The information provided here is timely and biased.
Never treat one internet news page as whole; accept the aggregate, working facts of the original and multiple sources.  (Do your own research.)

The bright side is of truth and understanding

The man who said that financial Armageddon is coming in 10, then 5 years, now says 6 to 12 mos.

An injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. — Martin Luther King, Jr.

Those that have known freedom and then lost it never know it again.  Those that don’t appreciate or understand freedom enslave.


The birth rate is falling.
8 dead; 14 wounded in Slovakian shooting.
Cancún bar bombed; 8 dead.
4 Israelis shot dead in West Bank.
The EPA is now trying to ban lead in bullets.
Obama Administration now wants to appeal the embryonic stem cell ban.
Government spending up for “anti-poverty” programs...denial of FOIA denials...
AP: more than $5B wasted on projects in Iraq, including an empty prison.
Top-paid lawmakers total $1.4B; John Kerry is still #1.
FDA point out egg farm safety violations; egg producers blame customer undercooking.
U.S. investigating Hyundai Sonata steering.
Is the oil well dead yet?: officials look into why.
Qaddafi leaves Italy due to criticism; he has an all-female security team.
Paris Hilton faces possession charges; cocaine, rolling papers...
Roger Clemens arraigned on perjury charges (lied to Congress).
AMD announced that they’ll no longer use ATI brand name for video cards.
Wolf Blitzer: earlier today, Obama sounded like Bush when talking abt. Afghanistan.
Murkowski concedes.

CoastToCoast AM guest Timothy: the hidden gov’t is playing a waiting game.  Out of date indoctrination?

On C-SPAN(2), I find that type-1 diabetes has been cured in rats w/ nano-bots?  Ray Kjrzweil, author of The Singularity is Near, speaking on Nov. of...2005!?


Support your churches that preach individual salvation.

2 dead after Indonesian volcano erupts.
Assassination of Mexican mayor had police involved; 10% fired for failing polygraph.
At Tver region, ~120 mi. fm. Moscow, a man set himself on fire; 480 forced to evacuate.
Mormon bishop shot dead in Visalia, California.
3 Russian pilots abducted in Darfur.
Hurricane Earl becomes cat 2., could hit eastern coast by Labor Day; Fiona may form.
40 million Social Security Nos. have 40 names attached to them.
Epic traffic jam in China: 60-mi. expressway stuck for 10 days.
Canadian ship stuck in Arctic Ocean.
Korean Prime Minister-to-be resigns amid pressure.
Dems. look to cut “weakest” candidates; vets under fire.
Feds investigate fire at construction site for new mosque.
An explosion at ~5:03 ET near my house—no news on it.

Dutch police arrest 2 men traveling fm. Chicago to Amsterdam for carrying flight-banned items.  No evidence that they knew each other bef. the flight.

Al Sharpton staged a march for observing MLK, Jr.’s I Have A Dream speech, entitled, Reclaim the Dream.  Dunbar High School Principal Steve Jackson hosted the event on the school’s field.  Some God, but a lot of politics.  It lasted about four hours.  I saw it in whole, filled a half-page of text.
There were many speakers, most of them were limited to about 3 mins.  Robert Bates spoke of common sense solutions to gun violence.
Some railing on the Lincoln Memorial event, w/ Rev. T.J. Williams saying conservatives and corp. culture want to enact Jim Crow laws, roll back the Civil Rights Act of 1963 (it’s 1964, T.J.), and Avis Jones-Deweever sees a sea of beauty but knocks take back the country, and one of the speakers say that Beck just now discovered the I Have A Dream speech.  It got ugly when the hatemonger/spokesman for SEIU came to the mic: shame on the people at the other rally, they represent hatemongering and white people.  Ed Schultz—yes, he spoke—couldn’t get to speak about social justice.  It was George Leonard that said, pull/put your pants up.  (Take that, Stephen King.)  Chris Matthews Show: if any of the I Have A Dream speech was read at Restoring Honor, you’d hear people boo.  It’s sad; Palin and Beck read parts of the speech, and actual film footage of the speech was played at the Lincoln Mem. site.
Robert Franklin: March on as one family, nation...for freedom; as King said, we must come together or die alone as fools.

Infiltrating “conspiracy” websites now (Cass Sunstein).
FBI to redefine extremist terminology: terrorist, Aryan brotherhood, constitutionalists.  The New Constitutionalists...a rewrite for a prediction is pending (it is no longer fiction).

God and prayer—photos of Sarah Palin (in white), of Alveda King and Glenn Beck wearing a bullet-proof vest.  Alveda declined to wear one.  The message: get behind the Shield of God.  On Sat. night, the Smithsonian called, asking for items of the event.
With firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we mutually pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.  And as Thomas Jefferson said, Fix reason within her seat, and question with boldness, even the existence of God, for if there be a God, he would surely rather honest questioning over blindfolded fear.

Description, All Lefty Publications: predominantly/overwhelmingly white

But prior to 8.28, stepping in crap: NPR said there could be a pit of hatred; NYT, I Have A Nightmare: Beck is the anti-Dr. King.  MS-NBC “people” assumed the whole thing’s just another Tea party event, listing Dick Armey and Michele Bauchman as speakers, even though the list of speakers was never released.  Joe Klein, afterward: He is obviously a lunatic, a puppet of Murdoch; living in bad, bad economic times and terrorism...we put Germans into internment camps.  Yes, under progressives like F.D.R. and Wilson, we did put Germans, Italians, Japanese into camps.  Matt Taibi(?) talks of the weirdness, that they cannot escape 8.28 being a political event.
Huffington Post does ridiculous photos: 9/11 U.S. flag union; person w/ pocket constitution, George Washington on it; people in general.

One of the charges: people were looking down on themselves, are full of self-pity, as w/ progressives.  Yeah, like applause after, One man can make a difference!  Or...
Dave Roever (REE-ver) served in Vietnam, had a phosphor grenade in one hand—they burn at 5,000°—it scorched his face.  He screamed so loud after his face came off in the pillow he put his head in, but he picked himself up after his wife kissed the good part of his face.  Roever appeared at the event, receiving the remaining third medal.  A number of veterans that attended are handicapped; one man has hooks for hands.

Traffic was clogged, thousands walked through, but the President did not watch, of course, saying, Mr. Beck can (stir) a portion of the country, in response to Brian Williams’ anti-government rally leading question, as Obama confused it all as anti-government before.  Restoring and Honor topped leading search words.  Someone who works/worked for the Obama campaign was there.

Gates of Hell are opening up, as stereotypes are obliterated.  Actual extortion: beyond personal attacks, a fmr. L.A. Times writer, that also did Air America, now working for Huffington Post, says, Beck is also a Mormon, the lie of neo-cons, blacks’ place of the ghetto...let’s pop the FOX News bubble, is putting up over $100K (well, not w/ his money) for fireable dirt on him.  Go ahead.

A moment with Ed Schultz...(8.27)

I want to kick FOX’s ass!! ...I want to Kick them in the teeth!!  I want to...and even then, I’ll wrap my leg around them and hold them down—because That’s All They’re Worth!


Pakistan: flood pledges top 1B; 1,639 confirmed dead, many still regarded missing.
Earthquake in Iran kills 3, wounds 22+.
Lionrock tropical storm heads for China.
Engineers aim to move faster for Chilean miners; hole is only 4 inches wide.
Militants seize Somali radio station.
Britain demands release of Israeli soldier.
Many illegal immigrants entering through waterways.
Korean prime minister-to-be resigns amid pressure.
Space exploration: Russia paid rent, over $114M to Kazakistan.

“Business-licensed privilege” in Philly: paid bloggers have to pay $50/yr or $300 flat in blog-related profits.  And that doesn’t cover the taxes.  Philadelphia treats freelance writers the same as way as political/corp. ones—exactly what Cass Sunstein proposed.
Sunstein: tax them instead of banning free speech all-out—just like how the FCC fines people for indecency, it is a ban of free speech!  In order for speech to be free, no government can do a thing about expression.

Today marks the five-year anniversary of hurricane Katrina’s touchdown.  The before and after photos go from buildings and virtually empty streets to “water world” in all directions.  Many lives lost, many witnesses to starvation, death and carelessness.  The feds over-promised (even Brownie admits it), and the police panicked, holding people like prisoners for over 6 days straight, shooting dead a mentally ill man because he “looked like a looter.”  Over 1,800 died.

Alleged Cricket Scam in Scotland Yard: Pakistani players involved; 35-yr.-old “ringleader” arrested on suspicion of defrauding bookmakers, got paid thousands of pounds for match-fixing.  A tabloid publ. says he had players balling no-balls.

Sunday Housecall: People taking antidepressants should go off them gradually, not suddenly.
Try not to take omega-3 fatty acids (anti-inflamitory) when on anti-coagulates (blood thinners); the blood may become too thin.
Smoking increases the chance of mental illness.  I know that nicotine is a poisonous alkaloid.


65th anniversary of Jackie Robinson signing up for the Brooklyn Dodgers.

In Georgia Republic, 3 miners killed in blast.
Ted Stevens to be buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
Polish man in Ger. goes to doctor for head ‘cyst’; it’s a .22 caliber bullet.
HP-Dell bidding war over 3PAC heats up.
Microsoft co-founder sues Apple, Google over patents.
Mexicana Airlines goes out of business.
NJ schools chief fired over $400M mistake.
Johnson & Johnson recalls hip replacement implants.
ICE: 370 illegal immigrants arrested in 10 stores.
Freed American arrives home fm. N. Korea.

We look to giants for answers, before a reflecting pool

Over 500,000 showed at Restoring Honor; over $5.5M donated to Special Ops. Wounded Warriors, more than the ~$3.7M event cost.  The cost went up half a million since the National Park Service refused to cover security.  The time also went over to ~3.6 hours.  Red and white banners (via Jumbo-Trons?) included an image of Frederick Douglas.  Geraldo Rivera says Beck hit his marks, calling the thing a major home run.  Al Sharpton, who did Reclaim the Dream some blocks away at the time, jumps to the last resort of he did not do what we said he would do.  A consistency of negativity.
Sarah Palin squeezed in the line, we must not transform (America), as some would want.
C. L. Jackson got a (classic/new) medal of honor.  John Huntsman, Sr. got the charity medal for giving all money he makes to charity.

It is time to start the heart of the nation again

A government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from this Earth.  Do you think Jefferson just messed up the font size for We The PeopleMartin Luther King, Jr. hasn’t been carved in stone yet—he’s still a man!...These giants are just like you.  You just have to do the hard thingWe cannot stick to what we have allowed ourselves to be.  We can disagree, but our values and our principles can unite us!…We must rediscover them again!  On 9/11, we were Americans together.  But fear can only work for a short time.  we must go to God bootcamp, so we can lead the world to (safety).

Firm reliance on God’s protection

We need good family, community on our side, where the churches, synagogues and mosques must stand for things that are true, things that are endless in nature.  God is not on our side—we need to do the things so we can be on God’s side.  480 pastors, rabbis, and yes, imams encircled the podium, out of thousands in the Black Robe Regimen.  We can disagree on politics, we can disagree on…we can disagree on fundamentals!!  What we do agree on is that God is the answer!

It is up to you to change the world.

At the end, Beck repeated the 40-day challenge (change your life): faith, hope and charity.  Restore honor in your own life.
He breaks up in the looking for the next George Washington part: Someone in this crowd...I can’t find him. …and he would say, I have a new dream!
It is what you do with your mistakes that matters.  After telling the story of how Amazing Grace came to be, If you were blind ten mins. ago, ten mins. in the future, seeBring out the bagpipes, Beck said, facing the back.  I was once lost, but now I’m found, but now I can (finally) seeTrust, trust divine providence.  Stand with Him and he’ll provide...if it is supposed to happen.

The choice is clear

We can either concentrate on the past, or see (for) what lies ahead, and set people free.  Music finish: Thank You Jesus...He Makes Me (Want To Smile/Shout).
After the event, some infiltrates walked up the stairs, wore Tea party shirts, posed for cameras, said anti-Dem. blah.


Great band director William P. Foster died at 91.  Segregation got in the way of his dream to be a conductor, but fm. FAMU, his group served (1946-1998) SuperBowls™, three Pres. Inauguration parades, including Barack Obama’s.


Vans x-raying streets for explosives...

Lead investigator that found 72 dead migrant workers has gone missing.
Over 10 dead in Turkey landslides.
Court allows agents to secretly put GPS tracking devices on cars.
A policy that keeps white and black students in “favorable positions” struck dn. in MS.
Castro says leaked CIA docs. “prove UBL is CIA operative,” subordinate to Bush.
Facebook trying to trademark ‘face’.
Disney is breaking fm. cable service providers.

The pushback is happening.  So long have a number of churches taken their tax-exempt status for granted in promoting candidates (govt’s selective use of Separation of Church and State).  But now churches are daring the IRS to sue, as collective salvation is demonized, as it should be.
Pelosi at Church promoting legislation... The word is...the word.

Power vacuum—there will be chaos if we don’t take this last exit.  Little representation, and mostly misrepresentation.  The extremists are waiting.  The unions, although not very pop., have a lot of control over the country.


The Green $windle is a must-watch.  Science by authority, power from illusion, market Marxism (CCX)—Cap & Trade is rationing of productivity.  The IPCC does no science research; it is an org. for consensus.
The famous “hockey stick graph” conveniently leaves out the warmer medieval period.  To create a problem when there isn’t one, and exaggerate when there is.  Pushing guilt is demonic.  Selling products that don’t improve anything, but cost more...

It looks like Charlie Rose is ending the Brain series; all eps. run consecutively; next is #6.
Ideas come from observance; they’re conceptual.  “Irrational numbers,” for example, come fm. seeing that the number cannot be expressed by anything but an equivalent in function.  Simplified, √3 represents itself.


Under these economic conditions, regulations, another Apple or Google cannot form.

Gold Fut., 1242 (6:28 EDT); Gasoline, 1.85...
GDP has gone fm. 5%, Q4-2009; 3.7%, Q1-2010; to 1.6% for Q2.
Mass grave in Mexico; 72 bodies found, moved to ranch near border.
Japanese gov’t urges Japanese bank to change monetary policy.
U.S. soldier(s) charged w/ Afghan murder conspiracy after Karzai dawns corruption probing.
WikiLeaks editor to face interrogation on molestation allegations.
Some doubt El-Gamal’s sudden rise fm. waiter to real estate rich.
FAA issues record $24.2M fine (potential fire) to American Airlines.
Toyota recals 1.2M Corollas and Matrix Hatchbacks.
Canada: new suspect arrested in terror plot; was on Canadian Idol, did Complicated.
Rod Blagojevic to be retried in 2011; charges dropped against brother.
Tom Delay’s trial will be held in Travis County, Texas?
Tombstones defaced, ~$50K of damage.
Ford to expand its presence in Asia.
American that illegally entered N. Korea freed by Jimmy Carter.
Pres. Obama to announce troop drawdown actions on Tue.
Gen. James Conway (USMC) says trp. withdrawal in Afghanistan encourages the Taliban.
$1.1B in debt, Blockbuster pre-planned for bankruptcy in Sept.
People behind The Cove back w/ Blood Dolphins.
Unions have no bounds: union pres. slams Palin on her own turf.
David Letterman criticized one-term Pres. Obama’s vacationing (6 times).
FOX News’ Major Garrett will be moving on so he “can think instead of just talk.”
Project 21 (independent/conservative African American group) sticks up for 8.28.

129 marijuana dispensaries in CA have been shut down for not following rules that, which include, being at least 1,000 feet away from the closest school.

Officials say a power line fell on an outbuilding, starting a wildfire in WA, burning 500 acres of brush, timber and grass.  40 structures are in its path.

Jimmy Carter spends a second day in N. Korea to get back an American, while, according to reports, Kim Jong Il is in China.

Two suspects arrested in a residential area of Canada on Wed. for alleged terrorist plotting; leader may have gotten training.  Further arrests expected.

It’s Mother Teresa’s 100th Birthday today, yet the Empire State building refuses to honor her for non-religion policy, while honoring Islam, China’s communist takeover...

Alveda King, MLK, Jr.’s niece, accused by a NAACP VP of hijacking her uncle’s dream by appearing at the 8.28 rally.
Response: How can I?  It’s in my blood.  A dream is a dream, as everybody is free to dream; they have a problem with liberty.

FaceBook is probably the fastest growing company of any type on the face of the planet, says David K. on CoastToCoast AM.  The creator only owns 24%, and for a company based in California, only 26% of its members live in the U.S.  FaceBook is global, and so pop. that some police use it to thwart gatherings.
Pertinent advertising: the website doesn’t have to send out personal info to advertisers for ad selection—FaceBook does it by itself...already having your personal info.
Beyond an escape—we’re so dependent of electronics and the internet that an EMP would be devastating.  I said that last year.  (Or, I tried to.)  And solar flares, cosmic disturbances will eventually knock out satellites.

Evangelist T. Jones plans to burn 100 Korans on 9.11.
How does that help anything?!

Too many spineless cowards in the press?

No one’s questioning a loss of honor?
Are there any journalists with integrity anymore?  They don’t make ’em like they used toWhy not?  Tim Russert didn’t start out golden.

AP reporter links porn w/ Iraq’s progress since 2003.  Yeah, and Rome had legal prostitution...


Stan Lee’s Superhumans: piano savant; guy that climbs like a monkey (up a nearly flat wall); Man Who Can Feel No Pain.

New super-creepy Alan Grayson ad uses kids as props.  Saved our schools chant.


HTML 5 is fully active!

US$/Yen: 84.59 (18:06 EDT).
Danielle now Cat. 2, winds over 100MPH, heading NW toward Bermuda.
Hurricane Earl forms in the Atlantic.
Indonesia: Volcanic activity; Red Alert issued after non-eruption.
2008 Red Cell declassified: a first; State Dept. laptop cracked w/ virus on flash drive
Teachers and students at Kabul girl’s school hit by poison gas.
Dozens killed in a series of attacks in Iraq.
Plane crash in Congo kills over 9.
Brit. spy found dead; stabbed, autopsy finds.
SEC gives shareholders power to nominate directors, probably empowering unions.
In Gov. race, John McCain wins GOP primary over J.D. Hayworth.
Meek wins Dem. primary; will face Marco Rubio and Charlie Crist.
Jeep Grand Cherokee in trouble over defects despite govt’s 1993-2004 O.K.
Wal-mart asks Supreme Court to dismiss discrimination case.
Mosque rejection in KS and KY.
New GM plant in Mexico.
Susan Boyle to sing to Pope.
Apple expected to announce next wk. TV rentals on iTunes, 99¢ each.
Lindsay Lohan out of rehab, on parole until Nov. w/ tight rules.
DEA looking for Ebonics translators.
Fmr. RNC chairman Ken Mehlman comes out of the closet.
WikiLeaks publishes CIA memo that asks What if foreign countries see the U.S. as an exporter of terrorism?

Crash Happiness: another Hindenburg Omen happened on the 20th (Friday), and almost on the 19th.  A guest on CNBC says that the DJIA may go as low as 5,000 within 2 years.  Why stop there?
Equity trading activity is slow, gas prices are dropping despite Middle-East concerns, more budget shortfalls coupled w/ high spending, sales of home prices hit a record low.  And the only people who buy into the tax credits and stimulus, the “kicks,” don’t understand economics.  The “kicks,” are spikes in a straight line downward.
Once again, instead of warning the people, the gov’t and the media are lying to the people, making sure they have somebody else to blame for their irresponsible and criminal behavior.  What do you think George Soros is doing, other than getting out of the markets—his fund management has gone from $25B+ to $5.1B.  What a surprise—he only cares about money and power, and the radicals only love the chaos they bring, making sure people are drawn to those who only care about money and power.

VP Joe Biden calls “Bush-era tax cuts expiring hurting small businesses” bunch of malarkey, also recently saying, some are still out of work, but there’s no doubt that we’re moving in the right direction.

People are paying off their credit card debts while gov’t goes on spending spree.
Avg. combined credit card debt is $4,951, the lowest in 8 years.
States behind on this debt include NV, AZ and FL.

New Orleans police after Katrina (2005) were told to shoot looters.  “It sounded like WWIII,” an observer says, after comms. went down.  Even aid workers were shot at.
An ex-FEMA dir. is doing a radio show there...

Michael Enright, a lefty who’s pro-near-Ground-Zero-mosque, gets into a taxi drunk, has an exchange in Arabic with the driver, gets into a drunken rage over the driver being against the “mosque,” stabs the cabbie—guess how the media painted the story.  Was this the first attempted murder over the Islamophobia over t...  Friends say he’s a stable guy, doing interfaith outreach overseas.

An Aussie HS teacher sets up a school project for the students: plan a virtual terrorist attack.  One of the parents was affected by a 2002 attack.

Why apologize for colorful comments?

Co-chair to the adim.’s debt commission Alan Simpson apologizes for an E-mail that put social security sucking in cow udder form, ending it w/ 380 million tits!

More false stories, no retraction

New Media Matters smear: Sure, sure is a hypocrisy.  Pathetic.  Glenn Beck said good things about Rauf, and is now against this mosque.  False, and false.  He didn’t know about the guy in 2006, and the clip really has him saying that “most of Islam is peaceful.”
Media Matters uses different portions of the same clips to send different messages to their zombies about who their targets “really” are.  (Soros-prop.)

It’s only your ability to choose that’s at stake.
Dan Kennedy of the guardian downplays the criminal activity of ACORN, Van Jones and his alleged 9/11 “truther” views (he made it clear).
Ed Schultz, an actual hatemonger (paid to see primarily the worst in people) put on MS-NBC to “compete” w/ you-know-who, calls people who attend the 8.28 event segregationists over Tea party activist joke map, shows just how oblivious people at MS-NBC are by not knowing about the Non-violence Pledge being taken.  And after Martin Luther King III, Jim Clyburn, and the lies really pick up.  Palin says reload, and that means that she praises Dr. Laura for using the N-word.  Only 69% of those who took the polarized poll has a problem w/ Beck at the MLK speech site.


Ed breaks down in the newsroom, yells, “I’m gonna torch this place!”  And after silence, he yells, F—ers!  The boss threatens to fire him if he does it again...Ed was seen crying after that.


On Criss Angel Mindfreak, the World Record for vanishing is broken—100 people on one stage, people handcuffed, both in and out, with Criss in the center of it.  Just where did they go?


A Film Unfinished, a doc that tells the Warsaw ghetto story, sometimes from multiple points of view, also showing the propaganda mastery of the Nazis.  It got an R rating for graphic content despite ex-Bestie Boy Adam Yauch’s appeal to the MPAA for PG-13.


Existing home sales plunge 27%.
Scotland-based Cairn Energy had discovered a small amt. of nat. gas off W. coast of Greenland.
Shirley Sherrod rejects new USDA job because there’s too much discrimination there.

Somalia: African Union announced in July of more peacekeepers; Al-Shabab kills 29 at Mogadisu hotel, including members of Parl.  6 more were killed in firefights w/ security forces.

Picking and choosing religions.
It’s popular to praise Islam and condemn Christianity in Public schools now, and not only is an Orthodox church not being rebuilt after being destroyed on 2001.09.11, the Christian “Bronx Household of Faith” is being rejected as well.
New polling shows how confused people are about Barack Obama’s religion: about 1/5 think he’s Muslim, about 1/3 says he is Christian, but the poll’s majority, only about 2/5 in all or most categories, I Don’t Know.  But what else do the media do but try to exploit the Muslim part; Bob Schiefer, of CBS News, blames the internet for it.

Revisionist history, right now.
A website that does the Legend has it says that Peter Salem was previously named Saleem, to mean peace, and that he changed his name.  So...not only was the guy who was behind a white guy in the Revolutionary War painting produced by someone who was actually there a slave, he is now also a Muslim.  Neither of those are facts.

On TV, radio

Jefferson (History Channel) gives a pretty good picture of Thomas Jefferson, third President and one who drafted the Declaration of Independence in 1776...(888+888).

Jon Stewart uses N-word.
After making inaccurate statements, it’s on to making “connections” on The Daily Show: one of the funders for Imam Rauf is a funder of News Corp., where Rupert Murdoch is shaking hands with the Saudi prince.  The solution?  A national effort to (continue to) not watch FOX News.

CoastToCoast AM guest Leonard has had attempts on his life, and all because of greed in the world.  George mentions someone who was murdered.  In a family of cancer, Leonard claims to have cured his mother.
Call me paranoid, but this is where I may actually get murdered.  Killed for listing cures.  I put some of my ideas in here as well.

Cancer is nothing more than a symptom

There are 300 cures for cancer, but it is an individual journey, and only one will work.  It all has to do with getting rid of stress so your body can take care of illness on its own.  As much as 95% of all illnesses are stress-related, and 27% of people with cancer are cured from doing nothing!  Get rid of the stress factors (even so-called friends, or energy vampires), and up your sense of humor.

On avg. one cancer cell is created each day, and the immune system destroys them automatically.  There is a lot more to immunity than white blood cells.  Only with a broken down immune system do you get full-blown cancer.  (Does chemotherapy break it down, or what?)  Not only do the industries prevent cures, the drug chemicals tend to stay in your body.

Identifying and preventing

Do the saliva pH test—not the urine one (unreliable).  ‘Blue’ means you’re safe.  7.36-7.4 is the desired range.
Do a heavy metal test.  Toxemia is bad.  Food-grade hydrogen peroxide is good.  Regular “cleaner” hydrogen peroxide has heavy metals, so go with food-grade.  Only oxygen heals.  And H2O2 brings oxygen into the system, and it very inexpensive.  It can even heal wounds and infections right before your eyes.
Don’t do a quick (7-day) or otherwise weird detox.  If it isn’t done to completion, then toxins and heavy minerals can move and build up in other organs, causing kidney and/or liver damage, even death.

Staying healthy (without gimmicks)

Stay away from the artificial, especially artificial sweeteners.  Artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame, are neurotoxic!  The “diet” stuff actually makes you fat; art. sweeteners trick your brain into thinking you gained calories, and your body is spending energy on getting rid of the darned chemicals!  Artificial food “enhancers” like mono-sodium glutamate (MSG) and corn syrup types are just awful, even awful in aftertaste—why would you ever want to eat that stuff?  Nitrites and nitrates, used to preserve color in meat, may cause bladder cancer.  (That last one is from an 8.1 post, from July.)

T.A.N.: Take After Nature

The human body is well-adapted to getting up in the morning and going to bed at night.
The best time to eat is when there’s sunlight; the vitamin-D generation only happens when there’s UV on the skin, and the food functions only work best when there’s light— your metabolism is at a higher point.  Try to avoid eating at night.
Make sure it’s dark when or where you sleep; the resting functions only work when there’s darkness.

The medical profession criminalizes natural (actual) cures

Fact: It is illegal in the U.S. to list something as a cure, even if it actually does cure.
Legal drug cartels include the pharmaceutical industries.  They are lobbied, and protected by the FDA.  With use of the feds, they can break in with guns, and they have.
They can’t legally go after me since this web content is available for free, but that does not stop them from “eliminating the competition.”  If everyone had an open mind, they would be out of business.  So many in the past, and some to this day would make sure that people would have a closed or fearful mind.  And progressives, not believing in individual liberty (what makes America America), try to make sure that you are dependent.
Facts...actually calling me paranoid for stating them only means you’re not looking for them.


Great Japanese anime director Satoshi Kon died at 46 of pancreatic cancer.  From manga comics illustrator to full-blown filmmaker of titles like Perfect Blue, Tokyo Godfathers and Paprika, Kon was a hero.


24 killed in Waziristan mosque blast.
Iran unveils an unmanned drone, capable of carrying weapons for 230mi?  Confetti...
Nearly 260K flee along China/N. Korean border.
OK inmate escapes from prison.
The Bible can now be considered hate speech in Canada.
Tropical storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic.
Aid workers held by N. Africa offshoot of al Qaeda released in Mali.
Deficit charts in conflict... with other deficit charts.
SeaWorld fined $75K for safety violations; trainer drowned by one of their killer whales.
No signs of Iraqi government forming.
Boxes labeled “avocados” contained two tonnes of elephant tusk ivory.
Tiger and Elin Woods now officially divorced.
First dating site for “ugly people” launched in U.K.
Expendables tops $65M at B.O.
Ind. agency takes over for Gulf claims payments; BP has paid hundreds of millions.

Hostage situation in Philippine capital is over: fmr. police off. hostage taker on bus killed after killing 8 Hong Kong tourists.

Man in Egypt remanded on suspicion of holding van Gogh paintings; there was no operating alarm in the Cairo meseum.

When it came to shooting, stabbing, and slitting the throat of the Dutch artist that criticized Islam, the killer got away with it because no one stepped in to help, and the knife left in him had a note that basically said, this is to the free world.
Frank Gaffney says that leftists and Islamic extremists are working in concert for a world figure of governance.  The deep end of the secular leftists want a world body dictatorship, such as to give power to the U.N., and the deep end of the Islamic extremists want a caliphate for world sharia.  Common interests, where liberty is in their way.
Whether the twelfth Imam is realized or not, so much will be destroyed.

More false stories, one retraction

AP blindly cite a female politician as the latest example of anti-incumbency fervor, despite the fact that she is a convict...and only 7 out of over 300 incumbents have lost.

An Aug. 3 blog post stated that over $300K of George Soros funding went to Sojourners, and Jim Wallace, Obama’s (corrupt) “spiritual and political adviser” denied it, saying that the blogger should stop being a “liar” like the man this White House wants off the air.  Wallace retracted on Aug. 18, saying he should have fully read the post first.


American songwriter George David Weiss dies at 89.


False gods can only be given power by their oppressed.

Chicago Cubbs manager Lou Piniella retires fm. baseball.
Fmr. police officer holds ppl hostage on bus in Manila.
27 suspects fm. motorcycle gangs arrested after shootout.
All 33 Chilean miners found alive after 17 days; rescue may not come until Christmas.
Colbert Report wins an Emmy®.
Twilight series spoof Vampires Suck makes #2 at B.O. w/ $12.2M, knocking Eat Pray Love dn. to #3.

Despite the key name being specifically offensive to Christians and Jews alike, on ABC, wife of Feisal Abdul Rauf considers reaction to the building of the new community center and mosque in NYC worse than anti-Semitism, reducing it to hatred of Muslims.


Asking price for Jerome David Salinger’s toilet hits $1M.
As much as 25 reality-show offers came to fed-up Steven Slater fm. JetBlue.
China now spends about 1/5 what the Pentagon does; $150B.
TIME magazine asks on its 8.30 cover, Is America Islamophobic?  No.
Clashes in France came fm. Gypsy expulsions; illegal camp elimination at 51; measures are popular.
The body starts taking vitamin D out of your body if the level is below 50 units.

Some say new Iran reactor is a sideshow, that the real wpns. development is somewhere else.  Applause was heard as the reactor came on-line.

On TV, radio

Finally premiering on HBO, The Informant! is awesome!  The hole Matt Damon’s character dug kept getting deeper—his lying bordered on compulsiveSo there.

On CoastToCoast AM, Joshua Warren(?) talks about haunted stuff.  Isotropic capacitance—electrostatic.  Hauntings deal with nature of repetition, so if your place is haunted, move things around, especially electrical things.  Try a humidifier (to lessen electrostatic charges).

Some food mysteriously appeared in the house.  That’s not good luck if you are fasting up to Sept. 14.


Iran fires up its nuclear reactor.
Putin fires Forstry(?) for not being able to put out Russian wildfires.
IA egg recall est. rose to 550M; salmonella poisoning confirmed; thousands sick.
4 svc workers spotted vehicles; the remaining 2 of 3 fugitives have been caught.
ABC News invited to McDonald’s Innovation Center; a rare view of testing grounds.
Blockbuster may have to file for bankruptcy; the Co. is up against competitors like NetFlix.
Courtney Love pleads w/ daughter via twitter.
N. Korea now tweets @uriminzok (our nation) to blast S. Korea/U.S; censors there bar access to it.

Final part of the limited revelation

At the beginning of the twentieth-century, segregation was but a thing of the past.  It wasn’t until Woodrow Wilson got into power that offices were re-segregated.  And Wilson was disgusted of one of his black supporters, a man that helped get Wilson into office.  Who would have guessed that a progressive President would break most of his promises?

It may have been the beginning of the end of segregation in 1939, as Marian Anderson sung at the Lincoln Memorial in response to Anna Eleanor Roosevelt’s racist reaction (Roosevelt disapproved of an institution keeping Anderson on staff).  But it wasn’t until the Dwight David Eisenhower Presidency that proposals of law were even brought in, and the very white man who is championed today for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was against Eisenhower’s Civil Rights bill in 1957... Because Anderson was black, because Eisenhower was Republican.

The headline read, Rights Marchers Top 200,000, and Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke.  It was 1963, and the people involved were terrified.  People were being murdered in horrendous ways, and crosses were quick to burn by criminal racists.  It lasted quite a while for Rabbi Silverman, a social justice preacher.  He was confronted with pressing terrorism, as a building was blown up nearby, and his family was threatened.  He was called a N— lover, where the message laid out details of his son’s activities.  (“We know that your son gets out at 2:30.”)  Saint Augustine synagogue was threatened, and that is where Silverman decided to exercise his Second Amendment Rights and purchase a gun.  He put his faith before his fear, protecting his family.

Everything was pushed everything over the edge after a church was blown up, killing four girls.  The sit-ins were going on, and a man by the name of James B. had a psychotic break.  He poured acid into a White’s Only pool.  James didn’t spend a day in prison, but the Civil Rights Act got passed in 1964.

Owning the weather by 2025

Scott Stevens (EtherWeatherScience[dot]com) on CoastToCoast AM: chem. trails and 2012.  Weather control—something that N. Tesla documented as a plausability, has been used and tested over the skies.  There has to be a playbook, says Stevens, seeing a green-painted 747 fly in a certain pattern, then “covering a void space.”  Why?  Because it’s fun, he says facetiously.
It started in the 1970’s, as jets never generated such “contrails” before then...and then it got out of control, as records on highs and lows are broken.  “Tapping into the vibrations,” creating a vortex, an ionization field ahead of the craft.  This was, sort of, rediscovered by open-minded scientists.  Maybe the “mad scientists” are doing it to give the political structure the finger.  Whatever it is, the betting done in Chicago may be on the basis of whether the tests are successful or not.
The planet is changing, seeming to have a life of its own.  In April, oil spilled into the Gulf, and all of the sudden, the flow changed in the region, cutting it off.
Stevens sees 2012 as a solar event, that you should to be self-sufficient, as food would be difficult to acquire in most places.  Shopping places can only hold a couple days worth of goods.  The smaller the community, the better.

We don’t eat the best food.  M-state elements used to be in abundance.
So many are vacant, closeminded; don’t discount anything.  Don’t prejudge anything.  Be a seeker.  Seek the truth.


5th baby dies after Romania fire.
Admission of boat detainment deepens North and South Korean conflict.
Massive IA egg recall due to salmonella contamination; 380 million.
Nelson Mandela fund/foundation trustee resigns over blood diamond trial pressure.
Fmr. Bolivian dictator arrested on exposure charges.
CA close to issuing IOUs.  Again?
Two on grounded plane detained—phone threats.
3,700 “Zooper”(?) strollers recalled over failing latch.
Steven Tyler may judge on American Idol, but FOX will not confirm it.

The GA Off-Road 200 truck race in the Mojave dessert went bad, and a spectator crash that killed 8, injured 10, led to restrictions; restrictions have been extended.

New stupid poll, new exploitation.  Is Obama a Muslim?  No.  During Ramadan, you can see him stuffing his face with ice cream.

A more legitimate question: is Alan Grayson evil?  You can see him lying in a “nice way”; no tics, no stuttering.  And then he says, it’s sad, after misrepresenting the target.  It’s Monty Python’s Lying Circus over there at FOX, helping the Republicans—they should just admit to (what we say about them).
I’m pointing at the television screen again as he is saying misinformed, day (in) and day out, as he actually describes MS-NBC.  One of the smoothest liars on the planet...
6% of the right think Obama’s a martian...  Blatant non-stories like this show that MS-NBC is a propaganda network.

On TV and Radio

Exclusive interview of Howard Dean on Countdown breaking from the pack on the “mosque issue,” trying to make sense...while distancing himself from the right.

Stan Lee’s Superhumans: Dean Carnasis is Ultra Marathon Man, a guy that has a body that takes care of lactic acid—something that doesn’t happen in most people during exercise; Dan, the Anvil, has a 16mm-thick skull, more than 2x the 7mm avg.; Sound Man utilizes all of the functions used for sound, voicebox and all, and at 3x the avg. rate of 20Hz; Future Man, who has lucid dreams, has predicted many things, including the Lockerbie bombing, and got police to evacuate a building where the only deaths at the scene were the two suicide bombers.  You ought to watch this show.

CoastToCoast AM guest talks about the Men In Black (MIB) phenomenon: they wear mostly black, sometimes with a white hat, have a waxy complexion, a bad lipstick job, and they appear for the point of intimidation/terror—trying to get you to clam up about something that happened, even if you don’t know about it.  They are sometimes seen with a giant vehicle.  At times, they simply disappear out of thin air, as if part of another time.

Slavery was never simply slavery: Continuation of the limited revelation

The word slave comes from the Slav, from the widespread enslavement of captured Slavic-speaking peoples of eastern Europe in the early Middle Ages.  The Middle English equivalent sclav goes back to Slav.

Indentured servitude.  The earliest form of slavery here was not by race, but by whether someone was a Christian or not.  Non-Christians were made “indentured servants.”
A man named Antonio changed his name to Anthony Johnson, becoming an owner of servants.  After pushing lawmakers, Anthony won his court case in 1670.  For the first time, a black man was owned for his race.  This “property” could be seized because he was negro, and by consequence an alien.  Ant. dug his own grave.

The beginning of a nightmare in the 17th century

Predating Manifest Destiny in the 1840’s, it became “government’s job” to defend the public on economic terms by enslaving non-whites, and a struggling tobacco industry made this message stronger.  A crisis to curb individual liberty, another collusion of power within government.
It’s good when commerce, religion and science keep each other in check, evil when they collude for power.

To curb a gov’t out of control, a new “tea party” appeared.  A symbol of abolition appeared later on, reading, Am I not a man, nor a brother, and in 1835, Ohio abolitionists like Harriet Tubman, an escaped slave, and the most renowned conductor of the Underground Railroad, led hundreds to freedom.  But the eighteenth-century also marked the rein of Andrew Jackson, the seventh President and a War of 1812 general who defeated the British at New Orleans (1815).  Jackson was opposed to nullification, the right of states to nullify disagreeable federal.

Plenty of struggles and bloodshed along the path

Adding to the collusion of power was the perversion of religion.  Manifest Destiny was born.  Manifest Destiny was the expansion of the nation for the purpose of—what else but—power.  There needed to be more votes, more land ownership, and anybody who stood in the way was “against God’s plan” because of debts in return, gradually destroying sovereignty in general.  The idea of manifest destiny was used to justify the acquisition of Oregon and most of the Southwest, including California, kicking off the Mexican War.

The classic liberal movement led to a new third party against the Whigs and Jackson’s Democrat Party was formed.  (The symbol of a jackass came after Andrew Jackson.)  It was called the Republican Party.  (Back then it actually meant something.)  Abraham Lincoln learned from the oppressions of slavery, led the Civil War, but settled in the end.  After the Fourteenth Amendment was final, corruption spread to Science, and Reconstruction was born.  It wasn’t until 1876 that the government stopped...for the wrong reason again.

The “father of modern-day slavery”

Long after Origin of Species, Charles Robert Darwin’s ideas were misrepresented, and social created Social Darwinism to justify ugly practices like child labor in nineteenth-century England.


Ignorant masses consider stereotypes of ignorance literally.

Green Zone is now International Zone

Major combat in Iraq is over.  Sworn to secrecy, even Rachel Maddow could not tell her staff, having someone from Nation on the night previous.  The beginning of the end is upon us, says NBC News’ Richard Engel, the first to report, being the Pentagon’s first announcement of this event.  The last of the giant vehicles (for combat) crossed the border into Kuwait at about 3 in the morning, local Iraqi time.  Two weeks ahead of the 8.31 deadline set by President Obama, about 50K will remain for training and advice, since no Iraqi government has been formed.
No word on mercenary groups, i.e. BlackWater/XE...

US$/Yen: 85.41 (~18:20 EDT).
17 children die in Indian building collapse.
England train crash injures 21.
Paris teens arrested in connection to bare-breasted robberies.
Fmr. AL prosecutor arrested on child porn charges.
Repub. lawmakers from CO in AZ, threats of lawsuits.
DNA settles Bobby Fischer case.
Obama in OH for what else but politics.
Mead becomes GOP nominee in KY.
Imam Rauf has been paid about $16K in taxpayer money.
Radio host Dr. Laura S. to resign before Christmas.

Nancy Pelosi inserts herself into mosque “debate”: who is funding the opposition.  That’s not the least bit disturbing.  No...

Singer Erykah Badu fined for indecent exposure; for a music video, w/o permission, she stripped nude, simulated an assassination where JFK was killed.

Bedbugs are on the rise, and they’re resistant to DDT.  Now they’re seen at New York Times Square.
Despite rising numbers in liberal areas, the EPA issued warnings about using outdoor pesticides indoors on Aug. 10, and Ohio’s June plea in front of the CDC, and...the Department of Defense, for using propoxur, the last pesticide known to work on the Cimex lectularius, was rejected today.  So it’s going to come down to dogs to sniff out the bloodsuckers, and their eggs too.  If we know anything about nature, the use of high heat (45°C) isn’t going to last—and bedbugs can hide in just about any crevice, anywhere.  And they lay 500 eggs a pop.

Earlier this month, Huffington Post goes all conspiracy theory on the Mama Grizzly thing that Sarah Palin has done—a full, in-depth...useless article of rule over the masses, where progressives are the actual ones trying to rule the masses.
Now there’s a new dumb political ad trying to divide and conquer on the Mama Grizzly thing, when it really destroys the credibility of who’s behind it.


Transposition/teleportation on Criss Angel Mindfreak—something that defies conventional explanation.  On a bike, w/ nothing but pyros. blocking the view.
Hmm... Angel’s symbol looks a bit like the sym. for anarchy... and he’s very popular...

Syfy (NBC Universal) has green-lit season five of Eureka.

It starts.  A (limited) revelation of the civil rights movement.

The founder of Pennsylvania, William Penn, was an English Quaker colonizer in America.  A “city without walls,” as he called it, was founded in 1681.  There was no war with the Natives when Penn was around.

Back in the seventeenth-century, the natives were actually paid to scalp, tribes paid scalp other tribes.  The corrupted Thomas Jefferson helped devise a way to get them off the land by getting them into debt, and taking their land when they can’t pay off those debts.
Before Jefferson colluded for power he made comparisons of Native American symbology to Egyptian, Asian, and Jewish.  How could the natives here be doing some of the very same things we do expressed in the Old Testament?  He discovered that they have a form of fasting.

2,000 cities were discovered by archaeologists before Columbus arrived?  The Pyramid of Giza has a slope of 51.8°; at 202 yards, the same angle can be found in New England.

Block hebrew of the Ten Commandments on a coffin was found in OH.  People in the press and the gov’t dismissed it, and not until recently was it looked at again.  The language was identified as Phoenician.

Phoenicia is the ancient maritime country consisting of city-states along the eastern Mediterranean Sea in present-day Syria and Lebanon.  Its people became the foremost traders and navigators of the Mediterranean by 1250 B.C., introducing their developed alphabet to the known world.  Their alphabet marked individual sounds instead of syllables, and was eventually adapted by the Greeks and Romans into the alphabet used in written English.  Phoenicia’s culture was gradually absorbed by Persian and later Hellenistic civilizations.

CoastToCoast AM: technology used to make ancient obelisks was modern

Chris D.: the precision of the carvings and symmetry down to thousandths of an inch—objects in Egypt could not have been produced with chisels, let alone mass-produced!


Blast in Iraq kills 60+, injure over 120.
Afghan Pres. Hamid Karzi signs a decree banning private security contractors post-2010.
Another flotilla is headed out soon.
SC mother admits to leaving toddler in car to die; defense wounds indicate struggle.
As much as 80% of the Gulf spill oil is there—an agency says calc’s are wrong.
GM recalls 240K SUVs over seat belt problem.
Mel Gibson in car wreck; no alcohol involved, say police.
22 cities near “double-dip recession”.
A union urges the boycott of the Los Angeles Times.
People are no longer able to pray at the Supreme Court building?  Silence about it.
Rod Blagojevic, guilty of lying to the feds; the other 23 counts may be retried.
Nooooooo!—new ad says, please sign up to be a character witness for Alvin Greene.
Kim Kardashian “embarrassed” over new sex tape leak.
Turmeric, in good form, is effective against cancer, an immunity booster.
Bieber Bites Back: call me—the phone no. was of the alleged hacker, getting thousands of calls, tweets, forcing a no. change.

Freedom of Conscience Act: any legal ability for doctors to refuse abortions?
Well, rationing is now put in, having only a different title than death panelsRationing in the case of an emergency, exactly as predictedMalarkey, said Joe Biden, months ago.

Loaded Ed Show poll question of the day: Do you think political candidates should be on (the) FOX News payroll?  Yeah, never mind paid appearances on MS-NBC; not just Dems. subbing, including former DNC chair H. Dean, but progressive The Nation, Huffington Post (will they just merge merge, already!), anything George Soros (Media Matters for America, Center For American Progress...)—all taken as legitimate sources.  But I know, I know—Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee, usually appearing at most once a week is an outrage.  An outrage!

Greg Gutfeld, who may try to open a non-alcoholic gay bar next to the “mosque” community center for a test of tolerance, the very “reason” stated for the Islamic building.  Any dialogue?  Nope.  The center’s twitter guy got fired for one tweet to Gutfeld.

CoastToCoast AM: “Acceleration of sorrows”

Famines and seismic activity rising; volcanic activity may generate ash clouds that would dissipate globally.  It would be devastating.  It would force ground wars (predicted by Ezekiel).  Be self-sufficient, and store canned foods.  Convenience store may barely be able to serve its name.

Boxed in by Georgia and Turkey, Israel can’t launch missiles at Iran.  Iran is bristling with missiles pointed at the strait.  And Osama bin Laden was given the fatwa green-light to destroy several western (Israel and U.S.) cities with WMDs.
After the guest’s book, Fidel Castro is talking of possible nuclear war in the world.  “All it takes is for one to go over the line.”

Besides the RFID, the technology has gotten to the point of printing specialized “tattoos,” maybe on the back of the hand.  “HARP” does significant damage, inducing energy thousands of times the Earth’s geo-electromagnetic field.  Careless, some have spliced the DNA in pigs with jellyfish to make pigs that glow in the dark.  Not just bees—bats are disappearing as well.  Brown(?) bats are succumbing to a fungus tracked from Eastern Europe; N.E. extinction could happen in 16 years.
Satanic ritual abuse in New York and Australia to “birth fallen angels” ruin two women?  Prophecies, and then some are coming true by self-fulfillment.

“Unless days were shortened, no one would survive”

Everything hinges on Israel.  And once global panic starts, and the temple is rebuilt, evil geometry and all, boundaries will break, and reality will rip at the seams.  “The good angels are retreating to allow something to happen,” talking of two restraints on the Antichrist.
Originally, Babylon is just plain Iraq, but Patty thinks the new location lies in New York, for the NYSE?

Well, whatever happens is going to be self-evident, and no one is going to be able to cover it up.  Do not talk to the dead.  Do not use ouiji boards.  Avoid even the use of EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomenon).  “Supernatural” events are coming, and it will be overwhelming.  “When the tinderbox in the middleeast goes off, the other dimensions spill over,” and the dead, probably fake, emerge.


England’s best-known and admitted literary critic Frank Kermode dies at 90.


The perfect storm is too big for any one solution except God.  Fear not.

The 2-hr. firefight—a mere shark bump

Hezbollah is involved with drug cartels in Mexico, going down to Columbia, Brazil and Venezuela.
Our forces withdrew?  Iran isn’t going to help; Hezbollah started there.
The mess may hit the streets next time.

Obama warns Turkey on Israel/Iran ties.
Russia wheat export ban goes into effect; Russia also wants a Romanian spy to leave.
WikiLeaks’ Assange says casualty risk for uncensored doc. posts is worth it.
Plane crash in Columbia immediately affects 120.
Noticeable OK house fire kills 6.
Suspected “CraigsList killer” Phillip Markoff appears to have committed suicide.
Protests arise from slow government and aide response in Pakistan; tires burned.
Doctors find tumor in Michael Douglas’ throat, call it easy, operable.
CNN: our government has more agencies than anybody’ll ever know; thousands, +10K locations.
Beatles to rerelease digitally remastered works of Blue and Red.
Intel buys TI cable modem unit.
Robert Gates wants to retire in 2011.
Stanley McCrystal to teach at Yale U.
Hillary Duff engaged to hockey star.

The Kunduzi man and woman accused of adultery were stoned in Afghanistan.  They said that they loved each other “no matter what happens.”

Hindenburg Omen occured on Fri.—setup for crashing like in 1929, 1987, 2008, except that the downfall wouldn’t be the same—there hasn’t been a sustained boom.  If you understand economics, government cannot “help banks,” and should not try to.
Long-term Unemployed: 44%; out of new highs and lows, new highs make 2.7% of NYSE total...only “valid” in rising market; new “high” stocks are more than 2x prev; Teen unemp.: 26%.  Just the ratio of “employed” is 58%.

99ers, the lower 99%...that fall into socialist groups like Democratic Socialists of America?  Remember that whenever Ed Schultz brings up the 99ers again.  I am the voice of the middle class!

Wisdom of scripture for mosque comments, without believing in it

2006 footage of then-Senator Obama in the Trinity Church (collective salvation perversion) denouncing certain scriptures.  Looks like he is neither Muslim nor a real Christian.  Pres. Barack Obama is a political pitchman.  Can you say charlatan?

At odds with those making a story to be nothing more than a First Amendment issue, Harry Reid switched his pos. on the Fourteenth Amendment, and now he is disagreeing with the location of the near-Ground Zero mosque, replacing a Burlington Coat factory... There is also a strip club, only two blocks from the WTC site.
The progressives will even use first responders to pass a new bill.


What Makes A Genius?  Calibration of an open and large intellect, and willpower.


Former NY Giants third baseman Bobby Thomson dies at 86.  Give yourself a chance to hit, you SOB, he told himself.


Google maps vandalism.

10 dead in (Norwegian?) building collapse.
JetBlue flight attendant in the news wants their old job back?
5th child coming for Kelsey Grammer(?).
Border security push will “boost” 1.5K jobs.
Julian Assange, WikiLeaks: we will not be threatened by the Pentagon.

Squalene (oil) in vaccine-A, used during Persian Gulf war, caused autoimmune disorder(s).  Do not add naturally existing things to vaccines—the immune system may attack the naturally existing things!

On TV (transl., far-vision):
Top Shot ends (I Am Not spoiling the end...or am I?).
Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files: a giant light in the distance cannot be explained.
Head Rush on Science Channel will have Kari Byron (Mythbusters), then scientist Michio Kaku.


Jazz singer Abbey Lincoln died on Sat. at 80.  She was distantly related to Abraham Lincoln?

Newspaper columnist James J. Kilpatrick died on Sun. at 89 of congestive heart failure.  Kilpatrick was 60 Minutes’s conservative on Point-Counterpoint, and only apologized for defending racial segregation, even after Brown v. Board of Education.


Russia to send uranium fuel to Iran despite U.S. inspection calls.
Responsible for +18 attacks, 5 deaths, the slasher has been caught.
Fugitive Casslyn Welch admitted to being a drug mule, became an informant to stay out of jail.
Bad BP: first a fake fisherman, now a repeated sex offender after no bg. checks —caught.
AL filed suit with BP and Transocean.
Alvin Greene officially indicted; obscenity charge (showing porn).
Dodge caves to PeTA, makes chimp “invisible” in new ad.
Gitmo trial delayed after lawyer collapses.
Fidel Castro gets some spotlight time as he turns 84.
War over Warren: White House says Liz Warren is overqualified for the job...more like “not corrupted enough.”

Calvin Coolidge was called Silent Cal because he spoke concisely

Coolidge rose to prominence of Mass. by breaking up a police union strike, saying, There is no right to strike against the public safety by anybody, anywhere, any time.  He took office after the death of Warren G. Harding, but in helping people to adjust, he kept some of Harding’s cabinet, despite the former being mired in scandal.

It wasn’t easy, but Coolidge managed to cut the debt in half, put prosperity in business, lowered income taxes to the point that 98% of the country paid none, resulting in very low unemployment—in the threes!

A disaster comparable to Katrina happened in 1927.  What did Cal do?  He had the locals and individuals organize in their own way, then got out of their way.  You didn’t have people on rooftops wanting help from the feds, because people didn’t ask for government handouts back then—they were empowered.

Bad historians say he wasn’t a good Pres. because he didn’t do anything, as if Presidents are supposed to act like tyrants.

On TV/Radio

The Ed Show: lumping exaggerated Dr. Laura w/ others.  Al Sharpton says, these people don’t want to be converted.

CoastToCoast AM: Society of Scientific exploration, and healing through hand motions alone.  An experiment that you wouldn’t think would work, and even the participant thought it wouldn’t, did work.  And it worked with only hair, or with photos.  And it worked with skeptics, so beliefs don’t matter in how it works.  It seems that having your things in order does.  You are the antenna, not the giver.
With the full dosage of hands over a cage of mice induced with cancer, the tumor got bigger, and then imploded, resulting in a 90+% cure rate.  The “healer” gets temporary aftereffects that go away after involvement stops.
George, and numerous callers have done it.


The new MRSA—scientists are isolating the “superbug gene.”
Convincing webpage Trojan horse attacks for personal bank accounts on the rise.
India threatens to shut down BlackBerry service if the Co. doesn’t give access bef. Sept.
Hairo-Extension Co. sues Paris Hilton for $35M on breach of contract.
Delta Airlines first to sell tickets on Facebook.
Comic strip Cathy ending after 34 years.
Eat Pray Love pilgrims say they wound up broke and broken.
New website lets students bet on their grades.
Etiquette booklet for UK Olympics reveal rude nationalities.
Avg. federal salaries increased faster than inflation, over 2x the private sector avg.

Dr. Laura gets Don Imus’d w/ help of CNN— and Imus didn’t even use the N-word!
She’s right about the sense of humor part.  And these opportunists prey on people that don’t have one.

Weimar Republic mentioned again, this time looking at the Weimar cabaret.  This was a time in the early 20th-century where morals were blamed and mocked, instead of bad German policy.
The comparison to our state is made to the thousands waiting in line for 455 applications (perceived hopelessness), perversion of faith and morals (take your pick with anything “left”), and mass deflation, followed by hyperinflation (an almost mathematical certainty).
An attempt to buy back the excess/bad money has never happened here, or worked.  Stock up on canned goods—I expect prices to double in the coming weeks.

On TV/Radio

Stan Lee’s Superhumans: Quickdraw, a man that can fire a gun in less than 1/10 of a second...Bob Mundin; a man w/ the physiology to withstand temperatures above 220°F; then, a that harnesses the power of Chi to activate multiple muscle fibers at once to withstand blows and produce a remarkable, deadly one inch punch, surprising the person measuring the force (on a crash test dummy); lastly, High Impact guy—he is able to adjust his form to hit a thin layer of water on the ground from 10m (32.8ft) up.

Rotten Tomatoes: if you want a dumb action movie, The Expendables is for you.

Attack of the Show: trailer for Bioshock Infinite and, in celebrating the birthday of Jauque Tits, they get a standards loophole, and plenty of prints of the guy’s face.  A wet T-shirt contest of boobs (fat men)... There’s more to life than Tits.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart has Arcade Fire on—Win Butler really dwarfs Stewart.  Colbert Report’s opening sequence now reads ÜBERBALLED.

Countdown w/ Keith Olbermann now must explicitly say, the evil right wing, as well as, you know, slavery, no women’s right to vote for founders’ intentions.

CoastToCoast AM: first guest says to look out for the devaluing of the dollar and a bankers’ holiday.
Next guest (Richard S.) talks of secret bases, many underground.  Richard also talks of mass mind control—a number in religious leadership and media are pathological liars.
The Organization, (Group30[dot]org) and the world debt scheme...Ponzi scheme.  A Jubilee year to come; debts would be forgiven every 50 years.  Robert Rubin, who worked under Clinton, now works for CitiGroup.  Isn’t that great?
Massive change in 5-10 years, both miraculous and murderous.  The powers that be are clamping down.  So stay peaceful, non-violent and kind.  Have respect for nature; you can’t simply force things; there are ways to “seduce” things.
No more “appearances”—be yourself, be your own source, do your own research; you have to physically go places to read the full information.

Going to the moon wasn’t JFK’s idea

Just as the AK-47 was named for its year, 1947, Area 51 started in 1951, as space exploration started in the 1950’s.  It looks like there’s a secret mission to Mars in planning/execution behind our backs.  And who is demented enough to try to control the weather?...Some people in the system are.  Methods have been tested, and still today.
Heating the ionosphere.  It starts wildfires.


Don’t tolerate monsters.

Currencies (18:21? EDT): Pound, 1.564; AUD, 0.8944.  Commodity Gold: 1,202 (21:00 EDT).

What to do with the radioactive waste of the fmr. Maine Yankee Plant?
11 killed in Iraq attack.
Body of a French chef found stuffed into a freezer.
Trop. storm #5 churns through Gulf.
Concerns rise abt. names of Afghan informant names uncensored in WikiLeaks docs.
Iran to dig up bodies of U.S. soldiers.
Visibility was poor for the plane over Alaska that killed 4; only 0.2-2.5 mi.
Dan Maes in primary win, faces Hickenlooper.
NYC banned fm. hiring 300 firefighters because of legal race bunk.
Robert Gibbs criticized “prof. left,” and the non-prof. left blasts back.
First Trojan horse for the Android OS, first appears in Russia.
Facebook loophole: enter E-mail, bad password, get personal info., other E-mail addrs.
Blaggo trial is deadlocked; jurors only agree on few counts.
Legislators admit to not understanding bills being put through now.
Representative Donnelly one of a number to break fm. party line in new ad.
Charlie Rangel celebrates his 80th; big names show.
A woman at 6:30 a.m. wanted McNuggets, couldn’t get them that early, so she decides to smash the svc window in.

Russian wildfires could affect the Chernobyl site (site of partial nuclear meltdown on 1986.04.16).  The core hasn’t completely dropped; fires could set off the most deadly meltdown never been seen before.

Buying our bonds... No longer replacing, but supplementing.  All but four states are in the red now.
George Soros’ Center For American Progress (the people driving the White House) applauds cuts in spending... things like history, constitutional studies and literacy.

Sick: Section 8 gov’t housing—455 applications, thousands wait in line in Atlanta in 90-100 degree temps for handouts.  And these houses won’t materialize for years.

CoastToCoast AM: the guest this morning gave so much info. so rapidly that I struggled, got only a fraction; one half sheet is completely filled.

One point north of HI, another off the coast of FL

The Bermuda triangle is known for weird events, shipwrecks, plane crashes.  But not only do most crafts pass through without a problem, the vortex phenomena that starts all of the weirdness occurs in other places as well—twelve vortex points on Earth, to be exact.

A theory laid out by guest David is that whatever happens at these points, say, rapid vortex motions (the cause of hurricanes and typhoons) can be so powerful that they sometimes cause gravity to fluctuate.  With some ships trapped for so long, just the mag. of the geo-electromagnetic and motion energies can cause time to advance so slowly that 100-yr.-old ships may be seen—and with live passengers!  Stuck there, years in our time may feel like days to them.

Altered States

Albert Einstein, and a few other scientists, theorized and confirmed a lower state of matter, just above absolute zero.  Normally, matter would be bombarded with enough forces that its temperature can go no lower than around 2°K, no matter how you try to cool it.

The states of matter top at plasma, where matter fuses together; followed by gas, liquid, solid, Einstein-something (I don’t remember the full name), and below that...

Years later, when scientists used electrons to hold the matter in place, approaching tiny fractions of a degree above absolute zero, they got something that Einstein had predicted—the matter floated as if it had no definition.

The theory today is that time is three-dimensional when undisturbed.  The quantum physics behind this deals with motion and rotation in general.  The smallest forms of energy in the universe are always traveling at the speed of light, and any disturbance in its path alters its time.  The more matter is disturbed, the more time shifts, the more matter in form is lost!  Time may be the inverse of space.

Changing DNA in crop circles...

The magic is in the geometry: tetrahedrons, and the possible sliding positions make 22 amino acids.  The Earth is really an oblate dodecahedron, which explains those 12 vortex points.  The current global map is a natural outcome of the Pangea.  Geometric laws apply to everything.

Fake crop circles...who’s financing them?  That’s where you can put the tin foil hat on. ;)
Expressed in real ones, octahedrons, as well as geopolitical events in history, as well as repeats to show that some are to never happen again, if at all: the 2008 economic crash made the end of an upheaval; pentagon w/ swastikas means we stopped a Nazi-run Pentagon from coming to be.

The term Illuminati comes from literal illumination—one of the forms of death for a specific culture of monks (Anu?) is disintegration, where most of their body combusts into a rainbow of light.  Other forms of expiration involve the body shrinking, maybe into ash with only the nose septum behind.

Golden age...a mistranslation from Latin.  The actual description is golden race, where Roman and Nazi evils rose and fell—their marks on the timeline are part of a cycle.

Geometry, Levitation and The Harmonic Principle

Another thing that would seem to defy logic is the mastery of levitation.  It has been done for ages via resonance.  Here is a demo...

A quarter circle of performers holding trumpets and steel drums calibrated to the shape and frequency of carved blocks.  The sound isn’t exactly pleasant, but the result is structure made out of blocks.  This is how pyramids may have been built.  And on tiny islands, there was no other way—think of the technological limits.

Nikola Tesla proved that anything can be swayed by tapping into its resonance.  If it isn’t earthquake-proof, then it can be toppled with a small device...

Part Of A Galactic Family

David (DivineCosmos[dot]com): We have been evolving faster than ever.  You can’t keep this secret anymore, the extraterrestrial would say.  2012 marks a spiritual awakening.  There will be problems, but the synchronization will occur, whether the (corrupt) “powers that be” like it or not.  Already, the negative forces are no longer working; people have identified them.  Humanity will be free.

Whenever out-of-body, don’t deviate from your state of consciousness—you could put yourself in really hellish areas, worlds.  (Keep the hell to video games.)


Bigots are those who will not even have a sense of humor in regards.

Food stamp enrollment it at an all-time high.
Progressives lie about Google, Google caves, promoting “Net Neutrality.”
Health insurance premiums are going up in anticipation of “ObamaCare.”
Charlie Rangel (D-NY) apologizes, but refuses to resign.  Don’t leave me swinging in the wind until November...

We have pulled us back from the brink, says Pres. Obama.  Uh-huh.
Well, the fed chair (Bernanke) has now admitted that some of the debt has been bought, making the excuse that it’s only for housing, or whatever recent addition.

Polls closed at 7PM for CT.
Primaries in CO, MN, GA, CT.  Peter Schiff (#3) beaten by Linda McMahon, wife of Wrestling Entertainment star Vince; McMahon will run against Richard Blumenthal in Connecticut.

Double speak.
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, who wants to build the mosque and community center set for a location near the former WTC site, does not dare publicly condemning Hamas—there are quotes of him sounding like Jeremiah Wright.  The administration caves, putting taxpayer money into his travels.  At least we now know some of where the money is coming from...


Frequent Asked Questions About Time Travel (2009) is excellent.  However, I know enough about actual time travel to point out its flaws.


86-yr.-old Sen. Ted Stevens was among five people killed in a plane crash of nine in SW Alaska.  Many Alaskans say they loved him.


If there was one important thing to teach to your children, what would it be?  Don’t say it; live it.

India flooding death toll tops 165; China mudslides, officially 335.
Death rate doubles for Moscow; temps in 100s, compared to 70s last year.
Greenland ’berg floats down stream.
House summoned back for “jobs” bailout bill of $26.1B.
What we’ve come to: the nameless bill; “___ Act Of ___.”
$1.8B for Fannie & Freddie to cover more CountryWide loans, saddling fut. taxpayer generations.
More people are going overseas for news (media here are corrupt).
The State Dept. has been conducting a Muslim outreach program.  You’re telling us now?
Can you tax immorality?: new steppingstone bill for legalizing on-line gambling passed.
WSJ: iPhone® VP leaves due to a greater cultural incompatibility.
Sera Lee CEO steps down for “health reasons.”
L.A.(?) prosecutor could get Mel Gibson case soon.
After months of consistent Bush-bashing, Obama is in Texas for cash.
HHS uses Gulf oil spill to lower parental expectations in their children.
Rand Paul wants 20 day delay per page in bill passage.
Fugitive Tracy Province caught when a woman saw his pic; John McClusky, Cass Welch still at large.
Dem. Senator Tim Johnson hospitalized.
Fmr. VP Dick Cheney released from hospital.

Literally dictatorial unions are too powerful to have unsustainable pensions cut, so the programs must go...
Colorado Springs company will shut off the lights to save less than $1M (literal darkness); CO is also auctioning off police helicopters.
ND is unpaving roads to cut back on maintenance costs.
It’s easy to find empty buildings in New York because the unions probe every job out.

Then there are claims of a Refinancing Boom...yet we are doing the same things as before.
Beyond the failure extension, this train wreck in slow motion becomes more obvious every day.
More sovereignty given to the federal gov’t... Don’t take the carrot dangling in front of you; strings are attached with all of the U.S. debt.
Nothing is free.

BP has lied to us at every step of the way.
Jurors are actually told to disregard subsequent testimony at a trial!  The oil cartels have this much power.  Nothing says deliberate like a thousand blatant safety violations—was BP trying to crack the crust?
Pres. Obama ate seafood in one of the states to show that “it’s over,” yet oil is showing up in the food chain.

Stupid nos. games: this is not the worst crisis since the Great Depression...yet.  This could be called the Great Recession.  If we used the formula that was used during the 1930s, the unemployment numbers would be about 20%!
Who has ever heard of the fed saying, “printing money is our best bet”?  The moment other countries consider the US$ worthless is the moment it goes into a death spiral.
We are seeing deflation and inflation at the same time; deflation in the jobs market, inflation in commodities.  And now Barney Frank is denying the existing housing bubble!

The Medical Actuary Foster did not sign off on HC law—he denounced it!
Kenyans got a new Soviet-style constitution of “independent” socialism (oxymoron) last week that “guarantees” work, healthcare, has a Social Justice section that lays out limits on speech in explicit terms—at least a whole page for limits on speech.

Out of touch?
A 747 plane (serves as Air Force One/Two), that costs $11K/hr to operate is used so Michelle Obama (a “secret weapon,” I read) can have a $75K/day vacation... And the Pres. says he feels the average citizen’s pain because there’s some instability in financing the daughter’s education.
At least with the $5M Chelsea Clinton wedding, it was paid for w/ Clinton money.

On TV, but not all watch-able

Poisoned By Polonium: The Litvineka File seems to live up to its name.  (It was breaking up beyond recognition.)

It’s Effin’ Science: ketchup/catsup is a non-Newtonian liquid; energy by force is not carried like water.  Solution to getting it out of the bottle: tap the nose, not the end.  When unheated, ketchup acts like a solid when undisturbed, but cornstarch acts like a solid when disturbed.

Howard Dean: you can’t just blame Bush.  It’s not a referendum on Obama; if it was, the Democrats would lose.  Same ass yesterday—I mean, same as yesterday.

Rachel Maddow on Worst Boss Ever calls a Mexican commander that showed off his drug buys, or the situation nuts.
No, what you are seeing is corruption; the officers there have to show that they are bowing down to the cartels.  You’re unable to recognize just how serious things are there.

The MS-NBC-televised garbage has gotten absolutely pathetic.
Yesterday, it was the snotty rich should pay for their own opera house (instead of it being paid for by $.75M in taxpayer money!), now Glenn Beck is a racist for pointing at special interest AFL-CIO on the backdrop where Obama was denouncing special interests, saying, what is this, the Planet Of The Apes!?  They are now begging Beck to act like a stereotype.  And the liars are out promoting this all over the net.  Another example of blatant racism.


A Strategy To End Poverty by Cloward & Piven.  What a lovely— Ugh!!


The real hell is guilt.  Redeem, but don’t deject.

10 reported dead in Europe flooding.
500 missing, +145 dead in India natural disaster (flooding).
Mudslides in China kill 125; 2K missing.
3 Nationalists (white supremacists?) become fugitives at Yellowstone National Park.
Rwandans to vote for Pres.; candidate Paul expected to win 2nd and final 2-yr. terms.
Anne Rice quits the Catholic Church over treatment of gays, for one; sticks to Christ.
GAO reports deceptive tactics, w/ schools for profits—15 of them.
ESPN may go: add ABC to list of channels possibly quitting w/ Time Warner Cable.
Mia Farrow testifies in blood diamond trial; Naomi Campbell told me she got it fm. Charles Taylor.  Campbell says both Farrow and another person are lying.

Second shoe to drop?
Some say they’re planning/organizing a mass murder of Muslims, innocent or not, on 2011.01.11, over 9/11.  And by cops?!  This revenge mentality has got to stop.

“Pay your fair share.”
$100K to go to college, just to become a waitress, and Obama wants people to go college— it’s too expensive!  The progressive junk will only make things worse, and they’ll never learn, etc., etc., collapse of the system...


Change You Brain, Change Your Body is an addiction thing.  And it’s not new.
Rubicon refuses to touch on reality; 10 digit numbers lead to skimmer’s name.
Kids born w/ schizophrenia on Discovery Health.

Tom Sulivan: Harry S. Dent, Jr., author of The Great Depression Ahead, says to prepare for a crash, don’t let your kids buy a house, and save not spend.  The Baby Boomers are going to keep us here for years.
New credit card fees, despite the Credit Card Act.

Freedom Watch will run as Freedom Week daily this week at 9PM.


Consciousness Beyond Life lays out scientific proof of the soul.  There are things that people during out-of-body experiences could not know while in cardiac arrest— even putting clicking devices at/in the ears so that you could not hear anything, and yet people would hear things happening in another room, see things brighter, more focused, and clearer, says one woman in the book.  Prior to brain surgery to remove an aneurysm, they put this woman under hypothermia.  They taped her eyes shut, and the EKG showed absolute zero— her brain was off.  And when they took her skull off, she says, I sort of popped out of my skull.  She recalled conversations, word for word.  She saw images of loved ones in the light above, where an overwhelming feeling of love and compassion came down, also feeling guilt from the low dark corner (the real hell).  Her loved ones motioned that if she went past a certain point toward the light, she says they wouldn’t be able to put me back.  She was pushed when physicians defibrillated her.  When she returned, a painful cold started (the induced hypothermia).


Actress Patricia Neal dies at 84 of lung cancer in her (Montana) home.  She starred in Hud, winning Oscars® for her work.


A Republic is a tree of liberty, whereas a Democracy is risking state rule.

Taliban kill a medical team of 10, including 6 Americans.
Study: 76 countries criminally prosecute homosexual acts; 7 of them impose the death penalty.
No. of tweets doubles each 5 mo., to 20B now; nearly 3.3K tweets/sec during FIFA.
Est. 300K sharks killed off Brazilian coast since 2009 due to shark-fin soup popularity.
First Lady’s vacation to Spain draws criticism.

Jeffrey Kluger brings out animal intellect for the 8.16 issue of Time.  The cover has a dog turning its head, balloon-captioned, Way to go, Einstein...something the dog is clearly not thinking.
Inside The Minds of Animals has Kluger drinking coffee with a bonobo, the close and more peaceable cousin of the chimpanzee.  Sources include Marc Hauser, professor of psychology and anthropological biology at Harvard, and Peter Singer, author of the 1975 book Animal Liberation.
At the lowest level of intellect, bivalves; in the higher ranges, great apes, cetaceans and corvids.
After seeing flooding in Iowa, bonobos at Great Ape Trust made the term flood from big and water.  Kanzi knows over 384 words, yet physical cages and the natural cage of myopic intelligence leave him as an ape in a generally hard-wired animal kingdom.  Consciousness is another matter...
The European Union is moving to ban animal cosmetic testing.

According to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin., out of 4.9M barrels of oil: 3% of it has been skimmed, 5% burned off, 8% chemically dispersed, 16% naturally dispersed, 17% recovered fm. the wellhead, 25% evaporated or dissolved, and the rest (~26%) is still at sea or on shores.


From the Fox Files: plastic sur— Ben Stein from 30 years ago!
Bueller...Bueller...—she Blinded Me with ScI-ence.

Avoid reading this w/o protection

CoastToCoast AM: When “The Chosen One” was brought up, and in response to the guest/caller saying that they knew who it is/was, George asked whether that meant devil’s spawn, George got sick, his listeners also got sick, where food/water would taste sour; the conversation was obviously over right then, if not the rest of the show...
Since the bright side heads toward individual liberty, then you know that “the one” is...(I should not type the rest of the sentence).
Also, 9/11 conspiracy debate on 8.21.  Stick to the facts.


With exception to borders, the founders saw immigration as a state issue.

12 Afghans killed in bombings.
Train derailment in Italy kills one, injures 40.
Unemployment rate for July still at 9.5%; private sector gains lower than expected.
Running for Gov., Jerry Brown (D-CA) is going against the federal court ruling to nix Prop. 8.
Senate confirms Clapper as Intelligence Chief.
Oh, no...Freddie and Fannie “bond bonanza”—said to be safe!?
Hedge fund: Goldman Sachs to stop proprietary lending.
Haitian-American Wyclef Jean wants to be President of Haiti.
Swedish web-host to WikiLeaks exposed; PRQ may be targeted by U.S. government.
UN Panel wants $100B tax/year for “fighting global warming.”
Bill Ayers now forced into retirement.
Leading Mark of HP resigned over light of affair w/ employee.
Christina Romer leaving WH.

Over 1/5 of Russia’s wheat crop has been destroyed by wildfires; two dozen deaths.
Hard to breath, (it) hurts your eyes, says one woman about the foul air quality, smoke.
Wheat futures fall in Chicago after 23-mo. high; one calls advance concern of/for crisis.
Passing into the morning, wheat trades at 815.73.

To US$ (5:30ET): Pound, 1.5854; Euro, 1.317; CAD, 1.017.  Commodities (5:43ET): Copper, 336.3; Gold, 1,197.
Apple at 260.83; Google at 507.

You’ve gotta be kid— gay activists are calling for reparations since Prop. 8 was in effect.  How do the majority of black voters, who voted for the Proposition, feel about this nonsense being compared to slavery?

Taxpayer-backed program offers mortgages with $1K down.
Steven Moore fears Nancy Pelosi’s “rescue” will result in more loss of control.

Confronting Bozell, Ed Schultz gives an example of “press covering the 3-to-1 margin of MO against health ins. mandate”...his own low-rated show, the Ed Show.
Anything broadcast?


Non-speech before the face of evil is speech.  Speak.

3+ dead in Baghdad heist; 7 more dead, Afghan war.
2 dead, 50 injured in Missouri bus crash.
14 indicted in connection to Somalia conflict.
Southern heat wave prompts warnings for 18 states.
Thunderstorms knock out power to 100K homes, just in time for rush hour.
Sanctuary cities make highest crime rates— how many of them aren’t progressive?
So far, the Obama admin.’s deported almost 2x as many illegal immigrants than under Bush.
Newsweek was sold for $1 due to debt.
Mary Hart to leave ET.
Senate confirms Elena Kagan, 63-37; now 112th Supreme Court Judge, replacing Paul Stevens.  Nelson was the only ‘D’ to vote nay.

Naomi Campbell testifies: got blood diamond fm. Charles Taylor, did not know weapons may be behind it.
Mandela Foundation denies getting money fm. Taylor.

For his 49th birthday, President Barack Obama spoke at special interest AFL-CIO...against special interests.


Stan Lee’s SuperHumans brings us, first, the most flexible man.
Then, the Indian man that can pass amps of electricity through his body— only his eyes glaze over.
Also, the human calculator; the motor-precision part of his brain is used instead of the “normal” math part.
Finally, the man who uses only echolocation to see.

Athiest Christopher Hitchens talks to Anderson Cooper on his “rational” battle with cancer, where Cooper “helps” put words in his mouth.  A rational way of dealing with it...a rational...

A CNN reporter makes a dishonest picture—no bullet proof vest at the S. border?
It’s hard for a family to go back to Mexico because of the AZ law (or media perception).  Head toward the problem, the drug cartels?

Social Justice?  Some are coming forward now over the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan.  400K died as result of the A-bombing, but millions died from everything else in conventional war; would you risk over a million more?

...Slow on this from having no self-respect

Carbon dioxide plays no major role in global warming, but...
Water vapor is the leading greenhouse gas.
Soot causes clouds to become reflective; consider warming the heat trapped in and above the clouds.  There are both considerable warming and cooling trends to both how clouds are affected by visible pollution and the slowing of the Earth’s rotation.


Another headache, possible fever; cannot work, let alone stand, more indications of cancer in me.

Solar flare tsunami to hit Earth?
Ahmadinejad survives fireworks thrown at him during a “parade.”
Police in N. Ireland find a bomb in/underneath a car.
Art dealer sentenced to $120M in fraud.
Disney parks raising ticket prices.
Aretha Franklin cancels concerts due to fractured ribs.
Rolling Stone reporter denied embed over McCrystal piece.
Only Courtney Friel made fun of for Chelsea media gushing.
Alex Rodriguez becomes youngest to reach 600 home runs hit.
Missouri: a 3-1 rejection of the health care insurance mandate; a record midterm turnout.

9 dead, as beer company worker and union member Omar Thornton went on a rampage shooting amid resignation yesterday; at least one expert says that he was a psychopath that indulged in always-right fantasies.  He called 911 first, making racial charges (Thornton is black).

Versus Schwarzenegger: Despite a majority vote in CA, Prop. 8 struck was down again, this time by the federal government; judge speaks of constitutionality— marriage is not in the constitution!
CNN joins the celebration, carefully (no smiling).

“Stimulus” waste.
$1.9M for exotic ants.
$0.76M for dance software.
$0.5M for windows...on a building closed down for 2 years.
Cocaine for monkeys, to see if they’ll eat more Doritos® when high?

Basil Marceaux became an internet sensation...cult ridicule; Jim Norton says he’s a weird ass.  Another political promotion by Stephen Colbert.

CoastToCoast AM: “John Teter” claims to be a time traveller from 2036, reluctant to give details, as that would screw up the timeline.
Firing matter at a center, then electrons along the edge to form a personal directional black hole; about 1 min. per year travel occurs when passing through the event horizon, past or future.
For New York, he said in 1998, in my timeline, there is a skyscraper missing... Osama bin Laden made his blatant warnings at about that time.  (Busted!)

The first thing to understand about time travel: the universe doesn’t deal with paradoxes.  It just doesn’t.  You don’t see time travellers around because in time traveling, your new timeline is independent from the previous.  Even the slightest changes affect where you are now.  In other words, the moment before you cross the event horizon is the last moment of “normalcy”— you’re never going back to where you were before.  If you screw up, then you are screwed.

Rapid transformation of the economic world...uh-oh.  Transform the fuel base into something of alien exotic fuels—now that’s cheating!


Huffington Post is going to be pravda.

8 shot, 2 killed at birthday party in Indianapolis.
Nun killed by Carlos, an illegal immigrant w/ DUI.
Saudi Arabia joins U.A.E.’s Oct. ban of (encrypted/smartphone) WiFi.
Obama signs bill to “fix” cocaine sentencing gap.
Supermodel, Che Guevara bikini wearer Giselle B. wants regulations on breast-feeding—6 mos.
Sandra Bullock is Hollywood’s top-earning actress.
Leaker PFC Bradley Manning was disciplined several times.
109°F at Little Rock—and it’s past 6 p.m.!

UNIFIL (UN peacekeeping force) supports Israel’s assertions of tree/brush clearing...for now, after Lebanese troops opened fire, killing four on the border w/ Israel.
Tree trigger?  Israel says a tree hanging over a fence is on their side, and blocking a camera...the root is actually in another country.
Among the dead, a Lebanese journalist and a senior Israeli officer.  This was the first clash since the 2006 Israel-Hizballah war, in which over 1,300 died.

Floods threaten hunger, cholera in Pakistan.  It also threatens stability, as extremists want to win hearts and minds in help, and the government is limited, already fighting them.
Around 12 million people have been directly affected.

After the death of politician Raza Haider, a rival gang rampage in Karachi sets many buildings on fire, violence killing 60.  Pakistani government merely blames the Taliban, arresting about 20 Islamic hard-liners.

Obama: they hope you’ll have amnesia.  Exactly.  So let me refresh y’all on a double standard with the help of Maxine Waters.  Waters, who went after Newt Gingrich for his ethics violations, who has intimidated people into silence, wants her three ethics charges removed.  Plenty of those in the legislature need jail t...

Financial Act, new SEC powers: surveillance, risk assessment, or regulatory oversight.
Wow.  They have been given this much power.  Six separate agencies in HHS.

Something to remove Teddy from Mt. Rushmore—his progressive views: The Negro Problem.  Writing with Charles Davenport, stuff on eugenics in 1913.  There is more to what meets the eye—especially when the victor writes the history.  ...should not be allowed to breed...
We can remove them by fair means or foul means.  Sound like the crud of today?

Neurotoxin demoic(?) acid poisoning of waters, caused by phytoplankton explosion in runoff, sewage/fertilizer.  You might want to know where your sardines came from.


Debt crisis: By 2011, 43¢ out of every dollar will be borrowed.

Tourists, capitalists now targeted in Greece for assassination; investigative journalist killed.
1,000 children die each day in India due to water shortages.
U.A.E. WiFi ban: Abu Dhabi to ban BlackBerry service, since they can’t read the signals.
Dutch remove 1,950 troops fm. Uruzgan province; Netherlands first NATO country to exit Afghanistan.
FBI files released on Howard Zinn; he’s a commie...also, Frank Marshal Davis (Obama’s mentor).
Indonesia: over porn ban on 8.11, prank put porn site onto their House of Reps.’ TV screens for 15 min.
Oil, and radioactive substances (folium, radium) found at new Olympic training site in London.
A region of Spain bans bullfighting.  (Bullfighting is signature of the country.)
More NATO allies to leave Afghanistan.
122 arrests in protests against (perception of) AZ immigration law.
After firing many clean-up workers, BP says they’ll hire more after Static Top Kill.
Nitrates and nitrites, used for preserving color in meat, a main cause of bladder cancer.
Lindsay Lohan out of jail, into rehab.
Fox News to post Q’s to local broadcasting FOX.
Media gushed over Chelsea Clinton wedding.

The Microsoft of drugs: while Mexican and El Salvador gangs are all over the U.S., cartels may topple the Mexican government.  A trillion-dollar business fuels violence south of, and at the border.  The lack of self-discipline means it will get worse; Mexico is now a Third World Country.
Even though more people are coming forward to say, enforce the law, Sheriff Arpaio has a $1M target on his head... just as Lady GaGa curses the state, saying peacefully collapse their economy (with the boycotts).
Desensitized, some kids kick a ball around, pretending it to be a head.  The war has been going for years, and the media sided with the race-baiters.  Heads are literally rolling, you lying bastards.

More nihilism: The new SDS, created on Jan. 16, 2006 (MLK, Jr. day), advocates the takeover of schools to take over the country, calling it the fight of our lives!

Wildfires displace thousands in Russia; wheat commodity and bread prices soar as fields burn.  Hundreds of wildfires, breaking records on heat and drought since July 29.
Dry winds sent clouds of smoke over Moscow.

Norway: cluster bomb ban now in effect; treaty ratified by 38/+100 signatories in International Convention on Cluster Munitions (Oslo, 2008).

Violence to break out... Venezuela and a neighbor; Lebanon, Iran and Israel; North and South Korea and China.  Strike the oil fields, shut off oil to the U.S.— w/ the Gulf crap, we are screwed.
A black hole of turmoil, strikes; militants and elite quasi-militaries to flex their muscles.

Nothing like a world (mis)leader skewering history for our President; Vladimir Putin (who still shows he’s KGB-programmed to keep one hand on its side for a weapon...that’s not there) tells Barry some “real” history.

Indoctrination U.: Childrens’ Books; little Obama, and the right to a decent job, healthcare.

Mass deflation to produce hyperinflation—still setting people up.
Fill the pit w/ not-yet-funded programs, also losing sight of what was passed, and then when inflation finally kicks in...not being able to afford bread.  The financial crisis has not been the worst since the great depression, but it will be...

ABC disappointed that Fox News gets the front-row seat previously used by Helen Thomas (refer to June on why she was removed).  An AP reporter will replace Major Garett’s seat in the second row.  Rick Sanchez says, why did the press corp. give it to them?  They’re not a news organization, and others on the show (Rick’s List) [show] embarrassment.

An(other) ACLU member applauds federal judge’s ruling in AZ immigration law case, reflects the population that buy into media bull; like any so-called Civil Rights activist, she does not see drug cartel violence as significant, and does not support the Tea parties.

David A. Brooks used taxpayer money to buy a diamond-encrusted belt, bullet-proof vests that don’t work, and porn for his sons.

It came to somebody in a vision...
The woman wants people to pray for Mel Gibson; he has been dealing w/ demons since he did Passion of the Christ.

Something I missed because I gladly don’t watch The View: edicts from the admin. to the media...
Joy Behar says to the President, the right wing, Fox News and other media are hijacking the argument; how do you stop it; where’s your attack dog?  He responds, that’s your job.


I take back what I said in October.  Divisive is pronounced “device-ive.”  There’s only one ‘s’.  “Diviss-ive” is informally acceptable.
I also wanna take back the “dragged through the dirt” part of 6.11.  I’m not reaching out.  (I’d be dragging myself.)

On TV, was, or soon to be

Through the Wormhole: w/ billions of years simulated, scenarios conducted via supercomputer(s) show that dark matter is necessary for matter formation!
Only 4.6% of the universe is what we call “normal matter.”  23% is dark matter, and the rest is “dark energy,” a force that apparently keeps things from sticking together for too long.

The cover of Time magazine shows an 18-yr.-old Afghan woman with her nose cut off.  An image of what the Taliban and tribal, militant fundamentalists like them will do to you when you try to escape; the other option is to stay, and suffer the abuse.

FSTV: 12th and Delaware @ 9PM on HBO.  Richard Dreyfus narrates America Betrayed.

Comedy Central is running Baywatch for the David Hasselhoff Roast.

Necessity is the mother of invention

2010/07   2010/09