
Prepare a broth with the water and broth cubes Heat the oil in a large casserole. Sauté the chicken pieces just to brown them on all sides. Reserve. Sauté the onion and shallot in the same casserole, until they take on a beautiful golden color.Add the crushed garlic and ginger and let it sauté for about 2 minutes. Reduce the heat to medium heat, and return the chicken, as well as the crushed tomatoes and tomato concentrate, to the casserole. Allow to reduce for 2 minutes. Add the peanut paste, salt, pepper, spices, as well as your broth. Cover halfway and simmer over low heat for about 40 minutes, stirring occasionally .



Mix the flour, yeast and eggs, add water and knead until you get a soft dough that does not stick to the fingers. Let stand for 30 min in a warm place.In the meantime, cut the meat, onion and tomatoes, wash them well.Pour the oil into a pot and heat. Put the meat, tomato and onion, cook and add 1/2 glass of water, salt, pepper, add the bay leaf and chopped garlic.After boiling, make balls with the flour and put them in the sauce and close the pot well - Cook for 15 min. Serve hot.


Put 2 l of water to boil.In a bowl, put the flour, and pour little by little 3/4 l of boiling water, until you have a dough.Put this dough in a pot, over low heat, and gradually pour the rest of the boiling water, not ceasing to turn, so that the dough does not stick to the bottom of the pan and does not make lumps. Continue to turn until you get a thick paste. Add boiling water if necessary. Cooking is complete when the dough comes off the edges of the pan.