Super Spooky Gengar

Inspiration and Ideation

With Halloween and all things spooky, I obviously needed a spooky project to match! My brother in law, Dan, loves ghost types and with his birthday coming up, it just worked out to make him a Gengar.

Starting Off

Like any good project, I first had to start with picking the colors, well color. I found this nice lavender.

Lavender Yarn

I also wanted to use embroidered eyes. So I created a pattern and using a combination of fabric and interfacing that disolves in water, I came up with a nice applique. Looks a little freaky doesn’t it?

Embroidered Eyes on Interfacing


I created the main body and made sure that the eyes were the right size. It was pretty close the first time! I decided to make them just a little smaller.

Gengar Body with Face

This pattern honestly worked up really quickly. Soon enough I had arms and legs, then it was just getting his spikes and sewing the whole thing together. My only complaint would be how many pieces I had to keep track of!

Gengar Body with LimbsGengar Plush With Face

For applying the eyes and mouth, I tried an iron on glue. It worked, but the yarn did NOT like the heat of the iron. As a result, the yarn on his face is a different texture than the rest of his body. I also didn’t perfect the applique tecnique of embroidering, I still have some work to do.

End Results

Thankfully my brother in law didn’t care about the imperfections, he was just excited to have Gengar as a part of his team.

Gengar Plush FrontGengar Plush HidingGengar Plush Back Gengar Plush Front