The information provided here is timely and biased.
Never treat one internet news page as whole; accept the aggregate, working facts of the original and multiple sources.  (Do your own research.)


Full throttle.

Control of the internet is buried in the financial overhaul legislation?

Crime, Inc.

We enter dangerous territory; an entire multi-trillion dollar scam is being revealed.
Chicago Carbon Exchange, Joyce Foundation, and a lot of progressive titles that sound like they came from the Wizard of Oz.  At the center, Joel Rogers, the creator of the Apollo Alliance in 2001 is “the wizard,” one of few sociologists in history.  He is is one who pays big money to keep his name off the list.
(I am once again putting myself in danger by putting this content up.)
Emerald Cities: a board of directors of the worst of the worst.
Working Families Party: the rebel to ACORN.

People laundering
Radicals believe that ends justify means, are misguided by — but discredit — the monsters involved in the past, as if to say, “they did it wrong.”  In scrubbing these guys clean, exposure will look like a dead end to the press, so corrupt organizations can use them as pawns, terminate with compensation.

Investors Business Daily is the first cover Crime, Incorporated.  They are being attacked.
The “mainstream” press are complacent, refusing to cover any of this.


First U.K. Televised Debate (BBC): today marks the first time it is run live?
U.S. GDP grew 3%, one economist calls it solid.
House bill for Puerto Rico to become a state passed.  Onto the Senate.
Chief’s Deputy is shot with an AK-47.  Authorities think an illegal was behind it.
Making Arizona dumber, proposals to kick out English teachers that have an accent.
Evidence found for the possibility of our ancient ancestors interbreeding with Neanderthals.
“Women’s rights” in Iran: est. 4,000 gays have been executed since the 1979 revolution.

Financial Consumer Protection Agency: a new Chris Dodd bill to invade privacy.
The law would require banks to spy on your deposit activity, give it to the IRS.

Z-Z Top gets the “regulation treatment,” where his water system is used to shut his place down.


More European states are in the red, those over 100% debt-to-GDP.
S&P downgrades Greece bonds to junk status.  Spain and Portugal are also downgraded to double-A.
The mentality and corruption that lead to all of the interdependency has now lead to calls for global governance
Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Violence in Thailand, authorities were able to disperse some of the protestors.
GOP to start cloture on financial overhaul, and negotiate after being defeated for third time.
Charlie Crist breaks repeated vow to run as Repub. by turning Independent over low polling #s.
Apple® raids: Gizmodo blogger refuses to turn in new iPhone prototype, gets door busted in.
President Obama gives out the Teacher of the Year award.
About 80 schoolgirls in Afghanistan become ill within 4 days, Taliban are suspected of poisoning.
The President’s response to the worse-than-Exxon-Valdez oil spill?  He sends S.W.A.T. teams.
Now seen from space, the oil slick is 120 miles in width.

Illinois Representative Luis Gutierrez stands up for Puerto Rico.
Covered on C-SPAN, he points out the anti-democratic methods.  He agrees with another legislator that this legislation is a mandate.

What’s worse than oil coming ashore?  Oil on fire coming ashore.
Yes, there is a proposal to torch the Gulf Coast oil slick, to try to burn it off before it reaches the shore—too late.

Diluting the Vote

H.R. 2499: the question on the ballot asks the voter whether they would want to keep the status quo.  In voting No, they are left with three options: become a state, or two very unpleasant ones.  All about those who want power and control; the Progressive Party of Puerto Rico is behind all of this.
An addition of two Senate seats, one D.C. Representative; 4 million voters means 4 electoral votes.


Behind that bush is nothing more than..-just a big pair of joker lips!
Towlie gets an Intervention on South Park, and some characters resemble Mimsy and the boss, classic ’toons in a “Tardicaca” camp for the disabled.
Blown up?  Shot with arrows by Reservation Natives?  Humped by a shark?  Dharrr...wh- eh— Hey!

Remember when Bungie said it was joining forces with Microsoft?
Well now they’re also teaming up with Activision for publishing.

Jessica Simpson has come out saying that she is addicted to nicotine patches.

Andy Rooney is 91, still showing us how fundamentally unchanged he is.

Rachel Maddow gives away that Southern Poverty Law Center is biased:
The guest is on over Fair-Founders for a more European America (bad), and Maddow just looks removed, looking down, reading the papers... Papers, please!

Spill, Baby, Spill!
Just as some blame George W. Bush for everything, some are blaming Sarah Palin for the oil spill.
Never a point for energy independence, only partisan politics, ideological/psychological messes, plenty of idiots seriously consider it.

Shill, Baby, Shill!
Distorted by— I mean, reported by Keith Olbermann, the parallels between the Glenn Beck show and an episode from Kids in the Hall, season five.
With the help of prophet Mike Foley, who has really let go, you get two guys who don’t know or care what they’re talking about; one is mixing fact and fiction for edgy comedy, the other for (paid) narcism.
Right, mmm-hmm... now That’s propaganda.


(Funded) National Debt: $12.89 trillion.

The most boring day of the year!
’Can’t work ’cause I need sleep, ’can’t sleep so no work.
Will something happen?

One of the men who gunned down Malcolm X to go free after 44 yrs. in prison.
Cloture defeated on financial overhaul, second day in a row.
The White House finally turns over some docs. subpoenaed that deal with the Fort Hood tragedy.
Gordon Brown, your mic is on: Brown called a woman who was concerned about her son’s education a ‘bigot’.

H.R. 2499: a “non-binding vote” to trip Puerto Rico into becoming a state.
The past three times to which the response was an overwhelming No.

GM head/spokesman in recent commercial lies that the loans were payed off.
$43B needed to be repaid.
$12B in pensions.
GM has not repaid, but moved the money, like the fed, from pocket to pocket.
The car/part company has actually lost $4B 2009S2 (cannot repay).

As far as the G.S. grilling, Sens. Mark Levin, McCaskill repeat a phrase of fraud in one of the E-mails: “this is one sh—y deal.”
Countdown (MS-NBC) ran much of it uncensored.


The smokescreen with Goldman Sachs.

No arrests have been made at G.S., even though the evidence of fraud is so obvious.
Let’s see... money laundering, also using criminals like John Ayers, just so they can be thrown under the bus.
It comes back to Cap & Trade, with ENRON as a prime example; ENRON loved the idea of selling puffs of smoke — SCAM.
Goldman Sachs funds a host of things to bet against, funding the Chicago Carbon Exchange (CCX), a so-called $10 trillion market.  Because we are dealing with such large amounts of market money, and there is so much debt expected at the start, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) comes into play... Al Gore’s G.I.M. invested in CCX.
Doesn’t this already look nice and peachy?  There’s no criminal activity here, no, no.
G.S. CEO Chair Lloyd Blankfein will sit in the Congressional show hot seat.
More on this, later...


Representative Nelson joins GOP in defeating cloture vote for financial overhaul, 57-41.

The artist who did the Obama “HOPE” poster... is disappointed... that Obama hasn’t done enough.


An oil tanker explosion sends oil into the Gulf Coast.  Great, another massive oil spill.
Obama sits down with Reverend William “Billy” Franklin Graham.
New treatment for prostate cancer, first of its kind.
SEIU logo... Violence breaks out within protests in AZ, bottles thrown at police.

NBC, with a hint of political insanity

David Schuster gets suspended for making a pilot for CNN (tsk, tsk).
Donny Deutche gets the boot for putting Keith Olbermann (MS-NBC) into the category of American Anger.

“I would have died if I had just went on stage”

Bret Michaels is in critical condition after a brain hemorrhage, now in I.C.U..


When you express hatred, God looks the other way.

E.U. bails out Greece by the tone of $60 billion.
Protests over entitlements and pensions grow more violent in the region.

Passed: a redundant measure of enforcing immigration laws in Arizona after the federal government isn’t doing its job, a rancher who let in illegals gets shot.
The media landscape shows how corrupt it is by pushing comparisons to Nazi Germany.
More papers, please nonsense; racial profiling is prohibited.  And from this upside down garbage, you will need proof of health insurance, while undocumented immigrants are “free” to enter, vote, however stuck in limbo, crime or slave labor.

Regulation Utopia (professorial delirium)

There is more government structure in the “Healthcare” legislation alone than in everything F.D.R. ever did, and now regulators have shut down a bank run by an Illinois Dem. candidate’s family...

The dumbest ideas...

Cynthia Tucker on The Ed Show: the birthers are a reliable base for the Republican party.
Laugh-out-loud funny!

A student will be staging “boob-quake” to protest an Imam’s claim that earthquakes are caused by Muslim women not wearing their Hijab, Burqa, etc.  Earthquakes probably won’t stop, though.

Coming out while religious

Christian singer Jennifer Knapp comes out of the closet, appears on LKL.
Difficult for some to understand, especially those who aren’t religious...

Edges of Death

Utah man Ronnie Lee Gardner chose firing squad as the form of desired execution after being sentenced to death for the murder of a laywer in 1985.  His execution will occur on June 15.


World Affairs

Georgia steps up to seize uranium.  The country must; smuggling is rampant in the area (there’s a whole history of fracture).  Georgia and northern neighbor Russia have little control.

First televised U.K. debate: Gordon Brown tacks the other candidates with “your anti-xxx is growing more apparent as the debate goes on.”
A Prime Minister will be sworn in May 5.

3 bombings in Iraq hit a mosque, targeting police and worshipers.

SECS workers

Porn sites among the lists of webpages recorded on SEC staffer computers.
One employee filled hard drives, needed discs to burn in downloading pornography as much as eight hours a day.  Now that’s working your— off.

Regulation Utopia (professorial delirium)

$2,500 propaganda contest!
A government website tries to promote regulations with “regulations are involved in every aspect of people’s lives.”

Removing “navigable” so federal government can regulate all waters?
Limitations before meant only Native American reserves applied.

Cass Sunstein seeing necessary gov’t infiltrating chat rooms, even rallies, privacy overturned.  Working on setting people up, regulations to be used as the form of power and control.

“Education Camps”

Bertha Lewis spoke at the Conference of Young Democratic Socialists, tells the young ones that the interment camps (progressive F.D.R.), the segregation (progressive nationalist Wilson) are nothing compared to what is to come, tells the young ones not to be ashamed to say I’m a socialist, but refuses to come out of the closet herself.


Wednesday’s episode of South Park — they bleeped out everything!
Jon Stewart does to the NY Islamist opportunists what he did to Bernie Goldberg the other night: bring out the go f— yourself chorus.


14 alleged members of the Bambino family have been charged.  Sex trafficking?
Alaska becomes the 20th state to join the lawsuit bypass of the “HC” law.
IMF proposing a Financial Activites Tax (FAT).  Global taxation... where does it go?
LKL: Due to cost, Sarah Silverman says Comedy Central will probably drop her show.
So many who worked at G.S. are in the W.H...
New 3D Dot Game Heroes packs a no. of retro games into one.  Zelda sticks out.

Charlie Rose: Brain Series; Pt. 1 of emotions.  Missed it.

What is with these guys with goatees?

A Geico voice actor gets fired over a crank call aimed at a Tea party, the call exposed by FreedomWorks.


David Copprfield’s rape charges have been dropped.
Icelandic volcano looks like it may be cooling off... just as another may erupt.
Deputy mayor of Kandahar assassinated.
Apple® shares reach a new high, soaring 90%: for Q2, 3.33 vs. est. 2.45.

iPad owner loses half a pinky due to a robber who yanks products out of people’s hands as they are about to walk through the turning building doors.  The owner had a device cord wrapped around his hand — something had to give in the tug of war.  Circulation was so cut off that half of his finger had to be surgically removed.

Robert Gates may be on the way out, so... leak a whole bunch of things?
Iran may be able to lauch missiles capable of reaching the U.S. by 2015.

New identity theft problem: the selling of copier machines that haven’t had their hard drives erased.  Images could contain buffered images of private documents, medical records.

In Arizona, the immigration “debate” blows up with union-manufactured protests, garbage media, mock funerals, cries of potential racial profiling — racial profiling in Arizona is illegal.
AZ authorities have enough problems to deal with.

An Islamic reactionary organization based in New York make death “warnings” against the South Park guys, that Matt and Trey may end up dead like Vincent van Gogh, the filmmaker that was murdered by extremists for a documentary critical of Islam.

A group of white supremecists rig #8220;boobie traps,#8221; one trap, using a shotgun, came close to killing a cop.


Details on the Goldman Sachs probe, the “alleged” fraud.
Keywords: Abacus (ac1), housing (Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac), derivatives, sub-prime mortgage CDOs.
Hedge fund king John Paulson (no, not Hank), who works for G.S., allegedly bet $1 billion against investors.
The 2008 Obama campaign got nearly a million dollars from G.S.

What overgeneralized, collectivized distraction will they think of next?

Anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing; media try to use the horrible event.
CNN has on Daily Beast Mr. Bookseller-with-gel-in-hair.
MS-NBC has on the Southern Poverty Law Center guy.

Heroin epidemic grows in the suburbs.


Near Lae, Papua New Guinea, a 6.8 magnitude quake.
The Pope meets with sex abuse victims.


New England snow in April.

An Icelandic volcano (that’s difficult to spell, let alone pronounce) wreaks havoc in the skies, as its ash forces airports around Europe to cancel flights; the type of volcanic gunk spewing out sticks to moving parts, promoting the chances of a plane crash.  The backlogging of cancelations aggravate the already-troublesome economic situation in the region (brought on by European Unionization, insolvency of Greece).

Obama mocks the Tea parties.  “With all of the [tax breaks] ... you’d think that they’d be saying, ‘thank you.’”


DJIA hits 11,123.11.

Andy Stern steps down as head of SEIU after running it for 14 years.
Public tweets prior to a certain date will be copied into the National Archive.
Larry King file for divorce for the eighth time, from his seventh wife.
Foreign Aide makes up over 2/3 of our national budget...


Senate ends empass on jobless aid benefits.
Republican Cristi gets a death “joke,” the press ignore it.
A Senator leaves out slavery as a major role to civil war history.
Journalist Jennifer Griffin is now officially cancer-free after battling breast cancer.

CrashTheTeaParties.org is exposed — a group for infiltrating Tea parties, attempting to make them look bad with things the regular people don’t do (e.g., scrawling the f-word).  In other words, you can spot them a mile away.

Facetiously likening the relationship to “a same-sex Lucy and Desi,” George Lopez doesn’t mind being pushed to midnight, as former Late Night host Conan O’Brien is signed on to do TBS at the 11PM time slot.
O’Brien, to avoid possible lawsuit by NBC, revamped the masterbating bear character to “self-pleasuring panda.”



Another train derailment.
Golf: Michelson beats Tiger Woods.
European Union gearing for Greece bailout.  Pensions denied.
White supremecy groups rise in Hungary, other countries.
Obama sits down not with Netanyahu, but with the Kazak President.

Newt Gingrich calls this admin. the most radical in a long time, press call him a racist just because President Obama is black.

Seen via WikiLeaks, 2007 footage of an Apache Helicopter gunning down several people, including members of Reuters.


Plane carrying Polish President and wife crashes in Russia.
Euro zone readies rescue package for debt-plagued Greece.
Al-Maliki’s political party claims 750,000 Iraqi votes in doubt.
Ousted Kyrgyz president defiant as opposition mulls arrest.
Investigation: Toyota engages in deceptive legal tactics.
WV churchgoers honor the 29 miners that died, and the profession.
California gray whale-watchers fear a dip in population.

Justice John Paul Stevens to step down this summer.  Who will replace him?


Designing Women co-star Dixie Carter dies at 70 of endometrial cancer (cancer of a particular mucous membrane that lines the uterus).  She also appeared in Diff’rent Strokes and 1982’s Filthy Rich.


Four WV miners found... dead.

Following in the footsteps of Europe

Trying to attain more revenue, the Value-Added Tax, another disaster waiting to happen here.
Goods and services would be taxed at every production stage, paralyzing significant parts of the economy.


“Restart” with Russia again: stockpile elimination (claims?) continue.
Well, Reagan called for a reduction of 1/3.

AFL-CIO head on right-wing talkers: playing on your fears, ’cause that’s what’s popular.
Really!?  All sorts of unpopular ideas being put to the mic... people want to hear fearmongering?  You’ve got to be kidding me.
Well, I know he’s not; I know he’s corrupt.  I get no payment in saying that.  Like everything else.

Faith, Hope, Charity and Duty

This episode of GBP features a studio audience, discusses how faith played a pivotal role in the founding of the country, how only a few select letters out of thousands were used to shape a false image of the founding fathers in textbooks.


The original punk rocker Malcom McLaren dies at 64 of mesothelioma (cancer of the flat cell layering that lines the embryonic body cavity).  McLaren was behind the 1983 Duck Rock album, and worked as a manager for the Sex Pistols, New York Dolls, and a number of other bands.


An agreement that we will no longer threaten non-nuke states?
Since when have we been that kind of country?

As far as State Department lingo goes, Obama bans Islamic militant/radical.

WV Mining accident

About a dozen dead, many unaccounted for at a West Virginia mine, 30mi. from Charleston.
Rescue ops. continue.

About free speech

Exposing Net Neutrality as a regulation tool, guess who is getting more boycotts on behalf of the President?

Courts rule that the FCC has no authority to regulate the internet.

Topless feminists in Maine (it’s legal), protesting — and they didn’t expect that men would stare?

Mathews Limbo

Limbaugh getting back at Chris Mathews (walrus in water) for “Obama regime.”
How many times has “Bush regime” been mentioned?  Even Mr. Reliable Sources Howard Kurtz has used that term.  Mathews used it at least once.
The hypocrisy continues w/ fair, democratically elected, as Bush v. Gore was a nightmare; they described Bush winning as ‘unfair’ for months.

Tough discussions on faith

Covered on C-SPAN, Krista Tippett’s asked some pretty tough questions, the kinds of questions that everyday people are facing these days.
Her book is entitled, “Einstein’s God.“


7.2-magnitude quake felt in Southern California; hit NW Mexico.


Unemployment rate remains at 9.7%.

(I spent most time on software development here.)


Scott Roeder sentenced to life in prison, parole at 102, convicted for the murder of Doctor George Tiller.

Alcala may be the most prolific killer in U.S. history, sentenced to death penalty.


John “Charlie” Forsythe (born John Lincoln Freund) dies at 92 after a yearlong battle with cancer.
Best known for his voice in the Charlie’s Angels series and movies, Joan Collins (sharing a role in the 1980s Dynasty) considers him one of the last true gentlemen of the acting profession.

The truth only consumes lies.  Spread it.

2010/03   2010/05