Big announcement: Beatles on iTunes.
China executes biggest data mining/hack; 15% influx.
3 actors share push-ups as Bucky Rogers mascot—over 400 total.
Prince William to marry Katie Middleton next year.
Natl. Opt-Out Day: passengers to turn down body scans.
Armenia: record chocolate bar size; ~10 in thick, nearly 5 tons; avg. citizen eats 88 lb/yr.
Motor Trend names Chevy Volt as its “2011 Car of the Year”; $41K, only 200 miles/charge.

Possible expulsion: Congressman Rangel (D-NY) convicted, 11 counts of ethics violations.
Chuck Schumer expects FDA to rule caffeine unsafe in alcoholic drinks.
James Clyburn in intra-party fight.

Rule of law, shmule of law

We are supposed to be a nation of laws, and not of men, but special favors are abt. everything w/ our corrupt politicians.
Getting Ready for Dream Act: D. Patrick among those that give the undocumented a free pass, and scrutinize legal citizens.  (And with the new 2K-page laws, come 2011, selling anything more than $600 will require to filing a 10-99.)
Ways of bypassing Congress—John Podesta says Obama should be able to use military forces to “accomplish important changes” in hrs.

Harry Reid says a moratorium on earmarks would give executive branch too much power, and he is against that—everything Reid has done is reflective of executive power!

Soros talks of global governance like it’s a brand new thing

The oldest trick in the book.  A result of failure from those who seek power.
King Nimrod (great Hunter of Man, early totalitarian) wanted to build a tower that reaches for the skies—Babel (Hebrew for ‘Babylon’).  Made out of bricks (conformity) and mortar (materialism), for a single tongue (one language)—no individuality.  He erased religion, as those who believe in materialism and subscribe to secular fundamentalism despise tradition (projected illusion).
Take away all the stuff, and what do you have?  Having substance without counts the most.
The worst have an intolerance to real history.

TV land

Pro-Sarah Palin, pro-Tea party judges on Dancing With The StarsThat’s the only way Bristol could get so far.  Gary Stein calls Bristol one of the worst dancers he’s ever seen.

Tina Fey: The Mark Twain Prize (Nov 9), PBS edited out some footage for “time reasons”:
Fey:...except for rape kits, or if you’re gay and want to get married.  A great time for conservative women...except if you believe in evolution.

Bill Maher said he’s now angry w/ Obama for ‘playing dead.’

The Singin’ in the Rain/Under My Um-b-rella (ella, ella) (Rihanna) mix on Glee was nearly perfect (less cheerleading, please).  The key was set one note down.


Person of the Year?  How about person of the Decade.

Narco-state: +2,700 have died in Mex. since January.
Official: Taliban kill 8 in Afghanistan.
9 arrested in India for beating a manager to death.
Authorities consider found Sarah Maynard’s mother, brother and friend dead.
Ft. Hood shooting hearing: defense rests w/ nothing to say.
Gas blamed for explosion around/near Cancún.
TX firm recalls turkey breast products.
More Gulf waters reopened for fishing.
More Chinese getting college edu. in U.S. than in China.
Charlie Rangel MIA for own hearing; failure to show income, assets, failure to show up.
Heath Shuler (D-NC) to run against Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

Unilever unveils “new business model” to cut operations emissions by half.
Japan growth bet. July and Sept marked by one-off factors.
Caterpillar, the world’s largest earth moving company, gives $7.6B with Bucyrus.
Apple put up a page today that reads, Tomorrow is just another day.  That you’ll never forget.

...but if you touch my junk, I’m gonna have you arrested.  It’s against the rules to start a search/pat down and not finish.  John Tyner says he is going to drive from now on.
Absurd: Janet Napolitano says DHS sets the rules right, and listens.
A $2K fine heads John’s way.  Eventually, all passengers will have to register in order to fly.
There’s nothing stopping a lunatic from simply opening the emergency door.  And the radiation from the scanning machines increase the chance of miscarriage for women by 1100%?
The pilots union is against the new scanners.

Two AirBus A380 kept grounded.  A flight fm. Frankfurt to Tokyo canceled over malfunction concerns w/ the nose landing gear.

Aung San Suu Kyi (AUng SeUN SOO CHEE) calls for national change, but doesn’t want the Junta to fall.  Her release came 6 days after elections in Burma.  The west has criticized the ruling party for being neither free nor fair.

The press refused to cover Qe1, then Qe2.  Now there’s a robot cartoon to explain it.  e4.  Tuition went up by 7.9%.
$600B debt monetized—actually $900B.  And within those same 2 mos., Wal-Mart raised their prices by 0.6%.
Gasoline should be over $5/gal.  But despite inflation, the increasing price of oil, supply and demand in general, it’s under $4.  Playing with the numbers.
151K jobs added: the govt. (BLS) changed the seasonal formula bef. Winter.  It’s a another lie.

Bald Communist: “Increase the alienation.”
Not one positive thing about Americans, but “smiles abound” for socialist/communist revolutionaries—the press.  And now Richard Trumpka (AFL-CIO) is building an independent labor organization...for communists.  Those communists sure are happy people.  (That was sarcasm.)

Obama came out recently to reflect F.D.R.’s The only people have to fear is fear itself, by saying, govt. has the solution, and the people are scared, thus confused.  (“We are hard-wired to not think clearly when we are scared.”)
There were warnings about what happened in New Orleans in 2004, but not only were the messengers called fearmongers.  Mayor Mr. “Chocolate City” refused to evacuate the entire city, and people were on rooftops w/ help signs.
Those that warned of financial meltdown by 2008 were made into pariahs.

“Pro-nature” CREDO ACTION (Soros-funded) goes after “anti-nature” Sarah Palin’s Alaska.
Discovery Networks ran it, ratings were huge.  So...set/continue the objective for leftists to fear the success?
Ties: Ella Baker Center for “Human Rights,” “Constitutional Rights,” Social Policy Organizers, Ruckus Society (extremist).

For our deficits and our children, says Obama after McConnell on earmarks.  Keep our promises... Well, maybe—earmark was not in the Pledge.

Tech, Fat

3 TB HDDs are now selling, and under $200.
$150 for Pandigital® Novel 7" Color Multimedia eReader.
55" 120 Hz Insignia LED HDTV/1080p @ $1,200—Best Buy® SKU 9896008.  Includes 2-yr. warranty.

1000-calorie Krispy Kreme bacon cheeseburger.  A chocolate-covered bacon Machine. [feeling sick]


THE EVENT: after the VP’s van explodes, we find that Eli (Hal Holbrook) is a shape-shifter.
Lie To Me: Scamulent, non-profit self-help (positive/negative control).
GMA: Pageant boys. Pageant show boys.
Pres. Clinton was bipartisan, “Naughty, bad boy.” (R-ID)  Rhetoric.
Bill Clinton said to make a cameo in The Hangover 2.
Megamind tops B.O. for 2nd week in a row.

Meltdowns on Coast To Coast AM this morning

Depleted uranium rounds used in Iraq, subprime loans/mortgages, and possibly the biggest crime in U.S. history, if not all time.  No one’s been indicted—only fines and corrupt legislation that can’t even address the problem.  Fines are really just a slap on the wrist.  Debt upon debt.

Guest Greg Hunter (USAwatchdog.com) is calling this “Foreclosure-Gate.”  Promissory note (P/N)—almost the same as a Federal note.  Making copies would be counterfeiting.  All those mortgage-backed securities, etc.—not worth what they were paid for.  Getting to $100K in equity?  The Fed is set to regularly buy $600B in debt, and banks are teetering on insolvency.  AIG, with credit default swaps (debt chains), derivatives—where do you get the actual money?


Either the banks will have to go into receivership (govt. control) to count their assets, or cut the value of the dollar by half.  Phones were ringing off the hook after that.

Electronic printing of money: doing the math—a cut of 30-68% in one year?  The interest rates will have to be kept artificially low for the sake of exports, and destroy the dollar as a result.  And gold may top $1,570 either way (already over $2,240 when you adjust for inflation).

Nefarious things...

Caller: when is Barney Frank going to be held accountable.  The response: it happened  during  the  Bush   Administration.  (Progressive Dems. still have control of Congress since 2007!  The underlying problems go back a long time.)

Electronically-stored securities—a lot of these things are not backed, as no one wants expects them to be paid off; chased yields w/o ever looking at files, layers upon layers of fraud.  It’s an unbelievable amount of fraudulent activity, said Hunter.  This is racketeering, an act of treason; you don’t want to know what the assets are?  The Federal Reserve will die if it’s audited, and Ron Paul won’t stop until it is.

What’s ahead: a tsunami of resets in 2011 and ’12.

Airtime for Bush

On Hannity, the “necessity” of the Patriot Act...  The FBI already had the power to look at library records!  For a law that curbed rights for really nothing, its expiration date was lifted by this Administration.
Did you know that the Patriot act was written in 1995?

MS-NBC Special “Town Hall: Immigration” with Laurence O’Donnell and Vote Latina’s Maria Teresa Kumar.
We are a nation of immigrants, Chinese built the railroads (Chinese Americans!), and people need to understand each others cultures get along (translation, you are ignorant).
O’Donnell:...as a conservative, travel down that road?  >>It’s really my mom’s fault...
Actress Rosario Dawson: As a person of color, you are not regarded as a whole person.  It was a different time...uh, no, corruption isn’t defined by time or by party.
Those who disagree with us are frustrated and confused.
Rare honesty is interrupted with, What do you do with the 12M+ that are here in the country illegally?  …than what the Arizona law is contemplating.
Well you have more manpower.  >>What we are hearing is strict enforcement of our schools... [audience laughter]
Changing the channel.


Snow storms in WI/MN.
Haiti cholera death toll, >900; those infected by the water-born illness may hit 200K.
8 dead, 90 injured in China fire.
5 killed in crash involving 12 motorcycles.
Small plane crash kills 2 in NY.
Missing Sarah Maynard found, presumed kidnapper Matthew Hoffman arrested.
Iraqis approve power-sharing deal, seeks to bring pol. blocs into new govt.
Suu Kyi’s release spurs calls for releases of other prisoners.
Blackout at football game (Giants-Cowboys); back-up lighting used.
Megachurch pastor comes out of the closet.
Top Bishop denies knowing about abuse.

GM to unveil new Buick hybrid.
MJJ/Akon duet to be released.
New book exposes lives of British royals.
Grow your mustache, beard for cancer awareness?

Tea party and GOP establishment fight for soul of freshman class.

Pick and choose winners...
Negotiations; Axelrod objects to permanent tax cut extensions for “the wealthy.”
ABC This Week/Paul Krugman: the solution, down the road, there will have to be “death panels” and higher sales taxes, other taxes.

Predicted yrs. ago (already done in other countries), FDA calls for graphic photos on cigarette packs.

AP: China set to play role in public sale of GM stock; Obama could see backlash in being a critic over trade issues.
Among the banks, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), and China Intl. Capital Corp. (CICC), a joint venture run primarily by Central Huijin Investment Ltd., an arm of the state, and Morgan Stanley.
This is the first time Chinese govt banks have participated in a major U.S.-issued IPO, according to IPO tracking Dealogic.  The banks will sell a portion of the new shares.

AP: U.S. offers incentive package to Israel; aim is to halt West Bank settlement building and revive peace talks.


5 to 8 of 8 attackers killed; they attacked major NATO base(s) in Afghanistan.
Police: bone fragments match DNA of missing 10-yr.-old Zahra Baker.
Relentless killer interrupts victim’s mother’s (Sheila Lynch) statement.

Somalia pirates release U.K. couple Paul and Rachel Chandler, after 13 mos.  The Chandlers say they were told abt. every 10 days for 9 mos. that they would be freed in 10 days.

AP: After more than 7 yrs. under house arrest, Nobel Peace Prize winner, and Myanmar democracy leader, Aung San Suu Kyi has been released.

Voters in AZ O.K. a landmark measure legalizing marijuana.
Heart disease is 3x more likely to kill than a gunshot wound.

Failed veto of San Francisco fast food ban—enough votes in favor to override veto.
The San Fran. Ban limits calories in a kids’ meal w/ toy to 600, just 80 calories less than a McDonald’s cheeseburger Happy Meal.
90% of children in the U.S. go to the fast food giant at least 2x a month.

Theory I heard over the radio on the “missile” seen going up last weekend: China tested an EMP ballistic missile; the Carnival cruise ship had its electronics knocked out.  And the lawsuits...

Parallels: the flame of genius in Rome extinguished; intellectual mediocrity was encouraged; the Romans became unable to do anything, let alone build coliseums.  Even worse was the strain on producers of commodities...

It took the progressives a eighty years to undo the damage of the brand in eight; we don’t have eighty years, but we do have what surpassed the Magna Charta—the U.S. constitution.  Learning fm. the progressives, a new Constitutional Caucus is erected.
(Huh-huh-huh, he said erected.)

TV, Radio

Uh-oh.  Another eerily show: Wretched.tv (satire).  Tiger Woods...why don’t we stop worshiping people we know nothing about.

Throughout the ages on Coast To Coast AM.  The Earth’s gravitational pull has distorted the moon; the far side is more affected than the near side.
George Noory will be on CNN at 7:30...some day.

Uh-oh—the new owner of Robert’s replica calls him “sweet,” but she stepped into an old clay pot of water that somehow was in her walking path.
I’ve been reluctant to say anything about Robert the haunted doll because I don’t want to get anybody involved.
Exercise your sense of respect.  Faith and respect are cardinal for this subject matter.

The following is not for the weak

The guest this morning appears in A&E’s Paranormal State.  He is a demonologist and an investigator.  He has done a few exorcisms, not that he—or anyone—would want to (it’s very draining).  He says that you should avoid using Ouija boards because they only seem to attract negative and evil spirits.  The evil ones play nice at first, probably for pleasure/false sense of reflection, being fm. hell.  To take advantage of as much as they can—the reason why it’s more likely to contact them with the board.

Demons were not created for human form; they come fm. a place of torment, where life is seen as a game for advantage; misunderstandings define an old existence.  The only ones that make it to our “atmosphere” are those that have learned the game, gained knowledge throughout the ages (they’re not ignorant), but first, and foremost, accepted certain rules, such as requiring to state their identity.  Demons have found loopholes: intentionally misspell words, and time the “glitches” in the universe so they can occupy something better than, well, hell, but the horrible expectations remain.

Possession only occurs when the mind is completely worn down, vulnerable.  The weakest of the chain is attacked first.  Don’t show weakness, or even consider remorse for something that has an inbred fixation on bad intentions.  Eventually, there will be phases of correction, and the lord of the underworld will be exposed for what it is, and eaten...but how and when is up to the creator.

Important distinction: good spirits are benevolent—they cannot communicate in literal language without a living medium.
Most hauntings, cases of demonic activity occur bet. winter solstice and the first ~4 weeks of January.
Scriptures say a total of 2.2 billion will perish in the final battle(s).

Province Place mall (CA): the mayor dismissed the fact that they were building on Indian burial grounds...  The building tremors regularly, and ten have died.

“J.C.” keeps making random appearances.
You can see at least one of “the UFOs” at Area 51 on Google Maps?
Aliens In America—photos of apparitions around Bush 43?
Reincarnating rabbits?  Same personality, looks (gray back), stare, and comes forward when called by name—a baby rabbit doing what only the prev. would do.


2011 Slogan: Yes I Can.

Indonesia’s Merapi erupts again; 8 recovered fm. rubble.
U.N. puts up nearly $164M in aid for cholera outbreak; death toll tops 800.
Widespread African polio outbreak kills 97.

Drone strike kills 6 in Pakistan.
Electrical explosion in Mex. injures 12.
Targeted in Iraq, Christians safe in north, Kurdish leader says.
Rpt.: hit man pursuing Russian double agent in U.S.
Spain demands explanation for Moroccan man’s death.
Nigerian reports deny that arms were delivered to Gaza.
Strikes/protests over Italy’s $400M cut in the cultural budget.
93-yr-old Gza Gza Gabor rushed to hospital over serious blood clots.

EU agrees to nuclear talks w/ Iran on Dec 5.
Lebanon court sentences Omar Bakri Muhammad to life in prison.
Hacker that broke into S. Palin’s E-mail account sentenced to 1 yr. in halfway house.
Thousands of followers back someone who was arrested for threatening to bomb an airport.
Madoff’s personal items, bought w/ money fm. his Ponzi scheme, go on auction.
Possible release of Suu Kyi tomorrow.
Rolls-Royce says engine fails because of oil fire.
Panama investigates cruise ship fire.

Losses double for U.S. Postal service.
GE buys 25K electric cars.
Layoff rumors ‘swirl’ around Yahoo.
Asian markets slide after weak day for blue chips Cisco, Disney, Boeing.
Nissan is recalling over 600K vehicles.
Rockefeller center Christmas tree arrives.
G-Mail v. Facebook.  E-mail killer—streamlined.  _[at]Facebook.com.
Lou Dobbs expectedly joins FBN, but does not like retirement age raise proposal.

E.U. wants to bail out Irish govt. as it defaults on its debts.
Countries from the euro-zone gather to put together another about-trillion dollar bailout for the Celtic Tiger, and make Ireland dependent on the E.U., IMF.  So far, the country is refusing to take it.
Ireland’s 2009 GDP was -7.6% (IMF est.).


Newsweek and The Daily Beast to merge under editorship of Tina Brown.
KTXL/Denair: sch. overturns ban on display of the U.S. flag.
CAIR agreement?  Allowed pat downs of Muslim women—head/shoulders only.
FL dealership offers free AK-47 w/ truck purchase; only one taker for the wpn.
Expectant father allegedly lights up joint at PA hospital.
Kim Kardashian launches credit cards for children.

Garfield creator Jim Davis apologizes for a strip that ran yesterday (Veterans Day); a spider dared the orange cat to squash him, saying he would be remembered, get a memorial and a day named after him.  Final cell: “National Stupid Day.”

Writer Joe McGinniss plans to sue TLC, producers of the show Sarah Palin’s Alaska, for (blurred) photography from Palin’s home of him peering.  McGinniss is one to cite ‘invasion of privacy’.

Nancy Pelosi conveniently has a curtain up so the press will see nothing, so she can talk with special interest— I mean, constituents.

Gratitude; Thanks -> Giving

If you really want to feel something, go to West Point—it’s amazing.
The average soldier at West Point makes $22,676; the avg. American makes $50K... the Federal employee basic pay is $74,403, the avg. Fedl. pay is $174K.
Harry Reid served honorably, but gets $7.6M after $4M+; Pelosi now gets $21.7M.
Cutting spending—have federal employees get paid the same amount as military svc members, and have them go through the same quality of health care as the VA Hospital.

Gov.-Elect Andrew Cuomo opposes 9/11 trial in NY.

Comfortable speaking in Indonesia, but uncomfortable speaking here...
Pres. Obama answers questions in Seoul.  Humor fm. the spokesman, but I could not hear any laughter.  Middle class, middle... He says he will refuse to extend tax cuts for the higher brackets, saying David Axelrod’s comments were misinterpreted.
Other than signing off on Center for American Progress rot progress, does Barack himself do anything at the White House?

As predicted over 24 hours ago

Pro-Israel Glenn Beck said he would be called an anti-Semite by George Soros’ minions for exposing the billionaire’s anti-Semitism.  Surprise, surprise—the next night, after calling Beck a conspiracy theorist for the New World Order junk that Soros said (and deliberately stutters to get away with it) in his own words via video, Countdown put on someone from a so-called Jewish organization to call Beck anti-Semitic.  After that, Lunch with Rupert, w/ David Brock fm. Media Matters...
Since I’m tired of watching MS-NBC—but not tired of exposing the laughably absurd things they try to get away with—I’ll just refer to the actual definition of Paranoia.  I know Savage and Olbermann have it because they make sure to reject even Beck’s sense of humor.  A couple mos. ago, I caught Olbie apologizing for laughing over Woodrow Wilson—(Glenn) hates this guySorry for laughing!

Anti-Semitism really comes down to the existence of capitalism in Israel.  True Socialists stand against Israel for it’s economic liberty, and the corrupt want to end that economic freedom.  The quick projection (distraction): for those that are against Israel’s liberty or existence—call the exposers anti-Semitic.  Feisal Abdul Rauf’s wife did exactly that bef. also citing “hatred of Muslims.”

With a guest that is not David

Guest “Andy” on Coast To Coast AM: time travel, teleportation, and spontaneous chronovision (non-local vision through time caused by quantum particle bursts).  There was also some talk of past memories, where memories recalled are not from their current memory.  Due to the rapidity of REM sleep, lucid dreams can delve into places in time, and may show an unchanged future if the dreamer doesn’t change it.  Launches, visions of assassinations through the 1960s, Civil War—all seen during radiation bursts—or, as Andy calls it, “quantum pollution.”  A group driving through France during the largest nuclear plant leak in the country’s history arrived at an old-style place, spoke to people that seemed as if they were from a different time (didn’t know some modern words); when the group came back, the place was gone.

Govt. officials have snuck classified facts into certain science fiction (via writers) to discredit those who dare disclose the facts as fact...


Veterans Day.

Militants try to storm Djakarta, detonate a suicide bomb; 15-20 dead, scores wounded.
Significant damage—nothing like this seen for at least 2 yrs.

Nursing home blast kills female senior citizens; 10 dead, 17 injured in Pohang; this comes as world leaders gather in Seoul, S. Korea for G-20.

The Carnival cruise ship ordeal is over.
Bad food, toilet overload—Splendor docked after 3 days of towing; an engine fire on Mon. disabled the ship...but electrically?  Still, not as bad as what the Chilean miners faced.

People call for the suspension of NEH’s funding after statements made at a conference, posted on a blog site, contained content that calls the U.S. an oppressor and Japan the victim when Pearl Harbor was attacked, as well as insinuating that rape for the female soldier is typical.

After 8 mos., Nouri al-Maliki is elected PM of Iraq.
Key Dems. call for Nancy Pelosi to step down fm. leader role.
Michele Bachmann drops bid for GOP conference chair.

The Gap opens a store in China.
FCC investigates Google for WiFi data mining.
New species of asexually-reproducing lizard discovered...has been served on a plate.
Robert Downey, Jr. to voice Mr. Peanut.
Wal-Mart to offer free shipping.
Current added a laugh track to InfoMania.
Diddy’s John flagship to close.
FOX renews The Simpsons for a 23rd season; it will pass episode 500 by March of 2012, but to become the longest-running series, it will have to surpass Gunsmoke’s 635.

Bill O’Reilly interviews George Walker Bush

At the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force, the fmr. Pres. comes off affable at times, but would rather people read his book, Decision Points, than answer certain questions.
Bush says he ignores all rhetoric thrown at him... and his approval rating has gone up after being out of power for two years.
You’re Very generous, in your book, to China,…Russia, says O’Reilly, assessing the prospect of a nuclear Iran not being stopped by the two, but there was no full response.  Bush did note difficulty in explaining things, saying he had under half a minute at a time.  On what to take away fm. the book, he wants historians to look at it as a reference pt., and for the general reader to see the complex process of Commander in Chief.

Bush speaking earlier, in front of a crowd, said, America is a magnificent country that produces patriots.

...and Rachel Maddow interviews Jon Stewart

Honest and complete here, where he refused to be for The O’Reilly Factor.
Stewart does not want his show to be called fake news anymore; he doesn’t want it to be called news at all.
There’s no honor in what I do, but I try to do it as honorably as I can.
He says to Maddow, I’m going to say this, and you can edit this out: I like you.
Absurd, but not funny: we fact check, but not for the reason you guys do it, but—it wouldn’t be funny if we didn’t.  Half of the time, the writers are dead wrong.

The Soros special draws to a close

How does he see us?
In one piece of footage, someone asks Soros a question that addresses the balance of power bet. Democrats and conservative Republicans.  Soros’ response wields the Open Society stuff (to end sovereignty): I think you put a finger on a very important flaw.  It’s an American-controlled Congress, w/ no outside control, and America dictates policy in the world.

Also shown: C-SPAN-covered video of Arianna Huffington hosting an assembly to massage Soros’ ego; Huffington, in 2000, tells the audience how much of a mentor Jim Wallace is to her.

The “Top-Down, Bottom-Up, and Inside-Out” theory that collapsed the Czech govt. was never supposed to be exposed; it was, on microfilm.
Soros has given money to maybe over a thousand so-called charity organizations.  For the head of OSI, he appointed the creator of SDS.  How “philanthropic.”
The proverbial pressure cooker is about to be turned on, with what else but riots, violence, and calls for a govt. clamp down.  Hopefully, the exposure and peaceful pushback will prevent enough of that from happening.

To celebrate Veterans Day, video of proud every-day Americans, on a major website...come out of the closet as communists.

Gone Viral

Disaster, Ohio: during a scheduled demolition of a 275-ft. tower for an old closed power plant, after failed attempts to down it, they downed properties, power lines; it fell the wrong way.


Leathernecks were born in 1775.

In Russia, 19 journalists have been murdered since 2000, 4 have been attacked in recent mos.
Prosecutors have been MIA.

Bomb attack preempts Obama’s appearance and speech.
U.N. accepts Saudi Arabia’s bid on Human Rights panel.
H.R. 5660: “Main street Fairness Act.”
Most vets have at least signs of PTSD: 30% have it, 25% partially.

40K Windows 7 phones sold in its first day.
NY Museum of Arts to return 19 artefacts to Egypt (King Tutankhamen).
Chad Pennington replacing Chad Henne.
Sony Pictures’ 21 Jump Street: Channing Tatum to star opposite fm. Jonah Hill.
Google gives it’s employees a 10% raise; employee that leaked the story was fired.
Amazon.com product returns...

Debt commission comes out w/ new spending cuts for the budget, currently $2.8T: Cut foreign aid by $2-4.6B, cut federal salaries, earmarks, taxes, and raise the retirement age to 68 by 2050, 69 by 2075.
AFL-CIO says the commission wants Americans to “drop dead.”
Unemployment remains at 9.6%; Fedl. workers making $150K+ rose 3.9% from last year.

Rep. Boehner says he’ll give up the pvt. plane and fly commercial if he’s selected as speaker.

Dana Milbanks and others are phobic of Fox News, and even go as far as to criticize progressive Democrats for stating the fact that the GOP won big—they took the House, Gov. majority, and achieved a balance in the Senate.

Gov. Christie has leadership skills, so DoJ’s Eric Holder goes after him for lax accounting during his role as prosecutor (cheaper hotels over high govt. rate std.).

Already, the Republican takeover scare stories, using anonymous sources, many undocumented (non-citizens).

TV, Radio

South Park: So long Justin Bieber, you little Douche Bag!  The giant monster named Zulu kills scores of fans after crushing the singer (who, on stage, rubs his hand on his...).
Mint-Berry Crunch stops Zulu and The Coon (Cartman), and Kenny...is tired, so he [ab]uses his power of rebirth by shooting himself in the head, only to be reborn—we should’ve never gone to that stupid cult meeting, his mother says.

N*Sync music?  Talk about lame—and the show is already difficult to watch.
On Countdown, Olbermann is still trying to downplay everything Beck, showing how much of a pawn to Soros he is, but gives away a list of names—makes it easier to find things that destroy his credibility.  How sad... even Google destroys his cred.

DNA is very sensitive to electromagnetism; cells can’t divide when bombarded with narrow wavelengths.  Wireless devices/routers, satellite transmissions, microwaves... heavy all over the world now, and the findings are being dismissed.
Fetuses are the most sensitive, as hyperactivity is found for most cases.  Maybe it’s time to ditch the wireless RF stuff, and go back to infrared, (preferably twisted) wires.

Four steps, day of rest: the board has been set up.  George Soros’ company is trying to shore up his image—something a company does when it is collapsing.  (Just like ENRON.)

Gone after oppressive countries, then Britain, then the United States.  We are “the oppressor,” as planned from the beginning. The United States is an obstacle to his open society.


Film producer Dino de Laurentis dies at 91.  For TIME (1976), he said, No one die when Jaws die… when the monkey die, people gonna cry.  Why?  Because I no give them crap.
Now, Rich Corliss describes him as, an international showman.  He produced for over 70 years.  His first films were done under Mussolini, and he revived Italy’s film industry after WWII with Bitter Rice (1949).  He imported American actor Tony Quinn for La Strada (1954), did War and Peace (1956), The Bible, Waterloo, and Hurricane.  He teamed up with novelists Stephen King (5 films), and Thomas Harris (4 of 5 Hannibal Lector films).  The multitasker was an enabler for directors’ dreams and his own.  Dino did it all.


Death is natural; manipulation is evil.

Yemeni cargo restrictions now also set for Somalia; printer cartridges over 1 lb banned.
First time since the 1800s that a piracy case is being tried.
Obama speaks after 6:30 a.m. in Indonesia?

Gold hit 1,421 today.
Kindle hopes to add more publishers.
Apple launches store in China, and there is an iPhone app for STD testing...

Call of Duty: Black Ops released today, a million immediately sign on to X-Box live.
Yesterday, thieves w/ semi-automatics stole copies of the game, and some cash.

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a missile

Pentagon, others, says it was nothing U.S.—NORAD says there is no threat, denying any launch whatsoever.  An object going up cannot be an accident.  There were no foreign vessels that could’ve launched it.  Did it not hit land?
Well, I saw the footage, and I can say that it’s not a jet; it has no wings, and it’s ascent is way, way too steep.

TV, Radio

Olbermann back on, makes a short “reflection.”

Colbert Report intro caption: DOWNTRICKLER.
Stephen Colbert got Cee Lo Green to temporarily replace “F— You” (song title of album The Lady Killer) w/ “Fox News” (a dirty title among the far-left).

John on Coast To Coast AM this morning: survival in the coming years will require transcendence, internal redevelopment, real substance and accurate characterization.  You’ll never get this kind of help from government...  Civil unrest; the old world held up.
Complex, Indigo children have the ability to deal with eight things at a time, however, these children are reduced to the ADHD label because they don’t follow the old way of dealing with problems.
Caller: it’s terrible that the insanity in govt. is not recognized as insanity.


Spotlight on Geneva.

Portland Press Herald: Storm surge in Camp Ellis.
AP: CT man condemned to die for fatal home invasion.
AP: Govt. suspects cholera has entered Haitian capital.
AP: U.S. issues new security rules for air cargo.
After terror plot, W.H. wants more access to Yemen intel.
Juror’s in CT home invasion, murder: Hayes should get the death penalty.
Both men who brawled at Breeder’s Cup fined.
Wind Blows Off Fire Station Roof—WMTW 8.
Qantas engineers discover oil leaks in A380 engines of grounded AirBus.
Slower reaction time: sleep deprivation/drowsy driving makes up over 16% of all crashes.

Obama sidesteps question on Fed monetary policy.
Gold prices hit record high ($1,413); growing economic fears, mass buys.
Oil hovers near $87/bbl.
Nikkei hits 3-mo. high.
Web Browser Pioneer backs new Rockmelt browser.
Nokia takes over Symbian platform development, reduces it to licensing op. only.
Ticket sales delayed for Comi-con.
Megamind debuts at top w/ $47.7M.
AMC greenlights The Walking Dead for season 2.
Anime director dies at 75 of boating accident.
Queen Elizabeth II joins Facebook.
MJJ’s children open up abt. life w/ their father.
Wade Phillips fired day after Dallas falls to 1-7 record w/ another embarrassing loss.
Middle school QB nonchalantly fools other team after taking an odd snap from ctr.

AP: Obama boosts India for ‘rightful place in world.’
The U.S. President offers truisms, saying there are different interpretations of the word ‘jihad,’ as Islamic jihadists in the world wage holy war.
Mike Huckabee changes his tune on costs of Obama’s India trip.

AP: Elizabeth Smart, now 22, remembers not being able to make out the threat (of abduction), only the feel of a cold knife at her neck in her first testimony, trying to make out details of the 9-mo. ordeal.  Mitchell’s defense: his mental illness made him do it.

Dropout rates are approaching 50% in some American communities.
The U.S. is now the only industrialized country in the world where the youth are less likely than their parents to graduate from High School.

Criticism runs deep for commission’s BP oil spill findings.
AP: Spill panel: No evidence of saving money over safety; criticism runs deep.

Jessica Alba’s comments, ideas about how “good actors” approach scripts draw potshots fm. movie experts.

Not available for sale: the HSV MalooR8 is the world’s fastest pickup truck, but you probably won’t find it on American roads.

Watch the other hand

CCX not removed, but replaced with a U.N. back-up plan that includes seats for George Soros and Larry Summers.

U.N. Human Rights Council: China, Saudi Arabia on Iran.

Laurence O’Donnell came out as a socialist on Morning Joe, and, of course, the producers try to sweep it under the carpet, Mika laughs, as if he was joking.  “I don’t call myself a liberal, or call myself a progressive out of fear of being attacked for being a liberal. >>Neither do I. >>I am a Socialist.”  He goes into the reasons, and later says that his fellow democratic socialists need blue dogs to hide behind them.  Laurence has become such a compulsive liar that he needs the 20% ‘liberal’/41% ‘conservative’ (poll) nos. written on a card to avoid fudging them.

It gets even worse over at MS-NBC: as with Clinton, Obama needs his own Oklahoma City bombing event to get things done.  And after Ted Rall’s (NPR?) call for revolution in An Anti-American Manifesto, trying to provoke a war against Tea partyers, corporations (that aren’t Apple), regular Americans, Dylan Ratigan calls for a revolution in America himself.

TV, Radio

Bringing The War Home (current_tv), 1861-2010 (HBO) highlight PTSD fm. war.
Kevin Polak to host Million Dollar Money Drop on FOX.
Mara Liasson on Nancy Pelosi leaving Speaker of the House: she was kind of, like, Winston Churchill.

Pat Sajak stunned yester[work]day—I’ve got a good feeling about this....
A woman solves a seven-word Wheel of Fortune puzzle with only one letter as a clue.
_'__ ___ _ ____ ___L___ _____ ____.

Conan’s back!  Jon Stewart: let’s just see when he’s on—Son of a bitch!  I won’t be able to watch me.
First, I’m not moving to 12:05; what’re you gonna do, fire me?  He was fired, then shot up by four men w/ automatics as in The Godfather.
In muscle shirt, w/ many children, the wife says he needs to get a job, but he doesn’t know how.
Ad agency?  “It’s 1965; you’re two years old,” says Don Draper.  Then, as a party clown: I’ll call the police, the mother says.
As Conan is about to jump off a bridge, Larry King shows up as...his Guardian Angel.  Aren’t you supposed to be dead first? >>Never mind that.  Have you thought of basic cable?  Terms of TBS: less...much less...[tbs logo] much less.
Conan, outside: Well it looks like I’m back!  —Aw, Come on!  Shot up again.
Andy Richter: Here he is, Conan O’Brien.
Seth Rogan (Green Hornet), Lea Michelle (Glee), first random-person guest (best person in history), masturbating bear for an NBC affiliate lotto nos.
Musical performance: Jack White and Conan singing, playing guitar, rocking it out.

Cheese and fudge sweat...Pen Gillette on Redeye w/ Greg Gutfeld.
U.S. pushes cheese sales for Dominoes (6 cheeses!), despite warnings of fat and cholesterol—particularly from the Administration.
The offensive part deals with the “cop-out that is ‘God works in mysterious ways’ when granny dies.”

Howie Carr Show: Bill Clinton showed how much of a racist he isn’t by trying to force out the black candidate so the white [former] GOP candidate can go up against a Cuban.

Record temps, mini-ice age ahead, maybe—Coast To Coast AM.  The electromagnetic side of climate change.


Speaking truth to power had better not stop with the movements.

Power outages in ME, NY fm. storms, substation failure(s).
Indonesian volcanic eruption death toll: 153-166.
Violence after death of cartel leader; 18 dead in Ciudad Juárez.
Police: Kenyan man kills 10 in shooting.
Drone strikes kill 9 in Pakistan, intel. official(s) say.
N. Korea’s “second-hand” officer dies at 82.
UNICEF reports sexual violence in Congo region.
Violent anti-nuclear protests in Germany.
Top drug cartel leader “Tony Tormenta” killed in Mexico city shootout.
Israeli police raze mosque amid protests
Pope heads for Spain for 2nd visit, urges Spain to shun secularism.
Malloy declared winner in CT Gov. race.
AirTran flight makes emergency landing in Memphis.
First openly gay Episcopal bishop to retire.
Iran offers new nuclear talks.
Scientists find ‘dramatic’ damage to marine life near BP oil spill site.
Oakland City police: ‘protesters are tearing up the city.’
Sweden investigating alleged U.S. spying.
Radioactive water leak at/near Maine Yankee plant.

iPhone alarm glitch: an hr late, Daylight Savings time unchanged.
Trader Joe’s recalls products w/ cilantro.
Discovery launch delayed again due to gas leak.
BMW to produce new sports car hybrid.
‘Supernanny’ quits to ‘find more balance’.
New Zealand PM somehow called SoS Clinton Pres. Clinton.
Bush writes of anger, resolve after 9/11 attacks in new book.
NJ Gov. Christie supported GOP candidates from CA to MA.
Patti Murray will return to office.
GOP in control, redistricting gerrymandered districts on table.

No word on the cause of the Pompeii ruins home collapse of “Schola Amaturarum Juventis” (school of love for kids?).  In 79 A.D., the eruption of Vesuvius buried the ancient city under 20 ft. of volcanic ash.

Authorities in Mex. found a grave site after a video put on YouTube show gunmen claiming to have killed tourists in ‘revenge’ of cartels in Michoacán.

Pot stats: 700+ dispensaries in L.A.; 1 pot user arrested every 37 seconds; $13.7B spent on marijuana possession crimes.

The Pres. has the nerve to sell this, 50K U.S. jobs created w/ international stimulation.  Even people at the Fed say outsourcing is a concern while the Pres. touts overseas relationships among companies—doesn’t this go against his being a stickler for anti-colonialism?

New Governmental Balances
Where What Currently
House R 240-185 D, 10 undec. R 178-255 D, 3 vacant
Senate R 46-52 D, 2 undecided R 41-59 D
Governor R 29-1 I-17 D R 24-26 D

Election Losers: the CEO candidate, Big Labor, “moderates,” high-speed rail, any ‘activist’ judge fm. trying to enact Sharia in Oklahoma.


Huckabee EXCLUSIVE: AK Fedl. official telling workers, legal or not, to vote for Murkowski; Make sure you spell the name right, and fill in the circle... Small (hidden) camera catching the man breaking the rules, promoting pork-barrel spending against Joe Miller.

Al Sharpton reflected the CNN ‘converted’ last night on Geraldo At Large, with, It’s great that African American Republicans won in the House, but it’s not representative—they don’t speak for the blacks and Latinos that gave people of color the ability to climb the ladder.

Science Channel Ancient: Romans used diamonds to cut glass figures.

Avatar (HBO): visually stunning, sets the bar, but senseless in story, predictably violent and offensive social commentary.  (Rah-rah, warmongering...)

Myths slammed

Coast To Coast AM: F-bomb-dropping drunks—A Renegade’s History of the United States reveals what the average American was like in the late 1700s to early 1800s.  Thaddeus Russell takes a vastly documented look at what happened in a entertaining/cringe-worthy manner.
Celebrating personal liberty... with lawlessness, sponging off Britain.  With the libertine culture, Americans appeared freer before the American Revolution.  It was the highest drinking period, where people were even expected to drink on the job!

No mention of sex or work ethic in the founding documents

The classic liberalism, or Republicanism, of self-regulation over govt. regulation—the founders saw a solution in teaching self-discipline while encouraging morals.  They didn’t like the average American, and said that he needed to be taught a lesson.  Jon Adams sided against his own to kick his own in the butt, wake them up, and show them that the rule of law is crucial.
So-called illegitimate children born out of wedlock during the revolution marked the beginning of social services; “bad mothers” started to be prosecuted.

The general vision of slavery is inaccurate

In many areas slaves had more freedom than the average white person.  Restrictions on even masturbation... kids were taught to give up possessions and follow strict guidelines, while slaves put on shows, could do more within the confines of the master’s property.
Manual(s) written for masters by masters said to use lashes as little as possible because they got less in return from excess in punishment.
It was when we got up to Reconstruction that a repression was ended for another.  Russell would argue that the Civil War was really the first imperialist war, that Lincoln would be considered a neo-conservative of the day, expanding America at the point of a gun.

White washing of history

The early 20th-century created the idea of modern liberalism.  Modern (progressive) history tells us that Margaret Sanger was the mother of birth control, however, sheep skin condoms and pornography existed during the Revolutionary War.
After birth control bans, things, diaphragms, went underground, as with Jewish immigrants.  “Upstanding” politicians would be having sex with prostitutes.
With how hard immigrants were worked, it was seen as the breaking of one’s soul; Progressives saw ‘chaos’.
“Inferior people”...Sanger was into eugenics, and eugenicists were into Hitler.
Knowing historical perceptions is critical in writing a history book.

The dark side of democracy

The founders did not value personal liberty at first...they were our elitists until the turning points of the war.  They represented the king until the king went to war, and many of them took their views of what was considered “rampant disorder,” and ran with them.  George Washington was very pro-slavery until his identity crisis by the century’s end.
Democracy requires respect for the individual; however, “social equality” and majority rule amounted to the empire that was Great Britain.  The founders worked through fatigue and war after independence (The Federalist Papers), but finally settled with a Republic...if we can keep it.

Russell’s next book may be titled, We Are All Republicans: the origins of liberal roots.

A lot of movements start for the wrong reasons and end up good, says host Ian.
An extra hour for...secret history of the Beach Boys?


George Foreman battled Muhammad Ali 16 years ago today.

3 killed, 9 wounded in Iraq bomb blast.
An Asian (Vietnamese?) man posed as an elderly Caucasian, flying to another country; arrested.
Anwar al-Awlaki’s BaseIslam links to 42 sites, including Beyond Guantánamo (UK).
Courts looking over releasing Gitmo detainee.
Cheese sold at Costco linked to E. Coli contamination.
Obama willing to ‘negotiate’ on tax cuts.
Pelosi to run for minority leader.
<40% of Tea party candidates won.

Variety: NBC is developing a half-hour series on the life of Russell Peters.

Politico: MS-NBC Pres. Phil Griffin is “mindful of standards and policy”: Keith Olbermann has been suspended for making pol. contributions; some of the candidates have been on Countdown, but denies that the “suspension is indefinite.”  Olbermann, who went to Cornell (the agricultural affiliate...SUNY Agr. & Life Sciences, I presume), gave the maximum amt. for at least one of the contributions—$240K, or ~$1/viewer.
Why Rick Sanchez was fired...Olbie, who makes $7.5M, may be fired for criticizing Jon Stewart’s Love Train part of the Rally To Restore Sanity And/Or Fear.  Replacements?  Felon Chuck Turner?  Suave liar Alan Grayson?  Grayson and/or S. Jackson to “compete” w/ the ratings bomb that is Parker/Spitzer?

Revisionist history in Matthew’s corner: the GOP drove Obama to the left.  Obama was regarded as the furthest to the left in the Senate!
MS-NBC’s ratings grew w/ Countdown.  0.2?  Growth?  Well, K.O. has added a few pounds...
How did Eugene Robinson get a Pulitzer?  He repeated Dan Rather’s (I think it was him) “the people are in a temper tantrum” for voting GOP in a landslide.  (And when it’s a Dem. rush, it’s speaking truth to power.)

The San Francisco turd.  The city is screwed up beyond recognition.
Just banning McDonald’s Happy Meals, a visible percentage of the pop. is homeless—the Golden Gate bridge is overrun with bums.


Day After the Dollar Crashes by Damon Vickers.  Need I say more?  Yes?
Day 1-3: China stops buying our bonds, markets spooked, rumors.
Day 4: kids at soccer (Saturday).
Day 5: Asian markets free-fall.
Day 6-7: Dow Jones plunges 900, “invest in Europe.”
Day 7-8: markets refuse to open.
Day 8: quiet.
Day 9-10: investment push (appearance of normalcy).
Day 11-12: the Fed meets, interest rates raised 5-6%.
Day 13: global collapse.
Day 14: IMF/G-20 meet for total restructuring.
Day 15: public/banks panic.

In discussion w/ Brad Thor (The Athena Project), The Coming Insurrection was brought up again...it says, “shoot all defectors in the head.”  Oh, communism.  It’s death.

“What is coming is profound.  It can either be profoundly bad or profoundly bad.”


Actress Jill Clayburgh dies at 66 (1944-2010) of chronic leukemia, a disease that she had lived with for decades.  Featured in Silver Streak (1974), she received Oscar® nominations for her roles in An Unmarried Woman (1978) and Starting Over (1979).  Also appearing in Ally McBeal (1999-01, FOX) and Running With Scissors (2006), her role in Nip/Tuck got her an Emmy nomination.


Still in a daze.

Haiti can’t catch a break: trop. storms are heading for the country.
All 22 passengers aboard a flight to Karachi are killed as the plane crashes in a field.
Iran marks anniv. of U.S. Embassy crisis.
Offset of 6B euros to combat deficit(s) in Europe.
23 arrested over German neo-Nazi radio station.
Greek letter-bomb suspects to be questioned.
3 AR men arrested in cross burning.
Photos of Bentley 2: jets of cyanide, probably sent out by carbon dioxide pockets.
Conservation group says Zimbabwe man was attacked by a pride of lions while taking shower.
Applying small currents to part(s) of the brain may help ability to learn maths.
Global internet link for an entire nation taken off-line; data attack.
AP: Pat Quinn to keep his seat; other candidate not yet conceding.

Australia’s Qantas now grounding A380 fleet; engine came unglued, ripped apart after takeoff; Singapore delays.

17 min. from exploding: Yemen mail bomb defused just in time.  French story cannot be confirmed by the U.S.

MySpace was bought for over half a billion dollars; News Corp. says it’s no longer profitable, and if it doesn’t turn around...

Harry Patter films blamed for disappearing endangered owls in India; poachers are being used for stuffed owl displays in attracting fans (pop. within the country).

10-day trip to Asia: our President puts himself in danger again

Indonesia, South Korea, Japan, India, Pakistan—Pres. Barack Obama is flying to five locations, and the security cost is reported to be $200M+.  Jakarta is a terrorism hotbed.
Has the Secret Service put his life before the agenda?  Has the President’s itinerary been changed?
Do you realize just how bad things would get if some nut offed the President?
Update: The $200M number was traced back to an anonymous source in India.  (It’s not very reliable.).

F.D.R. was wrong—the only thing we have to fear is not being prepared.

China has said, as long as there’s no restraint, the dollar will become unsustainable, and we’ll have to switch.
The companies can’t compete with the produce prices going up.  Eventually they’ll have to raise them; whole milk up 10%; sugar, 9%; Grade A eggs, 7%; corn, over 20%.  Dominoes pizza raised, +$2.  Wal-Mart will have to raise their prices.
The govt. officials will say, it will cost more “because the developing world is consuming more.”  Refer to the orderly decline of the dollar.
China will stop buying our bonds; 13 days later, world economic collapse; and 2 days after that, a new world order will commence.

George Soros is buying up commodities in preparation.
The speculators aren’t getting it right, so to make themselves right, they have to set up the conditions for these things to happen.  Soros is a speculator.
The companies will be turned into villains after being forced to raise their prices.
Oil is at a 6-mo. high.

Good news?
Soros’ ops—CA redistricting project, the reelection of Alan Grayson—failed.
Q3, Fannie/Freddie lost $4.1B.  Unions are turning on progressives.

Democrats control Congress for the next 2 mos.  Watch; blame game ahead.

TV, Radio

Ingraham and Stossel lost their bets to Bill-O, $1-10K ea.
Bret to Boehner: are you going to change the way the appropriations committee works?
New Gods & Aliens: intercourse and beheadings w/ giants; David and Goliath may actually be a real story, as physical evidence turns up.

George W. Bush cannot get over the doesn’t care about black people comment that Kanye West made, and West feels bad abt. jumping the shark via the race card.  You just know the left will attack him for treating Bush like a human being.

Other wake-up calls on Coast To Coast AM: European med. Journals have come out to say that the dry run for H1N1 vaccine actually doubled the chances of contracting regular flu—a health risk.
Water and comets—Snow in space?  NASA, powers that be will fight you for laying out the reality that snow cannot exist in space; places rummaged, documents taken, electricity cut.  Hush-hush.
J.C. got on the line?  Whoever it was said, I’m here!
68% of the gen. population believe in at one thing regarded as paranormal.  8/10 of those have had a genuine experience.
Negative stereotypes of people, categorized as mentally ill for believing.
Segregating religions: powers are trying to break up believers.
The support of non-violent people against corruption is growing!

‘Crazy’ really means you don’t understand what you’re looking at, admittedly.


Actress Michelle Nicastro, who originated the role of Éponine in the L.A. production of Les Miserables, dies at 50 in Toluca Lake, Calif., of cancer.

Sparky Anderson dies at 76.  At first a batboy for the USC Trojans, he managed the National League’s Cincinnati Reds (1970-1978), and the Detroit Tigers (1979-1995).  Named ALM of the Year in 1984 and 1987, his 2,194 career wins are the sixth most for a manager in Major League history.


The message: Government does not create jobs!

USD/CAD, 1.0082 (02:52 E); USD/ZAR, 6.9; USD/JPY, 80.65; EUR/USD, 1.3998.
MGM files for bankruptcy.
Discovery launch delayed by a day over weather.
Arrests made for firearms near National Mall.
CH4: Boy gets detention for farting on bus, warned not to do it again.

“Hiccup girl” asks for bail.
Defense looking into ‘brain disorder’ as a role.

The historic significance, says Newt Gingrich.  Not since 1948 has there been such a shift of power—65 seats in Congress.
Senate (D 51-47 R) and Gov. winners: Schumer, DeMint won; Parnell (AK), Bentley and Shelby (AL), Beebe and Boozman (AR), Brewer and McCain (AZ), Hickenlooper (CO), Blumenthal (CT), Coons (DE), Isakson and Rubio (FL)—by a large margin, Deal (GA), Branstad and Grassley (IA), Otter and incumbent Crapo (ID), Coats (IN), Moran and Brownback (KS), Rand Paul (KY), Vitter (LA), D. Patrick (MA), O’Malley and Mikulski (MD), Snyder (MI), Blunt (MO), Burr (NC), Hoeven and Fallin (ND), Heineman (NE), Ayotte and Lynch (NH), Martinez (NM), Reid and Sandoval (NV), Cuomo and Gillibrand (NY), Portman and Kasich (OH), Coburn (OK), Wyden (OR), Corbert (PA), Chafee (RI), Daugaard (SD), Haslam (TN), Perry (TX), Lee (UT), Herbert and Leahy (VT), Walker and Johnson (WI), Manchin (WV), Mead (WY).
Mark Kirk gets IL seat, to be sworn in immediately (lame duck session).
Michael Bennet beat Ken Buck; Pat Toomey (51%) beat Joe Sestak (49%).
GOP’s Scott wins FL governorship.
No African-Americans in next U.S. Senate.
LePage won governorship of ME; Cutler conceded, Libby M. made 3rd place.  Paul LePage becomes the first Franco-Amer. Gov. of Maine.

House balance: D 185-233+ R, 218 needed for majority power.
Alan Grayson (CD 8) was beaten.

After three times this Admin. the debt ceiling was raised; this time, no Republicans voted for it.  Now with the GOP in control of the House, a raise rejection would force cuts in spending, but also a lowering of our credit rating.

The Weimar (Republic) Moment

There is another reason to say, “this is an history day.”  The Federal Reserve just monetized $600 billion more of the debt.  And Ben Bernanke said, The Federal Reserve will not monetize the debt.  Sincerity, any?  And while we were watching the elections...
Quantitative easing: buy to stimulate—the equivalent of charging one credit card with another.
Pensions, and union bosses giving money to Uncle Sam...so they can be paid back more?
We don’t have anymore money—but don’t worry, we’ll borrow it...
At some point, China will give up.  Interest rates will necessarily have to go up.  That is coming.
Out of all the rhetoric of ‘evil’ bankers and Wall Street, yet the public cannot know about the selected bankers of the fed?  For all we know, it could be Goldman Sachs.
Then, we’re supposed to think that people can pay in bonds—they’re IOUs.  You can’t borrow money from yourself!

Reuters: the U.S. dollar will lose 20% of its value.
We had $800 billion in cash flow, but just had to print $2.5 trillion.
There comes the realization to eliminate the dollar after the progressive policies to bring the rest of the world up failed.  An orderly decline of the dollar is actually desirable, said George Soros.  As an example of balancing the black hole that is debt, the newly-formed European Union had to equalize the currencies before creating the Euro so the old ones could be eliminated.  Last year, Iceland’s krona/kronur collapsed; they couldn’t import meat.
So the plan is to shift our wealth overseas, then carefully manage the decline of the USD.  Just one problem: the dollar is the only thing we make anymore.

Stock up!  Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.
Inflation prices vs. agricultural prices continues to rise, and rise at an alarming rate.  Prices are expected to double, maybe even quadruple in just one year.

Proposition 19 failed

55.5% no to the pro-pot measure that Soros pumped $1M into.
Political garbage on AOTS; progressive mouthpiece: the opposition put out a lot of dysinformation, but we won—we got a discussion going in the public...

Ideologue Barack Obama on Boehner getting a leadership role, “talking with him” (besides the photo op. of “pragmatism”): he is a person of color [laughter], but not a color that appears naturally.
Soon-to-be-speaker-of-the-House John Boehner spoke into 11:44 p.m. last night, tears up.
The Pres. also said it’s dangerous inside the W.H. bubble.

Season of women...

Barbara Boxer (CA) on her win over Carly Fiorina:
“There is only one reason why I got into power: to make life better for the people I represent.”

Jerry Brown (CA) on his win (51%): Calif. openness—we want to be fair; where we are, the polarization, division.  In the same speech, he basically calls the other guys racist, exclusionary of people that are different.

So it was the season of women for the GOP?...no, only Nikki Haley (SC) won.  Meg Whitman spent a record no. on her campaign—and with her own money.  Money couldn’t help Fiorina either.  Sharron Angle (NV) was beaten, Christine O’Donnell and Linda McMahon were pol. crushed.

The positive: sending the message home despite a loss.  Angle: We the people have been awakened over the last twenty months.  And it is a journey.

Somehow, Harry Reid got reelected

$0.2-1 billion was channeled in by the unions.  Gee, do you think they expect something in return?
Reid: it was a “tough fight.”  He also used a boxing analogy.
Jerry Brown stated out loud that he doesn’t know what he’s doing, but Angle is the inexperienced one?  Brown: we will have to stimulate our way out... stimulate green jobs, infrastructure.  Put the car into ‘D’, and drive CA further into the ditch.  Isn’t that great?


Election night ratings (millions): FNC, 7; ABC, 6.8; rest under 6.5...CNN, ~3.1; MS-NBC, ~1.3.
Paladino threatens w/ bat: either you elect us, or you get this.
“Democracy in action”: Mountain Dew White Out chosen by fans of...that.
Colbert Report intro caption: BATTER-FRIED after HANG 2010.
Ugly Americans rips ‘reality’ shows—Drawn Together beat them to it.

South Park: Mysterion Rises
Both led by Tony Hayward, BP tore a hole into another dimension, DP does doubly worse.
Once a news reporter, Captain Hindsight tried to get bitten by a spider; his new powers allowed him to...get people to leave the scene when help is needed.  Mysterion gave him a piece of his mind after Hindsight held them up (he was defeated prev. via his own hindsight of his actions; Butters dressed up as Courtney Love).
What should I do? (Did they actually see the LeBron James commercial prior?)  Hayward: should I find new ways of saying, “we’re sorry”?  Cartman: should I apologize?—  No he’s going to go back to being a Dick.
We find out in hey, they killed Kenny, that Mysterion is...


Body of Julien Hug, 35, who appeared on season 5 of The Bachelorette.  COD: self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Storm Chasers’ meteorologist Matt Hughes, 30, died May 26 of complications from an attempted suicide in his home.


Pres. Obama to be interviewed by Ryan Seacrest.
ABC cans Breitbart fm. his limited role.
Death of Cap & Trade?  CCX, Future Exchange—Soros is moving.  Awe...did someone lose a trillion dollars?

Ha-Ha!  Winners!  Chris Matthews put Michele Bachmann on for the pt. of interrogation amid her win; Are you going to investigate Democrats as you said you would?  You keep giving the same answer—are you hypnotized?

Katrina vanden Heuvel (The Nation) on CR: we’re looking at 30 yrs. of working people being shafted in this country.  Bitterness, insanity is just oozing out of her passionate face.  The kind of passion that says we’re a Democracy.  (We’re a constitutional democratic-republic.)

TV, Movie

DVDuesday: Chris says buy Toy Story 3.
Largest rating in channel’s history: AMC premiere of The Walking Dead, 5.3M.

Mature/Adult games out of the hands of minors: Adam Sessler does a good job, in suit and tie.
Going up to the Supreme Court, the bill in CA may need modifications for clarity, a narrower definition of what crosses the line, looking for common sense solutions on what those under 18 should have access to.

Kai Wright (ColorLines) on GRITtv (FSTV): it goes from blacks w/ ACORN to Latinos (racism in GOP goals).  The other guest on O’Donnell in the media: look at this dumb woman.

Casey Afleck is brutal in The Killer Within Me.  The music is a bit in bad taste (“happy” abuse music after setting the house on fire?).


Charlie O’Donnell, host of Wheel of Fortune, dies at 78.  He was also Dick Clark’s American Bandstand sidekick.


Authorities suspect PETN in parcel bomb case, undetectable with current airport scanners.

Some 120 taken hostage in Iraq on Sun.
Next up, a religious massacre, this time targeting Christians.
Iraqi TV station that said they were contacted by the militants that attacked a church have been taken off the air.

4 Americans shot to death in Ciudad Juárez last week, separately.
Yemen puts uncaptured Anwar al-Awlaki on trial.
PKK say they’re extending ceasefire.
Al Gore to host 11.17 Global Town Hall Meeting.
Politico: GOP establishment’s next goal: stop Sarah Palin.

PA woman found guilty today in “pizza bombing,” where a scapegoat robber’s head was blown off.

Elizabeth Smart case: suspect to appear in court today.
Brian David Mitchell is charged with kidnapping, unlawful transportation of a minor across state lines.

USD/Yen: 80.51 (18:22 EDT).
‘Fact Checker’ nerd gets ‘Red Shirt’ immortalized in WoW Cataclysm.

Fox News flooded with EMFs.
Fraud monitor: 400 observers to 18 states, also potential voter suppression in TX, voting fraud allegations at highest level ever.

What measures are being voted on: term limits (Oklahoma), eminent domain revocation, a measure to prohibit state debt, and...a pro-pot measure in CA, promoted by Soros.

Robot’s space debut ‘giant leap for tinmankind’: Robonaut 2.  It’s the first humanoid robot ever bound for space, a $2.5 million mech. and elec. marvel…  For those that invest in humanity, however, this is really sad.  Legs are still in the works.


AIG planned to pay execs (particularly to those making only $1/year), and Dick Blumenthal made the “popular” bonus gouging a matter of deservedness than law—refused to point to any laws that made it legal.

A painting personally sent: a woman stopped painting and college after getting the diagnosis of muscular dystrophy.  After being awakened, she went back to both.

TV, Publishing

Women of SNL special in prime (9-11 p.m.).
Unflattering photo of O’Donnell in Time; under chin, and up close—similar to what Newsweek did w/ Palin (make sure tiny facial hairs are seen).

Yes, Zach Galifianakis lit up a joint on Fri. for Real Time w/ Bill Maher.  He did it to send the message that it won’t have you “seeing dragons.”  Oh, look— dragons!  The pot was fake.

Daily Beast/Peter Beinart (10.25) on “perceived” liberal biases: The people who run the station believe that Americans should know more about what is happening in China and less about what is happening to Britney Spears…Folks like Palin want America to grow more and more economically integrated w/ other countries and they want America to keep invading them… Shouldn’t we keep funding NPR, so someone can tell them where those countries actually are?

Blatant corruption: putting the “who” above single standard truth.

No appreciation of your own actual existence—no self-respect or respect for humanity, as lasting existence—the original source—is the ultimate truth.  No soul.  The shallow takes on American life.

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