The information provided here is timely and biased.
Never treat one internet news page as whole; accept the aggregate, working facts of the original and multiple sources.  (Do your own research.)

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

Think of the ramifications in not waking people up.

It is impossible to misled by real divinity.

Footage on the internet is being scrubbed clean.  Download, burn to disc.

Don’t just pass around links.  Listen carefully, read thoroughly, cross out what can’t be verified, save.

Must read

The Gift of Fear: the normalcy bias, where people refuse to think about ramifications, imagine the potential for bad, the power.
Ignorance: giving up your control by not paying attention.

George Washington’s Sacred Fire: just how God-loving was our first president?  Very.  Since the progressive movement, history scholars have avoided original sources.


Memorial Day.
Originally Decoration Day, remembering those who sacrificed their lives for our ideals.

German President resigns.
6.0 mag. quake hits the Philippines.
Bus fire kills 30 in India.
90 mi. outside Chicago, Pres. speech cut short: rainstorm.

IAEA says Teheran has 2,400 kg of fissile material, nearly twice the amount to make a nuclear warhead.

Israeli army: 9 dead in an “aid” flotilla takeover on international waters.  IDF soldiers board the boat, are beaten with metal pipes (seen on IDF video).  Rubber bullets, recorded set-up: Shots fired, someone killed by a bullet.
Protests, flag burnings, Turks try to break into an Israeli embassy — anti-Israel hate is as high in Britain as in the middle-east according to some reporters.

Bangladesh takes after Islamabad’s ban of Facebook (Picture of Prophet Mohammed Day).
Some Canadians start quit Facebook day.  Speaking of Canada, air conditions are a little poor today in N.E.; winds bring us their smoke.

FOX News Reporting w/ Tucker Carlson

The last one focused on textbooks, this one looks at education in general.
We have a pretty low literacy rate in the world.
Modernized methods: computers are the tool, now rap and hip-hop are being used to bring a hipness to it.
Textbook wars, defeating media bunk: Expert reviewers are helping put history back in.
The crucial part of education is family, say most of those the producers talked to.

Crime, Inc. recap, details not noticed before

The Joyce Foundation is so large that it ends up funding the Soros’ Tides Foundation.
Franklin Raines was inflating the numbers at Fannie Mae (the housing collectivizer— I mean subsidizer that is funding new corruption).  Raines got a slap on the wrist (actually, financially compensated), he was cleaned up, and sat in the audience, suit and tie of one of Obama’s speeches.  He now works at Enterprise.  More people laundering.
CCX became international when they sold to a company outside the country.
The godfather of Kyoto in 1997 also dabbled in World Bank, and an “Earth” project.
Both Joel Rogers and Van Jones are in COWS... did I just see “Van Jones” scroll across the screen for next Friday’s guests on Real Time w/ Bill Maher?

The United States is a democratic republic, not a democracy

Rome transformed from a republic to an empire largely because of the complacency of its people.
Are you paying attention?  Power-mongers will get their way if you stop and/or become dismissive.  How can we vote out the people at the IMF when misleaders completely sell us out?

Stand with us in the fire of truth; it burns only lies.


Memorial Day Weekend

Nuclear inspectors find that nuclear items have disappeared in Iran.
A church plans to picket rocker Dio’s funeral...
17 dead in a Chinese mine explosion.
Volcano erupts in Ecuador; hundreds evacuated, one reporter killed.
2nd British Airways strike to begin.
Alaska restarts drilling.

Al Qaeda in Yemen have a new leader: the same cleric that has said that our “journalists” (NYT) make their intel easier.

Isn’t it interesting?  Nobody cares.

The administration said to drop the black panthers case (voter intimidation), the case then dropped.

The Joe Sestak bribery scandal now comes down to Bill Clinton?  He told Joe last summer to not run against Rectum— I mean, Spector.
So Rahm Emanuel told Willy, Willy told Sestak to drop.

Taking responsibility...for being awesome

The Prez says he’s open to ideas, but phone calls are ignored.
Biden will attend the national memorial for Memorial Day (Monday), while Obama will visit a place outside Chicago.

But that’s just my opinion.  Secy. of State Hillary Clinton does the M. rap: the rich need to pay their “fair” share.

Kim Komando rehash

The current college generation has the lowest levels of empathy in a long time, maybe ever, due to video games, social media sites.
Scientists say video games improve brain function and visual abilities.  So, Limited empathy?  Blame Call of Duty.

Selling a British seat

In footage to air Tues., Dutches of York Sarah Ferguson apologizes for a bribe worth $700K in getting ex-husband Prince Andrew a position.


McGruber is a bomb.  $4M.  *Grand Explosion* McGruber!!
Shrek Forever After tops the box office list again.

Does Eliot Spitzer have what it takes to host on CNN?  He has a catchy name, so yes.

Celine Dion pregnant, twins.


Actor Gary Coleman dies at 42 of brain hemorrhage on May 28.  Most notable for his role in Diff’rent Strokes, Coleman also once ran for governor of California?

Dennis Hopper dies at 74 of cancer on May 29.  This writer and director of the classic Easy Rider was the director of The Hot Spot (1990), also playing a role in Hoosiers.


The similarities: Wilson, F.D.R. administrations and this one

On the surface, a bit weak; the White House is promoting Huffington Post.
Under the surface, Cass Sunstein has the O.I.R.A.  Infiltrate groups that criticize the government.
For the 20th century, history has been erased.  Look for info on Boy Spies of America; Fox News researchers, the best in the U.S., couldn’t find any images on this group.

It wasn’t until Franklin Roosevelt died that anyone did anything about the brush w/ dictatorial rule in the United States; the two-term limit was drafted immediately after his death.

Less singular in the dictatorial now, more control freaks, more associations, more of a government sector, more pushes for union control despite their falling grades, more partial nationalization.
Did I mention that socialist and communist groups are taking credit for recent elections?  They have websites, you know.  Ties to unions are obvious and plenty... SEIU.

Losing personal control, no coverage whatsoever by the “mainstream” media.
The Home Star bill passed the Senate.

With Puerto Rico being shoved into a select few choices, people who only get their news from the Times, or the like will be surprised when we start sewing another star on the flag.

Luxury in spokesmanship: Bo, the dog, was bought for $1,600, and some of the food served in the White House is the most expensive in the world.

Oh, cheer up — a new $134 billion stimulus, but carries the title American Loophole-Closing Tax Act of 2010, is up for throat-cramming, all while private business is down to an all-time low of 42%, and food stamp enrollment is at an all-time high.
We’re also bailing out the unions for a quarter of a trillion dollars.
Literacy was higher during the roaring ’20s than it is now.


MMS responsible for dead equipment leading to the tanker/well explosion, spill.  Now it’s known that since 2007, employees have been busy with... porn and drugs.

Former Congressional staffer, Harvard-grad appointee gets fired, or gone.
So much time spent perfecting his golf-swing and 3-pointer shots, Obama got $100M from B.P.  He now caves to the left that call the spill “his Katrina.”  Huffington Post calls some of the shots now.

B.P. admits that up to 19,000 barrels of oil are spilling into the Gulf.  Officially, The oil spill is now the worst in U.S. history, worse than Exxon-Valdez.
Some oil inspectors were bribed w/ gifts.
Now there’s a massive plume heading inland.  22 long, by 9 wide, by 0.5 in depth — miles.

After “Hot Top” and “Top Hat,” now it’s “Top Kill.”
An operation to pump up mud for obstruction.  And even though the same failed crap was tried 30 years ago (1979), B.P. says that what you see on live camera feed now is working.

Washington Post now starts to report on the seriousness of global economic collapse.
One false move could set off a chain reaction.
The larger the governance, the less representation to the individual.

Facebook unveils simplified privacy controls... fewer controls.  Either friends-only or share with everyone?

Just a Cable News Network

To celebrate a black woman’s 103rd(?) birthday, CNN “accidentally” runs a curse-laden rap song.
Larry King Live now has half the ratings it did for the 2008 national elections.

It takes one to not to know one

After all the false parallels of standards, or lack thereof, K.O. calls G.B. a stone-cold liar.  How many people has Olbermann called a stone-cold liar now?
The guest put on to back up the nonsense is loaded w/ problems (hundreds of blinks a second).


Art Linklater dies at age 97 on the 26th.  He was known mostly for hosting Kids Say the Darndest Things.


South Korea cuts “all” ties with North Korea, rather Pyongyang cut ties.
Jamaica police: 30 dead in battle with drug gang - AP.
Ex-Detroit mayor gets up to 5 years in prison - AP.
Brittany Murphy’s husband dies in the same home, son-in-law found unconscious.
15 die in Turkish bus crash.
Queen Elizabeth opened the British Parliament.

In their own words: the calls by leading figures for global governance are only getting more frequent.  Tuesday @ 5PM on FNC.

More on Crime, Inc.:
David Buchner calls the workings of the latest Ponzi scheme, Energy Efficiency Fund, akin to to movement in ENRON.

Katrina Vanden Huevel of progressive The Nation frames a common lie: it should be about effective government or no government.  The lefty garbage/paranoia that leads to the Tea parties are anti-government.

Cancer Links with Scans

Based on Limit the Risks of Radiation by Dr. Ranit Mishori

According to a 2007 study printed in Archives of Internal Medicine, with over 70 million scans performed each year in the U.S., 29,000 future cases may be at least partially caused by the CT and X-ray scans themselves.  So much more radiation than in the past is emitted in high-detail scans today that out of abdominal, pelvis and head, abdominal scans have the highest of about 400 chest X-rays worth.

The FDA recently launched an initiative to limit the radiation machines may emit to optimal levels.

The latest study results on linking cell phones with cancer are inconclusive.
I must say that you never have to worry about power lines promoting cancer over the fact that the wave lengths power lines emit are the large, magnetic type — the equivalent of putting magnets on a 60 rpm ceiling fan.  The danger would instead be the risk of fire or electrocution with those lines coming down.


158 dead in an Air India crash landing.
Sporadic gunfire in Jamaica; some are trying to stop a well-known extradition.
Moms of jailed Americans return to NY from Iran.
US Presswire: Percy Miller (a.k.a. Lil’ Romeo), leaves the USC Trojans — how many days ago did he sign up?

Todd Davis, founder of LifeLock has had his identity stolen 13 times after flaunting it in commercials.  Once, someone took out a $500 loan.  Another time, someone racked up $2,400 in charges.  Just in 2009, alone, several fraudulent accounts appeared in his name.
The FTC has made consumer claims of false advertising w/ the LifeLock commercials official.

Bobby Jindal blames not so much British Petroleum but the Army Corp. of Engineers for oil mucking up New Orleans marshes.

Tech stats

Flash (storage) is less than $2/GB (manu.), a 1GHz “Snapdragon” processor in a small device w/ phone.


New episodes of Futurama is scheduled for June 24 on Comedy Central, and now we know that the Viacom network has picked up FX’s It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

Two-hour Sunday Lost: The Final Journey @ 7PM, 2:30 finale @ 9PM.
They all finally remember.


“Financial Reform” bill passed, 59-39.
23-yr.-old Lindsay Lohan loses her passport.  Eight words is enough.
Rodent seen in press conference TV footage before the podium is a vole.  Move on.
Nayif Al-Qahtani, a leading militant, accidentally blows himself up.
Dennis Blair steps down as National Intelligence Director.  The admin. already has people in store to replace him...

30th anniversary of Pac-Man on Friday.  You can play the game on-line (Java?).
You can watch the story with Google Television... Sony is putting that stuff in their TVs.

Andrew Breitbart’s $100K reward for evidence on someone shouting the N-word at the Capitol amid protests (before the “healthcare” bill became law) has turned up nothing.  No takers, no evidence.

The Ed Sh—
Ed Shultz on Rand Paul now saying that he doesn’t like that the admin.’s boot is on the throat of B.P.: this psycho-talker just won’t shut up... after taking someone out of the “psycho-talk” zone.  Face of the Tea parties pro-segregation?  Now that’s... another lie backed by G.E.

Benign/Evil Micro-lending

Putting the blinders on... short-selling (betting against) is being banned in Europe, and repressive restrictions will follow here.

Let’s put a spotlight on ShoreBank, shall we?
The Chicago-based bank has been backed by Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, promoted by the Clintons, and... General Electric completes the circle.
Beck on his exposure: It’s a small world, isn’t it?  We are going to make it so small that you’re going to feel like there’s a pillow over your face.

Political Insanity: MS-NBC

Dylan Ratigan tells us how much of a scumbag selling snake oil Glenn Beck is by repeating Anthony Weiner’s speech or writing intended to deceive, then telling us to buy into paper gold — yes, stock exchange-dependent paper gold.

One month since the blast that left a spill, and it is still going

Bobby Jindal is sick of it; marshes are polluted with the light crude.
So far, they have been able to get a camera down to the leak so you can see it on live TV, however, they have not been able to stop it, or break it up with chemicals that the EPA approves.
A number of blocks and “absorbers” have been put up to reduce the amount of oil coming ashore.

Libertarian is not a five-syllable word you can just throw around

Rachel Maddow sees how far she can go w/ the Rand Paul “controversy” in her own deceitful way (play nice, then behind your back say you wear a white, pointy hood), having on some guy from the NAACP to extrapolate on the distortion.
Last night, Maddow spent 20 mins. blowing away commercials to get to the bottom of Paul’s but in purist split between discrimination (abhorent) and private ownership (constitutionally protected).  Dr. Rand Paul, an eye surgeon and winner of the first round for a Kentucky Senate seat, tried to defend himself this morning: he will never put in effort to rescind the Civil Rights Act... as if he was as bigoted as the progressives attacking him.

Gearing up for Geek Week, next week: measured by the timing of light, the moon is moving away from the Earth by about an inch a year; the time it takes for the light, emitted and reflected from our moon has slightly increased over time.  This directly affects the weather.

Lost history: hey, did you know that we lost $2.3 trillion in 2001?
Donald Rumsfeld said it on Sept. 10th.


Twisters forecasted for Oklahoma.

Texas schoolbook wars go public today.  Since the books are mostly nationalized, this is big.
Facebook gets banned in Karachi, Pakistan; some members have asked for images of the Prophet Mohammed?

Lance Armstrong accused again of using performance-enhancing drugs, another competitor.
His response: it’s their word against ours, and I like ours.

The Glenn Beck Program (radio) spent the 2nd and 4th hours reading the entire 17-page AZ immigration law.  Think, enforce federal laws and may not consider race, color or national origin on repeat, and a little bit of go after companies that employ illegals.
More proof that the media landscape is unanimously corrupt; they continue to sell a lie.

Because of Los Angeles boycotting Arizona over immigration nonsense, AZ threatens to cut off their 25% of the power supply to LA.  Cut.

Fact: when it came to inflating gold in the 1930s, F.D.R. would have people in jail for keeping their physical gold, exception only to antiques (gold coins).
Weiner facts (now we have a McCarthy): Congressman Tony Weiner goes after GoldLine, one of Beck’s sponsors that sell antique gold.  Just put a wiener of a nose on his Weiner face, and watch it grow on Countdown, as he lies about the value of the GoldLine product acting like inflation doesn’t exist (about 1,200 in stock value, 2,200 GoldLine).
The New York Times bought it a bit, and then they checked: GoldLine is a BBB A-rated company in a landscape of Fs!

Blind trust: Attacking real reporters

Nina Easton, of Fortune, is attacked by SEIU and the Huffington Post for actually covering the story where a banker’s home was swarming with fake union protests.  The father of a frightened 14-yr.-old who locked himself in the bathroom tried to make his way into the house to rescue the son, but blow horns kept blaring.

Mexicáno fraud

President Felipe Calderòn reads from Obama’s script, doin’ the racial profiling rope-a-dope, then gets grilled on CNN’s Situation Room w/ Wolf Blitzer.  You get asked for your papers in Mexico several times!
Howie Carr: if CNN continued having interviews like this, they’d be out of the crapper.

Sold Bush’s 5% unemployment as front-page news, now they bury it at 9.9%

Mainstream press now say, in positive “light,” the unemployment rate is no longer high, it’s persistent.  More people not looking for work means that there are more available jobsThe corrupt media aren’t dying fast enough.

Oil Spill: Tar balls found, media smile.  Finding out that the tar balls are not from the Gulf, media sad.

A Berkeley class is calling for the swabbing of student DNA for health reasons.

ACORN branches out to India to support what they call rag people.

Chris Mathews wants the administration to take over the oil companies.  Why can’t we just take them over and shoot them in the head?


Suicide car bomber hits the Afghan capital, Kabul.
Swedish man arrested on terror charges.
Faisal Shazad appears in Federal Court.
Indiana Congressman resigns: had affair w/ female host of abstinence-only show, preached.
Campbell Brown, after leaving NBC (Today Show) some years back, says she’ll be leaving CNN.
Barbera Walters will undergo a heart valve replacement procedure.
Hacker that tried to take down Bill-O’s website faces the law.

Search continues for the kidnapped Mexican politician, Diego Fernandez de Cevallos.
His bloodied SUV was found right before Calderòn appeared before the legislative body, applause by the Democrats. ... Smart idea for Mexico to legalize everything the drug lords say should be legalized?

Officials rule, after completion of autopsy, that Corey Haim died of natural causes, terminal physical conditions.

Arlen Spector robo-calls of Obama

Ad of Bush putting his support behind Spector... Spector switched parties to, arrogantly, get elect-ed...

Tea party-backed Rand Paul beats Trey Grayson in Kentucky.  Turn-out is less than expected: some 30%.  No credit to Tea parties; it’s anti-establishmentarianism and anti-incumbency to the press.

Richard Blumenthal, the politician who has gone after people for dishonesty, sometimes even w/ lawsuits, has his ass handed to him!
He misspoke not once, but several times about serving in Vietnam, and some other things...

Social Justice: Marxism

Using the EPA to bribe churches, merge with them, eyes are on the government erosion.  Kind of like what happened under Jeffersonian times; England used religion as a weapon, and T.J. fought against it.
This is the last measure the progressives have after perverting the constitution and the founding fathers.
God or Gov’t.  Those with lasting devout faith in gov’t are deranged.

On grounds of quasi-patriotism

Bill O’Reilly still holds to his position that citizens can have their miranda rights revoked in “extreme cases.”

Addressing that to blah on G.B., distortions, blah.

In response to footage of Glenn Beck speaking in front of a crowd, Olbie goes by script, Wait, Jefferson was a deist?  Also, the superficiality in you’re a Nazi if you yell in anger.  (No, yelling, even yelling in German doesn’t make you Nazi; being a both a nationalist and a socialist does.)
The term ‘deist’ back in Jeffersonian times meant having doubts about Jesus Christ’s divinity.

A recent non-story deals with the sad dip in Beck’s ratings.  The show’s over; what will he do now?  A sad... +22%?
Once again, from George Soros-funded MediaMatters, a complete fraud read as truth on Countdown.
Waiting for a retraction...that will never happen.  Reading from a TelePrompter into a camera hole with no monitors to know what’s going on is pretty extreme as far as denial goes.  I would get claustrophobic in that kind of environment, but Keith does it every day.  Hey, he said it himself: for all I know it could be Glenn Beck in those commercials.
Well, New York about tops the list when it comes to denial...



Yet to get serious on Iran, the deal to ship uranium abroad.
US court grants asylum to Obama’s African aunt.

Nicolas Sarkozy slammed his fist down, threatened to pull France out of the euro.
Now it’s on for Obama to push Poland.
History repeats itself for those who don’t know their history.
Germany also threatens to pull out of the euro.

The Supreme Court rules in U.S. v. Comstock that inmates deemed “sexually dangerous” can be held in federal prison indefinetly — even after they’ve served their original sentence.
They also ruled in Graham v. Florida that it would be “cruel and unusual punishment” to sentence juvenile criminals life in prison w/o parole.

Turning the machine on

The funding for “patent” with Crime, Inc. has been pin-pointed down to...
Fannie Mae, the company that has been indefinitely held in receivership — essentially acting as a private company, even though it isn’t one... kind of like the Federal Reserve, but more illegal.
Money laundering: to disguise the source or nature of illegal funds by channeling through an intermediate agent.
Immune to Freedom of Information Act, only members of Congress can look into it.  Two, only recently, have.  The spokesman for CCX (a big player in all of this) says that its market is $10 trillion a year.  True evil disguises itself as benevolent until obtaining enough power.

Govern Different

Taking after the press’ take on the Prez take on technology is becoming a distraction, out of the non-change, Bill Maher says he wouldn’t mind the Senate be replaced with the Apple® Genius Panel.


Heavy Metal vocalist and song writer Ronnie James Dio dies on May 16 at the age of 67.  He performed for Heaven & Hell, Black Sabbath, Elf, Rainbow...  The cause of death was stomach cancer.
This good man, this powerful voice will be missed.

2010.05.13-14 — record deficits, and the truth

In Bangkok, Thailand, a political speaker is shot in the head, then dragged away by supporters.  More military movements followed.

About double the expected amount, an $82 billion deficit for a single month.

But don’t worry.  To convince those who remain uninformed that “the economy has turned around,” they are going to use the remaining 2/3 of the stimulus money to make things look good.  Not to gain votes; the parties are dead, the Democratic party has been destroyed on behalf of Joel Rogers.

Remaining structure in latest legislation

America’s Power act.  A new energy bill gives Americans an incentive to move overseas for jobs, paying for travel expenses.  You have got to be kidding me.
Rushing the dismantling of the country.  Once again, communists using anarchists— these anarchists are dopes if they think they’ll get the upper-hand in all of the mess-mongering.

The affluent middle class that has to be stopped...

Protect you by spying on you, making sure you do what’s “good for the Earth,” as defined by the people in power.  Don’t you think that in opening the door for this kind of control, especially when these guys are calling for global governance, that citizens would have even less control?  A nation of men makes a dictatorship.
Cass Sunstein: we should have government agents pose, infiltrate to try to discredit people who propagate “conspiracy theories,” even if those theories turn out to be true.
Soon-to-judge Elena Kagan: some speech should be (sic) disappeared.
So many don’t see how destructive this all is— well, Rogers and Soros do, and that’s how some people make a lot of money in putting a happy face on the destruction while demonizing all of those who stand in the way.

The contempt that they have for others comes from taking failure the wrong way.  It’s that suburban lifestyle that the early progressives created, just for the new progressives to blame the people.  Talk about abuse.
Excuses to cover past “academia” that include: requiring a license to have a child, destroying the world economy to rebuild it in a way that John Holdren thinks works — such a novel has never been written.
It would be historians to write such books of the delusional nonsense after these delusional people help make it all come to life.

Europe is on fire, financially, and literally w/ riots

May 17th marks the next big day of labor union and Marxist protests here.  Against banks, Wall Street, and whatever leftist misleaders tell people what to think is causal of today’s problems.  Progressivism is the problem.
Plundering resources, the world shall blame us.

Beck: We don’t understand our own individual liberty, we are broke, can’t even fix a damn oil leak, and have to beg other countries.
Who is going to resolve the extremism, the communism and fascism in Europe? 
Communist China?  Between 400 and 800 million people in China are starving, but they will only admit to 37 million.

He acknowledges the catalyst effect; overexposure prompts the (actual) progressives to speed up the process.

Making luck a policy...

After such “success,” shills in the military are prompted to say that the military budget should be cut.  Defense?  What defense?

Media still buying into bullsh...

President Obama needed a specialized, expensive BlackBerry (on security reasons alone, the secret service said, are you crazy??).  The press took a recent speech (that really has everything to do with limiting speech) as he’s not technologically advanced.  Having 8 million FaceBook friends, that’s quite the bully pulpit.

More dumb and desperate than Obama denying Rush Limbaugh an invite to a game of golf, saying he can go play with himself, Hardball w/ Chris Mathews spent the whole show begging Republicans to come on to denounce Limbaugh.  Distractions...

Marcia Coakley says, technically, it’s not illegal to be illegal in Massachusetts.

The story of a non-violent, white supremacist group growing in Maine?  Well, the guy who started it, Mathew Blaine(?), now says that it was a hoax, trying to raise awareness...of the predominant B.S. I hear in the media (“anti-government Tea parties,” the Tea parties are hate groups, don’t’ya know).
I’ll only report on real cases, such as threats of fiery violence in California that the media refuse to cover.

Three Pakistani arrests in N.E. over supposed connections to the Times Square bomb plot.
Places include New York and Portland, Maine.

Wow, a natural gas leak at the oil-leak... that just goes into the air.
There is yet another method to stop the spill, even though enough of it has evaporated, stuck to sediment that 1/3 of the oil has disappeared from sight.
Obama shows his anger, will not tolerate finger-pointing, while he finger points.  Not just Beyond Petroleum, but federal agencies too.

Surprise, surprise, NBC cancels a the almost-longest running series

NBC cancels Law & Order, the show that focuses on the detectives, gritty stories, and court rooms, for a Los Angeles version.  Didn’t L.A. Law give us a take on that, already?  And that series was short-lived.



Civil unrest rises in Germany.
German stocks are down sharply, Gold buying is up because there are people who are still alive that remember hyperinflation.
We are once again the schmucks of Europe.  Extremists were Blaming Jews and bankers in the 1930s for what the progressives made; it was Woodrow Wilson who put that junk in, but the European extremes took after socialism.
Now, after pushing Germany of at least $1 trillion, President Obama, the new Wilson, is pushing Spain!  Wake Up.

John Kerry and Joseph Lieberman push Cap & Trade today.

Stopping the madness

Brian Williams watching things unfold with Greece, the stocks free falling; he spoke on Monday of things that made him sound like ...  That was a person [in Europe] on fire.
Remember that Williams works for NBC, still owned by G.E., despite the deal with Comcast.

Control the language, control the argument

Marxism -> redistribution of wealth -> social justice

UCLA guy, Social Studies teacher preaching Social Justice (part of his job),... and the overthrow of the U.S. Government: I work for a revolutionary Mexican group.  Not tired, not fired, and “anti-racist” preaching racism.  The white man.

“Reversing the trend of obesity”

Not only calorie counts on restaurant menus, but breast-feeding guidelines in the “healthcare” legislation.
Michelle Obama:...reduce the sugar.  Tracking the food you eat.
The Office of Financial Research to track you.


Cap & Trade to be put up on May 12.

To buy time for Greece, and only buy time.

The president pushes Merkel (Germany) in the bailout of Greece, where Obama wanted it to be more than $1 trillion.  The $1T that did make the number is being backed by the fed.  17-25% of the money going to bail out Greece is paid for by the United States, and it hasn’t even been finalized.
The fed investing euros... while the euro dies.  Now France has its credit rating in question.  They’re no longer just printing money... they’re digitizing the money; a faster approach at devaluing the dollar.  More Weimar Republic stuff.

Rhymes with censorship

Now the federal commissions must be used in end free speech with cable.
The digital fingerprints (meta data) trace back to people at Free Press, a Marxist group dedicated at “equalizing” the airwaves.  Ben Scott.
“Free speech” means the government cannot regulate speech.

The president says that information is becoming a distraction, and that it hurts our democracy.  Excuse me?
After repeating on the campaign trail about use, giving iPods away, Obama now comes out to say that he doesn’t know how to use any of the electronic gear.  There’s no reason to believe him on anything, really.  On radio, on X-Box.  News on X-Box?
He goes pretty far on demonizing just about everything.
Making sure the “correct” information is out there by limiting voices of “some” cable networks, and “some” radio stations, and “some” blogs, and how dare you call the measure fascistic.  Well, it is, Mr. President.

Even further down the loss-of-rights hole

Not only trying to change the laws, saying that citizens have no reasonable right to privacy (track you on your cellphone), but now the new justice appointee (90 days ago) & friends (Eric Holder) say that if you are merely suspected of giving money to a terrorist group that certain rights should be suspended, and you can be held indefinitely without trial.  Guilty until proven innocent, all over again.
End the sunsets in the Patriot Act, then close Gitmo, only to call any opposition “anti-government,“ seditious.
Take it from Cass Sunstein, who works at the White House: those who disagree with the administration’s policies are anti-government, and should be infiltrated.

Illeana Cagen— Cagan— how ever you spell her name: not Second Amendment rights, but case law, after Heller.  Hahvard law.

Another scandal the press won’t cover

Nancy Pelosi, Ms. Separation of Church and State, a representative speaks in a Church, giving suggestions on what should be said at the pulpit.  A legislator mixing Church and State.  Social justice.

Rhymes with Dick

In talking about Tiger Woods, and his troubles (up to 120 women, and beyond...), Golf Channel blonde leaves out what she says is an ‘s’ in “swollen/bulging disk.”

The media now identify Tea parties as “anti-government Tea Party...”

A toxic atmosphere.

In leaving, Bob Bennett helped create the environment he is complaining about, doesn’t like the democratic process.

Gordon Brown, after two whole years is out; the conservative and liberal parties outdid the his labour party.

Bo Biden, son of V.P. Joe Biden (had surgery for an aneurysm), loses certain functionality after having a stroke.

Warning: New McCain ad may induce vomitting

Something John McCain has always been fundamentally against... he now has someone say, “you’re our guy” in a commercial.  “If you want me to build a goddamn fence, then I guess I’ll build a goddamn fence.”  You don’t have to hide your contempt for the people, John.
The arrogance—if Arizonans are going to keep voting for him, then they get what they deserve.


Doris Eaton Travis, the woman responsible for Hello, My Baby died at 106.


The 5.14 issue of Entertainment Weekly features 34 pages (21-58, minus 5 advertisement) on Lost!  (In whole, the issue spans only 80 pages.)
Every cast member examined, every season reviewed — there’s even an A-Z list of things you should know.

Know what else has a lot of pages?

The financial overhaul legislation!  2,400 pages.  Pre-written by Marxist-progressive interests like before.  When over 20 pages, structure is the point — power and control.  The U.S. Constitution was written in only four.


Lena Horne dies at 92, just a few months shy of turning 93.  The sharp, eventually stark-candid singer appeared on The Bill Cosby Show.  Long before appearing on television, Horne faced racism in the 1940s: she was limited to cameos, couldn’t even stay in the same hotel overnight.

“Father of bazooka” Edward Uhl dies at 92.


Unemployment: 9.9%.  Progress.
Underemployment: 17.1%, just under the all-time high of 17.4%.

Bad karma in banning Michael Savage: Jackie Smith (barely) loses the election.

The Don Imus radio-thon (children’s fund) crosses $400K.

Kathleen Sibelius sat until three days after “Healthcare” passed on the reality that due to the new law, costs would dramatically go up, hospitals will close, health insurance will become less reliable.

Terrorist Ex-Patriot Act

That’s what the politicians are calling the if deemed terrorist, strip them of their rights, try them guilty until proven innocent bill...

The spokesman who could should be fired

White House press guy Robert Gibbs straight-out lies about the content of a FOX News interview with Brown (Your World w/ Neil Cavuto).


The euro is down to 1.2/USD.
(Temporary) Market plunge: DJIA below 10,000, dips 968 (18:48GMT), hardly rebounds for yet another loss.

We will pole-vault over the fence, we will do everything we can...

The courts finally say that the FCC cannot regulate the internet via Net Neutrality, so the FCC says that they will regulate it anyway by declaring the internet a public utility.
Like fuel, the Federal Communications Commission may tax you, fine you for content.
People on the inside don’t like what’s going on there
.  Remember Mark Lloyd?

Voluntary Government camps: summer camps.  Isn’t that great.  Spend time burying facts (*praughpaganda*).  There’s nothing despotic about painting government good no matter how bad.  Nah...


Cinqo de Mayo... started by a beer company

Government sector outpacing private sector by 12%.
Athens violence: 10 dead in bank firebombing.
Tennessee floods death toll: 31.
UVA suspect admits to attacking his ex-girlfriend.
Notable artillery explosion in Alabama.
FDA: Johnson & Johnson recalling children’s meds.
Now there are burnings in Arizona...
Topless coffee shop arson: Former boyfriend to one of the waitresses arrested.

As Bret Michaels leaves the hospital, we find out that he is diabetic.  (It isn’t a good idea to just go out drinking the night away.)

“Pakistani American fuels Tea party”

Sympathetic to Shahzad, some “journalists” say that he hated Bush, his house was being foreclosed, his marriage is falling apart... so, everybody bombs Times Square after that.
Shahzad came here with $80K, got on the no-fly list, yet he flew back to Pakistan several times.

The corrupt kind of incompetence

The Feds simply ignored, tossed evidence: Inside Edition easily found things in the trash on Shahzad, even his passport, New York Times got his tax records.


40 years ago today marks the Kent State University shooting.

Pct. of home loans on the federal government tab: 96.5%.
That volcanic activity in Europe hasn’t stopped as scientists expected.
  Cancellations go on...
Alleged associate to UBL arrested.
UFC Undefeated 2010 offers realism using current console technology.
Voters went to the polls for party nominations: Burr (R-NC) is a practical shoo-in since everybody else didn’t/couldn’t show.

Thanks to the administration’s deliberate incompetence (Don’t let a good crisis go to waste, and don’t call me a conspiracy theorist), gasoline prices are expected to hit $5 per gallon.
Five dollars... if drilling continues.  Arnold Schwarzenegger is of some proposing a drilling halt (for environ-mental reasons) — as much as $10/gal.
Mr. Ed: The righties don’t like that he succeeded.  Yes, yes, taking credit for everything “good,” regardless of anything real.

Son-of-a-b— !
Just like border fences, mandated under Federal law, fire booms (what are used to contain oil spills) were supposed to be in stock.  They had nothing.  For the current disaster in the Gulf Coast, the feds had to ask oil companies, which asked other countries.

WSJ sources: Faisal Shazad was trained Pakistan.
One for the statistics: Shazad became a naturalized citizen in 2009 marrying a U.S. citizen.
So many naturalization marriages in NYC... for the women to get $50+.  Marriage exploitation.
Guilty until proven innocent is not American!: John McCain and Joe Lieberman are proposing a measure to strip rights of suspected terrorists at arrest.

“P.C.” World

Reflecting a new form of bigotry, MS-NBC’s Contessa Brewer said on progressive Stephanie(?) Miller’s radio show that she was hoping that the would-be Times Square bomber to be a white, homegrown, Timothy McVeigh-type character (lumping the sociopath w/ the Tea parties again), because it inspires old bigotry knowing that he is of Pakistani descent.  (I paraphrased the sentence better than she did.)
How far in denial— the press want a Timothy McVeigh??

Michael Bloomberg was all like, the suspect is an aging white dude, with like, political junk, and like, against healthcare, and stuff, and Katie Couric, was like, uh-huh.



The Pope visits the shroud of Turin.
Over 10 dead in Tennessee flooding.  So many landmarks are closed down.

May 1st is Race Day... also May Day

Hundreds to thousands in Greece and other countries protest against entitlement cuts (Greece is in the red as far as debt goes), some turn violent as planned by labor unions, Marxist groups.
What happened in France was only the beginning (The Coming Insurrection); the revolutionaries in Greece lay out images of the future.
All laid out in explicit terms.  If the demands aren’t met in five steps, step #6 is “Violence.”
Cut spending before it happens here.  Some of these groups are part of global unions, including Service Employees International Union.

Specialized, with flash problems

The new specialized iPhones and iPads... also come with specialized hackers.
White House Correspondent’s dinner: using the f-bomb on purpose, and a tasteless drone-attack-the-Jonas Brothers joke.

Foiled bomb plot in Times Square, New York

A vendor sees, smells smoke coming out of a green S.U.V. Pathfinder, reports it to the police.  Thousands are evacuated, the bomb squad is called in.  Then you have the blurry security camera footage of what appears to be a white male taking off his sweatshirt to reveal a red shirt underneath.
Amateurish, Pakistani-American Faisal Shahzad paid in cash, left evidence everywhere, made it easy for the authorities to narrow down his identity.
The media offer an explosion for Shahzad, covering almost 24/7 besides the oil spill, giving advice on how to work the explosives found in the vehicle.  Propane tanks (I see three), gasoline tanks at the roof, fertilizer (of the wrong type), fireworks and a cheap timer to set things off.
It took 53 hours for the authorities to catch him during his attempt to escape to Dubai; Shahzad, and some others in possible connection were taken in.

“Obama doesn’t care about fish people!”

The New York Times calls the oil spill Obama’s Katrina.  Talk about wasting people’s time in a pseudo-Republican way.
Marine life continues to wash ashore dead, including jelly fish.
Jelly fish (informal): one who lacks force of character; a weakling...

Quit looking for safety nets.

2010/04   2010/06