The information provided here is timely and biased.
Never treat one internet news page as whole; accept the aggregate, working facts of the original and multiple sources.  (Do your own research.)

The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.

— James Abram Garfield

The people who say you shouldn’t take risks are insane.

— Benjamin Franklin

I’ll tell you how to use it later, pinhead.

— guy from Laurel & Hardy: The Dancing Masters

Must read

Road to Serfdom by Friedrich August von Hayek.  The one book to read, if you had to choose.  He risked his life for spreading this in the Soviet Union.

Entering the red as a nation

We are approaching 100% debt-to-GDP, over $100B a month.  Cut spending.

The “Cybersecurity” (Kill Switch) bill passed the Senate on the 29th.


Mag. 6.5 quake hits southern Mexico.
Militants storm major Afghan airport.
Eyes on WallStreet after the major sell off yesterday.
Roger Federer’s winning streak at Wimbledon has ended.
Movie American Pie’s Chris Klein arrested for DUI.
Council Center University (Orono?) hacked, thousands of students exposed; census info?
The Russian PM is pissed about the espionage ring breakup.
International Law: Eric Holder is the first acting Attorney General to travel abroad, “help Afghanistan with their laws.”

President declares state of emergency for TX as now-hurricane Alex lands on shore.
Alex is a Category-2 hurricane with 105 MPH winds.
Sea life in the Gulf that looks alive is either dead or dying, and fires are burning on the waters.

In January: Google will remove the censors for the Chinese version of their site, since hackers broke in; Google claims that the hacks are of Chinese origin.

Larry King is hanging up his suspenders, looking at American Idol host as replacement.
Bret Michaels in the short list for replacing Simon Cowell.

Pete Stark (D-CA), Congressman since 1972/73, refuses to be honest about the border war

The border is secure, and yet Phoenix, Arizona is the 2nd largest kidnapping capital of the world.  An area 80 miles in has been closed off because of the cartel violence, severed heads are literally rolling, and this guy is mocking the people he’s supposed to represent.  Stark has also said in the past that George W. Bush sent our troops to war to get their heads blown off for his amusement.  How many people have you killed today, to a minuteman.  Zero deaths on record for the group of individuals who try to do what the federal government refuses to do—and they don’t want to do it.
The U.S. President takes an international, anti-colonial, etc. approach: arm the Mexican army.  Sorry, but the Mexican army has never stood a chance to the drug cartels.
The #1 kidnapping capital of the world has gone from Bogotá to Mexico City.

The election in Tamaulitas, Mexico will go on, even though one of the gubernatorial candidates was murdered over drug cartel conflict.  Say hello to our future (if we do nothing).

In the June 28th issue of Time, Evangelical zeal and America’s appetite for meth fuels La Familia Michoacana, a provincial Mexican gang that has decapitated at least 20 people in the stronghold of Apatzingán.
It’s gotten to the point that we’ve had to consult our bishop about whether there’s a proper way to say funeral Masses for heads without bodies, says Andrés Larios, a local Apatzingán Roman Catholic priest.
Unlike what you see in Breaking Bad, its members have produced the clearest crystals I have ever seen, says Atlanta DEA head Rodney Benson.
With billions of dollars laundered, officials say the gang controls maybe 30% of the state’s formal commerce, also threatening what it doesn’t own.  Other cartels just pay off the political structure in order to be able to do their business.  La Familia is making itself the political structure, says a top Michoacán investigator that does not want to be identified.
Mexican President Felipe Calderón’s government is offering $2.5 million for the capture of La Familia head Nazario Moreno—a.k.a. El Más Loco, a dealer with hitman experience, and a “narco-mission from God to protect our Michoacán,” dismissing the notion of “turning the other cheek.”
With one journalist abducted and murdered in April, at least five reporting on the violence have come to “a sticky end.”

Revisionism is a Marxist term (look it up)

Related to “social realism,” the elaborate means to justify socialism through changing the art culture, revisionism is the alteration of history.  Revisionism started in 1902, but kicked off in the United States by the 1920s (after Woodrow Wilson).  And by the 1930s, textbooks started taking quotes from discredited books without critical mention of error.

Morgan Freeman’s Through the Wormhole

The Big Bang, and all of the strange theories that I’ve never heard of.
It all started when the earliest telescopes that could cover the globe gave a consistent stray signal.  No matter what the scientists did, they got the same background radiation all over; it had to mean that something great, something cosmic happened in the distant past.
One theory of origin is that this universe came from a parallel one.  Another, parallel universes eventually bump into each other.

Rick Barber beats the buzz saw (but the “left” will say they won)

On Hardball, Chris Mathews puts words in Rick Barber’s mouth, trying to trip him up on things like specifics on sales taxes.  Ultimately, Mathews loses the stupid game he started, but doesn’t seem to regret anything—like Ed Schultz, we’re the good guys.

More deliberate misunderstanding expressed in the distract-athon: Beck is still not able to get a permit for 8.28 (even though Freedom To Assemble is part of the First Amendment).  Is he trying to desecrate MLK’s I Have A Dream speech?  At least Olbermann and Bill Press are throwing the cruelty out there for people to see: Olbie reads, at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, and Press responds, on the steps?  That must be another misrepresentation by Beck.  But then again, most of the crap on MS-NBC comes from the blogosphere; ratings shall continue to drop as they drop the same, lame garbage.

I can see fishy Russian drinks from my house!  Sarah Palin’s home town in Alaska makes salmon-flavored vodka.

“Stimulus” and TARP November Slush Fund

The administration extends TARP to the end of October to “stimulate” troubled areas...for election time.
For the entire year, so far, Congress has not put together a budget — this hasn’t happened since the 1970s (remember James Carter?).
Also, someone from AIG is being appointed to oversee...


Major offensive launched overnight in Afghanistan.
Currencies: Yen/US$, 88.62 (1:12 EDT); Euro/US$, 1.2254; to Australian Dollar, 0.8649.
Commodities: Platinum, 1567.8; Gasoline, 2.1.

Breaking boring at the Elena Kagan shoo-in hearings, Al Franken was caught dozing off, drawing a picture of what looked to be Jeff Sessions.
Lindsey Graham no longer supports Cap & Trade bill, tries to remove ‘progressive’ from his identity in the “confirmation hearing” to replace justice Paul Stevens with Kagan.
The fact that Kagan did not want to be identified as a progressive means that the name may change sooner rather than later; you will have to let the actions speak louder than words, such as the fact that she said that the banning of speech shouldn’t happen instead of it is flat-out unconstitutional).  It’s been two years since Hillary Clinton said, I prefer the word “progressive,” which has a real American meaning, going back to the progressive era, at the beginning of the 20th century.  I consider myself a Modern progressive.  The public has gained an awareness.
Legal Progressivism: in favor of case law over the static constitution; to consider the constitution “a living document,” instead of a charter of liberties based on self-evident truths.

This explains damn near everything

Why the bust removal, anti-colonialism (or co-opt), the seeking of Chicanos, Marxist professors, etc. in Dreams From My Father?
Barack H. Obama’s grandfather was held by Winston L. S. Churchill.  Tortured during the Kenyan uprising, white colonialism, the grandfather was whipped, and I’m not going to type the rest — it’s too graphic.
Questions need to be asked.

Operatives in the United States

11 alleged Russian spies arrested by the feds.  They’ve been here for decades.  Using invisible ink (court docs), mainly in the NE...Cambridge.
CPUSA (Communist Party USA, formed around 2005) has been co-opting the Democratic Party.
Brad’s Foreign Influence shows how much of a conspiracy theory this stuff really isn’t.
Rembember this?  You Americans are so gullable.  No, you won’t accept communism outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you finally wake up and find that you already have communism.  We won’t have to fight you.  We’ll so weaken your economy until you fall like overripe fruit into our hands.

Stocks are down today worldwide, especially for the Asian markets.
Paul Krugman says we are on the verge of another great depression... because we haven’t spent enough?  Similar to what happened during the 1930s.  In 1939, the guy who designed the New Deal said it doesn’t work, but F.D.R. refused to listen.
Then, in 1946, debt-to-GDP was 120%.  We were out of WWII, economists were predicting 14% unemployment, and the Krugman of the time was calling for spending.  Instead of the same new/old Keynesian model, we paid back the debts, rapidly grew the private sector.  We stopped a depression.

35K will be out of work as oil rigs will be placed on the beach?
Department of Interior does the permits, and they aren’t issuing any.


Apple breaks its own record by selling 1.7M iPhone units in 3 days.
Chemical explosion in southern Pakistan kills 18.
Missing: 7-yr.-old Kyron Horman, last seen June 4 at a science fair.

Day 70: tar balls wash up on the coast of Mississippi.
Bill Clinton, in saying the Pres. has gotten too much heat, also says that we should just blow up the BP oil well.  Like in the movie ArmageddonJust blow it up.

World economy?  What world economy?: DP World postpones LSE listing.
The President returns from the violent G-20 summit...the world says that John Maynard Keynes is dead, but Obama says that spending is the way out, even though debt is what got us here in the first place.

All up in the Political Correctness

Beyond Petroleum, the progressive company that gave the most money to the campaign, the oil company that took after ENRON by endorsing Cap & Trade, predictably screwed up.  So with... BP law/investigation waivers... 5 minutes for a review?  Bad record!  Bad!
Users using users.

The individual right to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
The Supreme Court cites the abolition of slavery in part of ruling for the extension that overturns gun ban laws.  ’Wonder how fake Civil Rights groups will try to spin this.
Chicago is case in point for restrictions made with McDonald v. Chicago; Otis McDonald cannot get a handgun to protect himself from gangs.  Ideological file: the ruling was 5 to 4, should be 9 to 0.

People pissed over the “kill switch” proposal by Senators Joe Lieberman, Maine’s Susan Colins.  Lieberman’s reason/excuse in maybe giving the White House the ability to shut down the internet for 120 days (four months) is... they “ought to have the same powers as the dictators in China.” So power grid vulnerabilities, virus attacks, terrorism means you do what communist China does?  Free speech means that government cannot limit individual expression.  The flirtation alone should get these clowns fired from public office.
Those that compromise freedom for security deserve neither.  Thomas Sowell says that all of the conditions are here for a dictatorship to form.

The Marxist eye-opener...yet many refuse to acknowledge a serious problem.
Jeremiah Wright’s comments were heavily edited in a 24-hour period.  He said that MLK, Jr. was trying to get blacks to act white, and that non-violence is misguided.

MoveOn.org just removed the General Betray Us? web page since Obama appointed him to replace McCrystal.

Her liberal friends asked her not to tell the cops

Get Off [of] Me, you big Lummox!  A masseuse kept her secret for three years.  She says that Al Gore yelled at her when she refused to massage his you-know-what area.  He allegedly made sexual advances toward her.  You’re being crazed sex poodle, trying to stop the middle-aged man.

sex poodle: n. a special breed of poodle that persistently humps objects, particularly the legs of a human.
That infamous blue dress (Monica Lewinski/Bill Clinton) has now been bumped for a pair of slacks.

When facts confront arrogance, immovable objects move

Chosen because it was the Saturday before 9.12 that would fit into schedule...not realizing that it would be the anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s I Have A Dream speech; August 28 shall mark also a day of restoration.  Honor will be in focus.
With the government doing all it can to close off the Lincoln Memorial, the “left” ups the [fill-in-blank] against Glenn Beck in an orchestrated attack.  All they have now —not counting violence—is more slander, calling original-sourced, accurate information “a distortion,” hating the fact that it may bring credibility to a “competitor.”
Don’t lose your soul.


Robert C. Byrd dies at 92.  The longest member of the Senate (West Virginia) was a Cyclops in of the Ku Klux Klan, and according to his 2005 book, he never stopped sympathizing for the terrorist group.

The mainstream fringe are trying to take Byrd’s past opposition to the Civil Rights Act out of the picture.  Senator L. is making sure that he is seen as the guy who carried the pocket constitution.
He sided against coal companies in his state.


The U.S. loses to Ghana in the World Cup.

Becoming more like Brazil, smart meters are the new craze of regulation authority.  And it is all about saving you money, they say.

MS-NBC frequent (and now-contributor) David Weigel gets fired from Washington Post for disparaging remarks being too conservative.
Disparaging remarks are typical in the “journology” blogosphere, where progressive journalists “discuss” what stories should and shouldn’t run in the newsroom.
Mention of Andrew Breitbart got Weigel fired.  Breitbart has put up a $100K reward for the “journology” archives.


First tropical depression of the year, storm Alex, heading NW for Mexico-Texas area.
More than 150K homes(?) remain flooded in Brazil.
Only “positive” for the “financial reform” bill: a provision to investigate ShoreBank— oh, removed.

The writer for EW calls the new Oliver Stone movie South of the Border mere agitprop, giving it a B-.
The children of today don’t understand socialism/communism.  You think they do, but they don’t.  And many so-called liberals refuse to grow up.

Pinhead activist Peggy West shows her lack of geographic knowledge by stating that Texas is directly on the border w/ Mexico while Arizona is not.  The guy next to her on the panel corrects her; Arizona does border with el Mexico.
Elena Hernandez(?) wasn’t all that comfortable in telling a socialist crowd, the police are only occasionally good... Would you sit across from a guy w/ a pointy hood?  Well act the same way with the border patrol.

Tears for Smears

Blacklisted by History shot to #1 on Amazon in less than 3 hr. by the author simply being on the Glenn Beck show.  No other show has produced this much success for book authors, including Oprah and The Daily Show.  And then there’s a writer for Town Hall magazine detailing the smear campaign against Beck.

Black Founding Fathers part II reveals something big...

Did you know that a major cause, if not the cause for the Revolutionary War was that some states/colonies enacted anti-slavery laws around 1773 and 1774?  King George, claiming total ownership, put his foot down, and our founders clarified their position: Individual liberty rules, not you.
Non-free states were called Slave-Holding Confederate States back in the 1800s.
For some reason, paintings of black heroes have been “misplaced.”  We have these revisionists that try to get credit for everything, and call other people racists.


$2.35B spent so far on cleanup, 365,000 barrels extracted/siphoned.

The President remarks on the bank & credit “legislation.”
The sweeping 2,000 page “financial reform” bill is predicted to pass next week.

Japanese gang leader in U.S. to face NY charges.
France moves their pension retirement age from 60 to 62 to reduce deficits.
Obama appoints James Jeffery to replace Christopher Hill as ambassador to Iraq.
Tony Hayward selects a former FEMA member as his successor.  Heckuva job, Hayward pick.
After botched botulism injection, Kate Goslin now longer looks human...as if she ever...
Micron and Dell dropped 6%.  Stock to watch: Rim.
In ME, thunderstorms, humidity is ~90%.
In dealing with bankruptcy, FairPoint will reduce its broadband: cut expansion plans, cap user count.
Central Maine Power will increase its utility rate by 2.5%.

Richard Cheney hospitalized again.  The doctors can’t quite link the new health problems to the 69-yr.-old’s long history of heart disease.  He’s had five heart attacks, the most recent in February of this year.

Charlie Rose tech dish

Apple® still uses AT&T as the exclusive data carrier because it was the only one to agree on a deal to keep iPhone design plans secret.  At least one other carrier, Verizon, has come forward to accede with Apple’s secrecy agreement as of late; the alternative might be available in January.
Apple continues to remain the super-smartphone leader.  The stock’s market cap — not to be confused with revenue — exceeded Microsoft in May.

Reflections of Lefty Ignorance

Rupert Murdoch reflects the we need immigrants, come through the front door sentiment (that Beck has repeated) on FOX & Friends, and progressives act as if the positive thing came out of the blue from an evil conservative network, echo chamber.


Prescot Bush, Jr. dies at 87.  He was a relative to George H. W. Bush, and served.


Isner wins 70-68 in the final set of the longest tennis match in history.  Suspended at least once, the Wimbledon match lasted three days, 665 minutes (11.08 hr.) in match time.

Out of the 46 states in a budget sinkhole, CA is at $9B, and NY is at $8.5B.
Winds were as high as 80MPH in Chicago as storms w/ floods muck things up.
Acting National Intel Director resigns.
Terrorism case: Pakistan arrests 5 Americans.  They say they were there for a wedding.
The word “official” makes a Sarah Palin fund worth $400K illegal.

National defense is being outsourced.
The State Department is paying mercenary group XE (formerly Blackwater), and the administration is not giving any clear explanation as to why.

Da legal battle between Google’s YouTube and Viacom has been settled...maybe.  Viacom, owner of Comedy Central, is appealing the court ruling where you can post all the COM crap you want on YouTube.

Stupid Human tricks

Gail Bosner leaves over $18 million to her Chihuahua, and its body guard.

Glenn Beck tells everybody almost every day now to do your own homework... Dan Burton didn’t, wound up on Countdown as the Worst Person in the world.


In World Cup news, U.S.A. defeats Algeria; now we face Ghana.
Alleged drug kingpin arrested in Jamaica.
SIGA, a viral & bacterial genomics co. that goes into bio-warfare picks Andy Stern.

Stanley McCrystal offers his resignation to a very angry President, and the President accepts, gives a speech about standards.  Heh — standards.

Far passing the 1,000 mark, 43 American troop KIAs for the first 22 days alone in Afghanistan.

Sand berms to defend Louisiana against water and oil?  No.  The labor unions are in the way.


Honor means something.
“Stand behind our military because the second they lose their honor is the second we lose our future.”

Immigration ordinance passes in Nebraska.
We pay Afghanistan $4M in relief, but much of the money goes to others...say, the Taliban?
Too young, too much?: $10M listed for pensions of people retiring at 35.
Bob Bennett bounced by GOP Comm.: Mike Lee will be facing the Dem. candidate.
Nikki Haley wins GOP nomination in SC.  African American Tim Scott also got nomination.
Buncha Dicks: people behind ChatRoulette are looking into “genital recognition software.”
It’s Miley!: Miley Cyrus ignores critics as she dresses down...black strap outfit like Lady GaGa.
It’s GaGa!: Jerry Seinfeld slams her: I paid for the same box seat...she should remove the last A in her name (Gag).

Stanley McCrystal ordered home to explain disparaging remarks he made about White House officials: James Jones is a “clown” stuck in 1985.  Somebody is getting fired...

Crime rates are up in Brazil; cars go by w/ bullet holes.  One in four is in poverty (and not the no more than one television, an air conditioner definition used here), and the electrical grid is too dependent on the setup for the 2012 World Cup, 2016 Olympics.

Try to blame it on Tea Parties this time: Kesha Rogers won Democratic nomination.  She is part of the Lyndon La-Rouge communist left, the crowd that started the Obama as Hitler posters, and wants the President impeached.

People gasp in footage of Kyl telling them that the administration is using the border as a bargaining chip for amnesty, a.k.a. “comprehensive immigration reform.”  Who’s lying, Senator Kyl, or the White House?

New FDA rules go into effect today for tobacco companies; tobacco companies will no longer be able to give samples or advertise in events, and on T-shirts.

Nancy Pelosi is all of the sudden in line with Jesus: Cap & Trade is a work of God— or the wordIsn’t that beautiful— “the word.”

Here are some books:

The War Lovers...Theodore Roosevelt wanted an excuse for war, got a Spanish-American war when a ship blew up— accidentally.  “Teddy” was a progressive that bragged about killing a man with his bare hands.

Democracy In America by Detokeville (or de Tokeville).  Did you know that F.D.R. ran on a “conservative” platform, saying that Hoover was putting the country on the road to socialism.  They will do anything to get into power, then kick the door behind them.

Here’s some television:

The Daily Show entertains the idea of miniature golf courses for each problem that Obama faces: from initial golf balls to plug an oil hole, golf balls being taught by a baseball from landing in an INS van, to left/right (Olbermann/Limbaugh)— oh, that failed.  Bin Laden’s head explodes.

Jimmy Kimmel makes good with the power outage by using a handheld camera.

The Neistat Brothers did an Ego vs. Love segment that obliterates my love_to crap.

Mother is insane.

(I’m) doing whatever it takes to keep the love; consistency in what I already have; appreciation.  Since I can’t think consistently with food, I may starve.  Will compassion win out?  I ought to hope that the worst will be revealed, conquered.  I cannot juggle this so things will be worse than I thought.  [Even though I do what I can to not be the manipulative party,] I am still too manipulative to be trusted.  God help us.
I hope that I am not misguided as she has projected: it takes two days, at least, to confirm the notion. ... Therapy is about helping the patient gain self-control; to start with the spontaneous, then work out the problems, important issues from there. ... In making mistakes, there is a lot to learn.  May I attempt to fast?  No, I am too much of a glutton.  (A glutton is someone who eats or drinks excessively, has great desire for something.)

Okay, Freud was flawed, and kind of, dare I say, a quack.

New definition of evil in my book, the closest ever: the destruction of self-control, particularly through manipulation.  Destroying the individual is evil.


Swedish royal wedding underway...
Faisal Shazad faces arraignment hearing today.
46 killed in China mine blast.
China stops pegging to U.S. currencies, Obama speaks in congratulatory tone.
300 firefighters battle wildfires in Flagstaff, Arizona.
Budget guy Peter Orszag is stepping down, Rahm Emanuel denies a report that he will resign as well.
Toy Story 3 becomes the 3rd movie to top $100M in box office gross, while Jonah Hex bombs at 7th.

Tech Stats

Flash is less than $1.5/GB.
An Insignia 46" LED TV (120Hz/5M:1 contrast ratio, 1080p) sells for less than $999.

New X-Box 360 has WiFi, larger HDD, gets 5/5 on AOTS.
Valve says that a Mac version of Counter Strike: Source will be available for the Mac this week.
iOS4 features multi-tasking (which many apps do not support—they re-launch), and folders...like in 1997.

Selling out to Petrobras

The $2 billion set for the oil company run by Brazil, starting under a previous administration, has still not been finalized.
A push for a 6-mo. moratorium, where 1,500 meters deep is the limit, yet Petrobras may do 2,777.  Dangerous, anyone?  Because it takes so long to restart the rigs, jobs will be lost, and people are already bidding on those that won’t be used.
The White House is seeking to screw the competitors, Obama doesn’t need to talk to Hayward, Tony and John Padesta will do it for him.

Must Watch

Secret Voice of Hitler on National Geographic.  A never before heard recording reveals the real voice of the Nazi leader.  The recordings show a mastery of propaganda; Hitler did different dialects in his acting, even fooling people who were close to him today.
Centralization of power is the tool he used as all dictators do.


Senator Joe Lieberman proposes a “kill switch” to give the executive branch authority shut down the internet.

A million in (Southern) China evacuated; at least 90 killed in floods.
New BP boycotts.
Lead found in kids’ drinks and fruit snacks.
World Cup U.S. team robbed: ref disallows a point, tying the scores at 2-2, cannot explain it.
Floods in China submerge the landscape.
8 Turkish soldiers killed in border clash.
Mark Williams steps down from Tea Party Express.
Tony Hayward is caught on a yacht— a yacht race, doing what he wants to do.
Manila airport screwed, passengers stranded; radio/trafic control system down.
Mother of Joran van der Sloot calls Joran “sick.”
3 window washers stuck on scaffold for several hours in Texas.
Lakers win, “fans” set the street on fire in L.A.
Arizona “locals” start a major wildfire in Arizona.
Hamid Karzai gives Japan first crack at the metal ore found in Afghanistan...  Mine accident kills two.
11 Yemeni intel killed.
Supporters rally for Suu Kyi’s release.
4 dead at Louisiana train crossing.
Deadly shootings in Chicago overnight.  Black smoke pours out of Chicago train station, people injured.

David Remnick points out falsehoods in Barack Obama’s Dreams From My Father.
Few unnamed sources used to write Remnick’s memoir The Brigdge.

Tomato throwing event you’d find in Spain done here at a smaller scale.  Proceeds went to a foundation for cystic fibrosis?

Twin bomb explosions in Iraq, Afghanistan.  A dozen dead in Iraq, 4 dozen wounded.
Iraqis have been protesting prolonged power outages, some were shot.

Flibanserin: female Viagra

Now we have people who misunderstand how arousal works in women saying that the pink pill may ruin emotional response in the brain.  Pain gets disabled during orgasm, you dopes.  Others say that it won’t surpass the effects of a placebo.
There’s a new emergency contraceptive called Ella.


Manute Bol, one of the tallest basketball players, dies at 47.


The only thing that makes people equals is education.  Socialism reflects disconnect, as opposed to really socializing.

Israel eases Gaza blockade.
GM will foot bill for Gulf mess?
17 Afghans w/ defense badges in U.S. military training go AWOL— they say it’s common?
Suspected militant captured in Kandahar.
18 bodies recovered from shaft in Columbus mine accident.
Goldman Sachs losing PR war to Catholic Church.
Tony Hayward is a sock puppet in front of Congress.
Cancer and methane threats in oil spill coming ashore.
Massive Spaghetti-O’s recall; check website for details.
Borrowing costs may go up due to the size of the debt.
Another “Jobs bill” to pay for the previous stimulus.
Price of gold hits another record high.
Obama approval rating: Israeli, 8% approve; Arab countries, 88% disapprove.
To watch: state dept., SoS Clinton challenge the AZ immigration law.

Ronnie Lee Gardner executed by firing squad at 2010.06.18 12:17 PT (2:17 EDT).
It was the first execution for Utah in 14 years.

Blues Brothers added next to It’s A Wonderful Life, Ten Commandments endorsed by the Catholic Church.

Warren Buffet gave 99% of his money to charity.  Along w/ Bill Gates, the effort is to encourage wealthy people to give to charity, pitch in.
Fannie Mae is also down 99%, worse than Freddie.
The patent backed w/ Fannie is an electrical; outlet cover posing like a surge protector?  A mortgage company that is “simply saluting inventions”...B.S.?

Alvin Greene didn’t just sign up for Democratic candidate in South Carolina, he also said that he is Time person of the year... Alvin didn’t even show for nomination as representative.  No money (except for the mysterious $10K in registration fee), no house (lives in father’s basement), no website, this guy has built up nothing.

From the man that draws outlines of penises on people’s faces

Perez Hilton is under fire for posting Miley Cyrus underage “oopsy shot.”

E3 finale

New Medal of Honor, new 007 game for Wii looks too much like the N64 version (limited graphics).
The Crysis sequel is set to push the limits of newer PCs.
The developers of Tron: Evolution got in touch w/ those who developed the original Tron movie.

The starter-host

Craig Kilborne is back, doing a short variety stint on FOX broadcasting network; it runs on June 28th.


Oklahoma flooding leaves 136 injured.
Mag. 7.0 quake, mag. 6.2 aftershocks at Manokwasi(?), Indonesia.
Another earthquake, this time 85 mi. north of Anchorage, Alaska.
Farkas allegedly embezzles $1 billion in TARP money.
New home construction drops 10%.
Spirit Airlines to cancel all flights through Thu. amid pilot strike.
Caught on camera: Jaywalking beef leads to police brawl in Seattle, Washington.

The only terrorist who brought a house cat to training camp went because of a “tuna conflict” with his mother?  His sign during a protest read, KILL THE JUICE.

Dick Armey: leader of an army of Dicks

Rand Paul, bless his soul, should not have gone onto MS-NBC; they are not a legitimate news outfit... (Keith Olbermann) did not experience, appreciate the U.S. beating the Russians in 1980.
Dick Armey was a contributor to MS-NBC, appeared on Countdown, and Olbermann, a sports commentator, was part of the chanting.  U.S.A.!  U.S.A.!

Morgan Freeman’s Through the Wormhole

The title of this episode: The Riddle of Black Holes.
With stars moving 11 million miles an hour, the first definitive black hole was discovered 25 years ago.  A “waltz” was detected using adaptive optics.
From a computer modeler’s evaluations, black holes come from the collapse of galaxies, not exploding stars.
Later, Stephen Hawking’s claim in the 1980’s that information is lost in black holes.  A war of principle: Stephen Hawking vs. Leonard Susskind.  Susskind laid out the hologram principle of space, that three-dimensional objects appear to become two-dimensional when passing the event horizon of a black hole.

E3: Day 2

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II opens with the player falling, fighting TIE fighters...
Rage pushes processing power with all of the activity.  Both of these games feature extensive water effects.
X-Play does a rare second day in a row of televised Podcast.


Flag Day: observed in commemoration of the 1777 adoption of the official U.S. flag.

Mag. 5.7 quake affects the Los Angeles area; seismic activity was seen at a baseball game.
14 missing after floods in China.
26 dead as militants target the central bank of Iraq w/ bombs and bullets.
Man takes hostages at Leipzig store.
Made in Texas, the pocket machine gun.  Yes, a small automatic.
Clash between Muslim activists and the British military in East London, England.
Iran to send out their own “aid boats.”  This is gonna end out well.
1,776 ft Freedom Tower, to replace the terrorist-demolished WTC, may be co-owned by Saudis, the Abu Dhabi wealthy...
Records disclosed after death, the last brother to JFK, Edward, was targeted w/ death threats.
Randy Jackson suffers a mild heart attack.
Study: switching from white rice to brown decreases the chance of diabetes.
U.S.S. Intrepid will honor Mother Teresa since the Empire State building won’t.
4-yr.-old boy beats push-up record, a count in the thousands.
A-Team (PG-13) fails to top the box office in its opening weekend, at $28M.

Moody’s joins two other credit agencies/raters in reducing Greece’s bonds to ‘junk’ status.

Gary Brooks Faulkner, who is on dialysis for kidney problems, decides spend some time abroad instead of wasting away in Denver, travels to Pakistan to hunt down Osama bin Laden with a pistol and a 40 in. blade.  Faulkner was arrested by Pakistani police.

It was like waking up from a dream, or [still] being in a dream, says Jonathan Metz, a man who was forced to saw off his own left arm after being trapped in his boiler.  Metz attempted to clean the boiler with a shop-vac, got stuck, drank “horrendous water” from a flip-flop.

There should be no limit to what BP should pay

A political figure actually comes out and says that BP should pay for unfunded liabilities.
The $109.1 trillion that the U.S. Federal Government racked up?  No, the money that BP no longer has since its stock value is half of what it used to be.  Gretchen Carlson: maybe we should sue them now before they go bankgrupt.  [Groan.]

A great discovery in Afghanistan creates a whole new complication

A motherlode of metals discovered: iron, cobalt, a rare metal that’s hard to spell, and one find leads some to say that the war-torn country is the Saudi Arabia of lithium.

Junk Shot Presidential Address

After the gulf, golf.  After an address that ran at 8PM EDT and lasted 18 min., confusion over the lax detail in plans.  President Obama paints the Gulf disaster as his 9/11, goes to war on polluters... repeating after Marxist “mentors” 14 years ago: white executives that don’t want to pay for inner-city children— something that Olbie says is taken out of context, surface talk above the ideological war that progressives believe in.  Joel Rogers should be proud... after manipulative.
A $20 billion Escrow fund (in agreement w/ BP after the Prez caved under Progress pressure) for victims will be managed by the 9/11 victims fund manager.  BP knows that the number will grow.  Said out loud, denial of debate.

Labor unions are [racist] king.
The Jones Act, which started under Woodrow Wilson, disables help from other countries.  George W. Bush waived the Jones Act immediately after Katrina.  No waiver so far here, and 17 countries want to help.
A brief history of the labor unions laid out, Thu.

Another promise made to be broken.
The “Health Care Reform” law will force 2/3 of small business employees to change their coverage in 2013.  “Financial Reform” will be pushed much the same way (voters will have no choice, and will be subject to demonization by progressives).

Congressman puts a college student into a second-long headlock

A (Republican?) student journalist “ambushes” Bob Ethridge, asks him what his position is on the Obama agenda, and Ethridge snaps, knocking the student’s camera out of his other student was also recording via camera.  Ethridge interrogates, Who are you? while holding onto the student’s arm carrying the microphone.
In retaliation for exposure, the DNC attacks Andrew Breitbart for breaking the news on this.
Laws in some states that prohibit public taping, particularly the taping of police officers doing their job will be exacerbated.  Video cameras do more good than the police know.  Why would departments make it standard to put a camera on police cars?

Sounded like singer Al Greene

A number of people voted Alvin Greene over Victor Rawl in SC because the name sounded better.
Not good enough for Clyburn.  After elephant dung, he’s claiming voter fraud.  South Carolina is exclusively using a certain type of computerized voting machine.

Some idiots say that Rick Barber is inciting violence or treason with the Rick Barber for U.S. Congress ad.  A campaign ad that covers a “fact” of tea tax revolt in the 18th century?

Gearin’ up for Rise of the New Right

Chris Mathews, David Corn, and Pat Buchanan press into one Hardball of earwax:
Responding to Pat, the garbage poll: 34% of Republicans polled say that they are BirthersYou can’t say [that] they are [a] fringe group!  Once again, idiots who can’t get off ’the distraction of where the U.S. president was born, and that they are somehow legitimate.
And then there are the Birthers, a small group.

E3 game developer conference coverage

Joel McHale, Epic Mickey...
The first day brought the internet, twitter to a screeching halt.
Halo Reach will drop on Sept. 14.
Twisted Metal is back, baby!
Call of Duty: Black Ops will be released Nov. 9.  Such an incredible engine.
The Nintendo 3DS does not require glasses, shouldn’t produce eye damage like the 1990s red laser 3D GameBoy® prototype.


Country singer and entrepreneur Jimmy Dean dies 81.  He also had an acting role in the James Bond film Diamonds Are Forever.  Dean sold his Sausage company to Sara Lee in the 1980s.


One year anniversary of the green movement in Iran, the protests.

VP Joe Biden attended the start of the World Cup in South Africa.
Magnitude 7.5 quake struck off coast of India.  Tsunami warning called off later on.
A specialist is accused of leaking the helicopter video mentioned here to WikiLeaks...
Spirit Airlines pilots go on strike as planned, stranding thousands.
At least 17 All 20 dead in Arkansas flooding.  Waters rose as fast as 2 ft every 15 min.
Up toAs little as 42,000 barrels a day of oil is spewing into the Gulf of Mexico.
Gulf Coast Guard tells BP to speed up the pace, stop it - AP.
Vandalization picks up against British Petroleum gas stations.

Minnesota, has, so far cracked down on five places...that practice gender discrimination, a.k.a., ladies night.

AP: Riots sweep Kyrgyzstan, government begs for help.  At least 77 reported killed, more than 1,000 wounded.


Freedom Watch w/ Judge Andrew Napolitano premieres on FOX Business Network: a virtual showdown between Ron Paul and Sarah Palin on the issues.

Oil cleanup solutions on Huckabee.

The Tony Awards, and a registered trademark goes in there somewhere.
Catherine Zeta Jones makes a memorable moment.


One of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela’s granddaughters is killed in a car crash.

They think they know better than you on how to dispose of private property.
The gov’t takes over the Barnes priceless art complex against the will of the owners.

Politico: Rawl campaign asks for experts to look into South Carolina Senate results.
Politico writes that more votes went to Greene than ballots count.

Huffington Post and Washington Post—or whatever Post I don’t read—are merging.
The Huffington Post newspaper.  [Wretching.]

NAACP gets Hallmark to drop one of its cards on a phony racism charge — black hole is in astronomical term!  They’ve before pulled the same kind of crap about things like devil’s food.

Elena Kagan’s name pops up again, this time in a number of past legal cases, including the Monica Lewinsky case.  The White House labels all of her records as confidential advice, refusing to show really anything about Kagan before doing whatever they can to pack-push her into the Supreme Court.

I finally caught Morgan Freeman’s Through the Wormhole.
The episode is entitled Is there a creator?
Isn’t it amazing that I’ve already thought about all of the subjects discussed?  Am I the next Einstein, or should I still be dragged through the dirt for nothing?


There’s no living without challenge.

With the new financial legislation, the government will control 70% of the economy.

There’s no fiscal exit strategy and Ben Bernanke wonders why gold is going up.
BP’s stock plummets $17B in one day, over $70B overall.
Record coke bust in Gambia.
Eminem latest target in album leaks.
U.K. introduces English tests for immigrants.
2 Norwegians sentenced to death in Congo.
IKEA recalls more than 3 million blinders.
The administration is already pushing Cap & Trade, but not in name.

Scientists isolate gene(s) responsible for autism.  Gene duplication?
In Cell, Scientists concur that Alzheimer’s disease is a disease where the brain is lacking the ability to recycle the toxic buildup of proteins.

Pressured by special interests, people at the Empire State building won’t honor Mother Teresa because she’s a religious figure, even though they did the colors of Islam...

Revolutionaries in Europe: From elections to transitions, militants will never be anything other that which distances us each time a little further from the possibility of communism.  Luckily, we will accomidate neither treason nor deception for much longer.  Sabotage every representative, every authority, spread the talk, abolish the general assembly.

You can’t change their minds, but the masks are coming off

The Blag Flag movement of anarchists blew up during the rise of communism in the late 1800s.
Things have gotten so far out of hand.  Some of the revolutionaries want a river of blood.  Irresponsible and greedy, the politicians think they can use them.  As the stakes get so high, once the revolutionaries feel like they’ve been lied to, it’ll be just like the Weather Underground; a literal blood bath.  Members of the Weather Underground calculated that 25 million people had to die for their plans, and didn’t mind.  Politicians will have targets on their backs, even the progressive President of the United States is in danger.  Keep playing around like this and European banker kidnappings will look like a game of paintball.

Instead of defusing the mess, Barney Frank calls for more authority to the politicians...

Primary results

Carly Fiorina (HP CEO), Meg Whitman (former eBay CEO), Sharron Angle, Nikki Haley (Sarah Palin-backed), Paul LePage (TEA party-backed) win in primaries.
Twas anti-incumbency fervor... most incumbents actually won here.  82 out of 84?
It was a win for women... Bill Clinton got behind Blanche Lincoln against the union-backed candidate: regarding the union leadership, this is about using you, and manipulating your votes.  The unions are pissed now because they spent $10 million on the loser.  They want money, not so much politics.

I could just not believe that this man was running, and won, says the woman who claims that Alvin Greene showed her porn, allegedly committing a felony.  It wasn’t long before lefty nuts started calling Democrat Greene a Republican plant, and K.O. sells it, shows how bright the guy is — or isn’t.

TEA party brawl

A moonbat governor assaults the ‘R’ head of Forsyth.
First, everything is George Walker Bush’s fault.  So worldly in viewpoint, the crazy black governor makes the white guy out to be a “Bush-lover.”  Wow, racial and idiotic leftist overtones.  Stay away from my wife.  And even after punching the white guy in the face, everything, including this episode, is of course Bush’s fault.

Pweaz expwain Senator (sic) Mcain

Snookie chats by tweet with John McCain, the real Maver— scratch that, the real French fry Senator.

The new Vanguard: No limits

Showing that the standards have been loosened.
Adam Y. does World’s Toilet Crisis: a part of changing getting villagers in Indonesia and India to adapt, the disgust factor: making people realize that they’re eating their own sh*t...
There wasn’t an asterisk in the original content.


50 days later, 10 times worse than Exxon Valdez.

Gold reaches a new high, 1,250.  Yen/US$ dips to 91.37.
French rogue trader may get five years in jail, 375K euro fine, claims he has been made into a scapegoat.

The “Stupidity” Defense: In Blaggo trial, judge issues a twitter gag order for Rod Blagoyevich after he was caught tweeting in court.

Joran van der Sloot tried to extort Natalee Holloway’s mother for info.
The new false confessions to police concerning his role with a new murder (Stephany Flores Ramirez), the gambling, bribery and extortion, confirm something: he is a greedy liar... a gambling addict?

Ocean Futures society, and a number of other sources w/ cameras record footage of plumes of oil.  British Petroleum still does not want to admit that there are plumes of the guck in the Gulf.  The plumes are eaten by tiny organisms, but not plants; they take in oxygen.  The food chain will suffer as result of less oxygen in the water.

Still trying to co-opt the revolutionary movements...
Nancy Pelosi faces an unruly leftist crowd.  Secret Service agent: They are throwing stuff; we need to leave.
So I know whose ass to kick, says the President to the movements, America’s Future Now! with Van Jones saying Obama’s progressive again.

Barney Frank, throwing his...weight around, was booed at the Israeli PAC event.

You never run away from something; you run toward something.
Today’s subject is about the books that had authors of “Capitalist propaganda” assassinated or imprisoned, spreaders put into hard labor camps.  Economics Professor Yuri Maltsev, who came close to being one of the victims of socialism, has written a book entitled “Requiem for Marx.”
Those who’ve defected from communist countries are telling us to keep going.  The symptoms are there, but people here are not seeing it.

To Friedrich A. Hayek, writing Road to Serfdom was a duty which I must not evade.  After finally getting a publisher, they couldn’t keep up with the demands.  Americans were, or even today are, skeptical of the book, saying that Russian-born Ayn Rand doesn’t understand socialism.  It’s the other way around.


Christopher Hitchens takes on...himself.  Hitch 22.
Ouch: A reviewer for Time put his book in the toss category.


Have you heard of The End of the World Order of 1944?

June 6 is D-Day.  In World War II, About 6,000 soldiers died on that day alone.
In all offensive measure, a bust for Joseph Stalin is being made.  He killed over 20 million people, he targeted writers.  I guess I need to repeat myself when I say, your enemy’s enemy is not really your friend.

The bailout of Greece was, of course, not enough.  Another $1 trillion proposed for “stability.”  What stability?
Two Australian comedians lay out how nonsensical broke countries bailing out other broke countries is.

A study shows that Selenium is not effective against lung cancer.
104 months makes the war in Afghanistan the longest war the U.S. has ever been involved in.
Google wants to “help the press.”
The recreational vehicle turns 100.
Pope launches middle-east bishops group.
The whole frame now for the BP live feed is filled with oil, guck.
Wilder Publications has put a disclaimer on their 2008 copyrighted print of the U.S. Constitution.
89-yr.-old Helen Thomas is pushed into retirement after ~51 years as columnist over her exposed anti-Semitism.

Black smoke billowing out.
In Cleaver, Texas, a flame that can be seen for 30 mi., so hot that the people on a helicopter a mile up could feel it.

In North Korea, Kim Jong Il is giving the reigns to his son.
U.S. weighs new options beyond the United Nations to punish the regime for its actions with South Korea.

The video of chain and pipe-wielding flotilla “humanitarians” shown enough, but not so much the port audio, old hatreds: Shut up, go back to Auschwitz, these Arabs, remember 9/11.

Two NJ men w/ connections to a jihadist group are arrested in a sting at JFK airport.

Tornado watch across the north, Ohio to Virginia, over 7 deaths overall blamed on the storms, at least 3 attributed to structural collapse on Sunday.  Michigan was hit hard.

Gunman found dead of apparent suicide outside mall after argument following the fatal shooting of four in a mall restaurant.

Real story of Robin Hood: anti-socialism

The King had money and power, used the sheriff and the churches to give money and power to his friends, co-opting everything.  Little John was against what was happening to the churches.  And the tale repeats itself as insecure authoritative figures want as much power and control as possible.  The Magna Carta is yet another constitution to limit the powers of the King Johns of the world.

No one living is going to save you except yourself.  Make sure you are good, your neighbors are good, your communities/churches are good.  Money eventually becomes worthless.


On Breaking Bad, Skylar uses Wikipedia to look up money laundering.
The sudden blood & brains ending is like an egg over pavement.

New Glenn Beck book, The Overton Window, almost three years in the making, had to be changed a number of times because things in the book kept coming true...


iPhone 4 will be released late-June for $199.
The thinest smart phone has a longer battery life (the battery makes up most of the case size).
960x480 screen res. (4x, at hand-held scale, pixels are no longer perceivable to the human eye).
It features a front-facing camera, but not at the same resolution as the other camera.
No Wi-Fi: Steve Jobs couldn’t fully load the New York Times web page live on stage because too many people were using the web in one room.  Switching to Verizon won’t help.  And the press reporting on the lagging service means even more people on the web...

Adobe software (Flash and Acrobat reader) vulnerable to hacking.  While working on fixing the problems, you should make sure your anti-viral software is up to date.


The Euro falls bellow 1.2/$.
In Chile, Joran van der Sloot in custody, being sent back to Peru.
NYC approves plans to build a Mosque by an advocate of Sharia 15 mi. from Ground Zero.
Fran Drescher says her ex-husband is gay.  Who knew?
FIFA (Soccer) starts June 11.
Food Network launches spin-off Cooking channel.

59-yr.-old Rush Limbaugh, who is against gay marriage, marries for the fourth time, buys off gay-married Elton John for $1 million.

Columnist Helen Thomas apologizes for her Jews, they should get the hell out of Palestine, go back to Poland, Germany, America responses to a reporter’s (Nessenoff) questions (but with a smile).

No flotilla repeat this time, the IDF boards, without resistance, a Turkish ship heading toward the blockade.
Anti-Semitism continues to blow up, though.

Not a Katrina or PR situation, but a hostage-type situation.  Tell that to the promoter— I mean, President.
Obama to meet with families of the Deepwater Horizon rig (11 died) after appointing “global warming alarmists.”
BP to add a new division.  More public relations?  Tony Hayward is stepping aside.
The new funnel-job may be working...not really (look at the camera feed).
You know things are bad when James Cameron and Billy Bob Thor— I mean, Kevin Costner are called in.


Toxic America has been replacing Campbell BrownSanjay Gupta MD.


Unemployment: 9.7%.

Underemployment is at 16.6%; the pool is smaller due to 300K no longer looking.

Can’t even count

431K jobs created, only 41K of them private sector.  That means taxes are paying for 94% of them.  This is sign of recovery.  94%?  That is a sign of death!  We have more people in the Census now that we have in the airlines.  Over 500K Census takers.  The game that this admin. is playing — what happens when they fire 600,000 people?  One claim about the numbers for the Census is that they are firing, then rehiring.  In top numbers for the private sector, only est. 557K work in utility.
In ten years, the Census grew by $10 billion.

The unions are ruining the critical departments.  How much are the good teachers being paid?  How much are police officers getting paid?  You can’t even get an armed security in New York without a union member being involved.

Play it forward: people are spreading, by tape, the specials on history.  History buried and erased now uncovered, and people are pissed off.  People should be pissed off.
The Black Founding Fathers special has African Americans wondering just how much history has been erased.

The constricted, desperate left here: don’t believe your eyes, Glenn Beck is launching a diabolical plot!  Bwahaha!!!  Also dumb, yesterday, Ed Schultz (or his writers/producers) took a jocular conversation between Jane Skinner and Bill O’Reilly as something serious.

The battle to come

It was necessary then, but it never really stopped.  How you were born, where you came from cannot be reason for rejection.  We appropriately discriminate based on criminal records.  But the problem with the outcome is that it listed groups specifically.  Color, creed, race, national origin.  There are still places where gays can be discriminated against.
Another civil rights movement is underway.

How many have to die, and who keeps killing them?

Anti-semitism.  Coined by a socialist as a means of bringing down capitalism.  Conquer the Jew, and you conquer Capitalism, as the two go hand in hand.  That was the motive of Karl Marx, the ultimate self-hating Jew.

First, they come for the Jews is a literal statement.  Do you see it?  To destroy capitalism, the socialists go after the Jews.  The websites are there, and they are global and organized.  Economic turmoil -> Jew bankers, business, capitalism.  It is happening again as it would, tolerated and overlooked.

How the heck is appointing Rahm Israel Emanuel a show of support to Israel?  The middle name?


Shrek painted drinking glasses coated w/ cadmium.
2 Palestinians killed by Israeli soldiers in border clash.
Corruption trial for Blaggo begins.

Nuke, baby nuke: the next round of insanity in dealing with the Gulf oil leak...set off a nuclear bomb?  Anybody that believes that nuking the leak is a realistic solution is insane.  Somebody at the National Review is considering this stuff as well?

The ignorance is appalling

I got a dé jà vû when Jon Stewart went into the bicycle line.  Only the mistake is pointed out (saying that no one else covering the IDF video, the beatings).
No one will talk about the narrative or the history brought up.  It’s Just ‘paranoia’ because you are confident in your bull.
How dare you spark conversations.
Oh, and Attack of the Show’s Olivia Munn made an appearance as a Gulf/Vietnamese correspondent, speaking [expletive]-my-[expletive] Vietnamese.

Creating Synthetic Life on Science Channel, Your Questions Answered w/ Paula Zahn

The first attempt, leading to a cell with a synthetic chromosome of 1M genes failed one Monday.  Looks like another million dollars, another 2 years of hard effort will have to be spent.  The next Monday it was a success.  They were successful at engineering a cell that makes a visibly blue colony.  The method is viral for the synthetic DNA; it takes over the host cell.
Amazing...and dangerous.  Bio-warfare, anyone?  It’s been done before.
A religious figure comes on to tell us that God says, be careful.

In Baseball, a “perfect game” ruined

Worst Person: guy who can’t change a call over camera footage.  Out-ie, not Innie!
Oh, the people who take themselves too seriously over at sports stadiums, MS-NBC.


Golden Girl Rue McClanahan dies at 76 of a massive stroke.  She also co-starred in Maude, and made appearances in certain stage programs, such as The Vagina Monologues.


National Debt: $13.028 trillion.

Despite mid-east conflicts, possible outright Korean war (47 people died in the sinking of one of S. Korea’s battle ships), an oil spill in the Gulf region, we are going into summer, oil is down.  The supply dip is somehow beaten by an even lower demand?

Canadian Youth Soccer League (Ottawa) tries to ban blow-out wins.
The Mercury, the car that peaked in 1978, is ending.
More Québecois smoke blowing into the North East.
Pending home sales rose 6%.

Paul McCartney says, after eight years...finally we have a president who knows what a library is.
I think I remember that Bush read 95 books in one year.

Israeli-Egypt embargo.
New IDF video shows “humanitarians” wielding peaceful chains and setting off stun grenades.  One soldier, thrown over the edge, is now severely brain damaged after being beaten with weapons.
Barney Frank tells some truth on the matter of the Israel-flotilla clash on Hardball.

We saved Kuwait, but they only vote with us 1/5 of the time, while Israel votes with us almost all of the time.  The only free state in the region... is Israel, but we keep sending them down the river.
Israel has to deal with the I.H.H. (“humanitarian group,” 1992), and Free Gaza.  Both have terrorist connections.  How many of them are martyrs?
Israel isn’t denying Red Cross, Save the Children, other actual humanitarian groups.

Charles Krauthammer says that no one in Gaza is starving.  Jennifer Griffin is back (On the Record), having spent time there, contradicts what he said earlier.  The conditions in Gaza are so bad that it’s difficult to get out, let alone live there.

Hillary Clinton, Helen Thomas join the United Nations’ condemnation of Israel...defending itself.  Some countries want war, and are looking for any excuse to declare it.

On the hunt for Joran van der Sloot.
Suspected of killing Natalie Holloway, and now another woman, he is on the runWhere did he get all of the money for gambling?  Nnmm... drug and confession money.

Beware the rhetorical use of ‘just’

I can’t stand Morning Joe.  Joe Scarborough keeps saying, he’s just this, and she’s just that.  All media these days is at least propaganda by proxy.

No longer “bias,” even simply “distortion.”  Now it’s blatant lies.  Liars at the Huffington Post, Media Matters project their bunk, and the “mainstream” repeat it instead of report on the actual story themselves so they’re not deemed liable for the damage that inevitably ensues.

Bush derangement syndrome: One woman is blaming Bush for the breakup of the Gores; add this to other breakups, soccer match results...

8 out of 10 moonbats approve of K.O. (in 2006)

No longer any context.  Picking out words and expressions, no sentences.  Pushing a ‘Nazi’ image in the attempted character assassination of G.B.  I was talking about Venezuela.  You know we are in trouble when too many refuse to call this frivolous.
This time it was Olbermann, but just two days ago, it was CNN’s Rick Sanchez, the guy who worked on the character assassination of Rush Limbaugh, exploiting a quote Rush never said.  Daaadyyy??  Playing on those w/ a very limited sense of humor, already trying to give Beck the buzz saw — he worked at CNN less than 20 months ago!

George Stephanopoulos came from the Clinton Administration, and is at ABC only because the admin. at the time would refuse press access to ABC if they didn’t pick him up.  And so George — not the interviewer that ABC said would be there — pulls the race card at every turn when it came to James O. and Andrew Breitbart.


Killed by predator drone: al Qaeda’s #3 and co-founder Mustafa Abu Al-Yazid(?)

Son of Ted Koppel dies of alcohol abuse.
Albert and Tipper Gore to separate.
175 dead due to stormweather in Central America.
In China, a gunman kills 3 in court.
CNN turns 30.
Yahoo! Personals is closing on July 21, 2010.
50 of those on the flotilla that the IDF boarded have terrorist connections.

In the Alabama elections, these two names stick out:
George Wallace, Jr. (son of segregationist George Wallace), and...
Young Boozer.  Yes, his name is Young Boozer.

B.P.: Beautiful People

The top giver of money to the Dems. was an international disaster waiting to happen.
The willful and egregious safety violation record for British Petroleum, built pretty high in just the last decade alone, numbers in the hundreds compared to very few with its competitors.
Eric Holder went to the Gulf, came back w/ criminal and civil suits against B.P., even though the feds were the ones who decided to buy cheap parts.  Great, more stupid blue ribbon panels.
The B.P. oil spill now threatens federal lands designated for Native Americans.
The company will now try Cut and Cap... just as progressives will use this to push Cap and Trade.

If you wanna really bury a story, do it on a Friday of a holiday weekend

The FTC to put/start journalism in Americorp... to save it.

Rocks eventually turn to sand.  Advance when you can.

2010/05   2010/07