Professor Benjamin Fluffysprinkles

Ben is the first of two brothers. Don’t let his cute face and wide eyes deceive you. We who live with him refer to him as an attack turret. His favorite things include treats, sleeping on totes, treats, being in the way, and treats. Ben can often be found sleeping in the bathroom sink, loafing in the doorway of the kitchen, and waiting by the front door hoping he can get outside.

grey tabby cat

Douglas McDougal

Boog is the second of the two brothers. While he’s a huge scaredy cat around strangers, once he knows you he will snuggle you to death. His favorite things include breakfast, cuddling with his mom, lunch, chasing Ben around, dinner, and any form of attention or affection. Boog can often be found sleeping in the dog crate, sleeping in his mom’s closet, and sleeping in laundry baskets.

Cat on laying on floor

Just here for the cats? Check out this gallery!

Cat with PaperCat YawningCat Laying on BedCat in Cat Tree Cat on CouchCat on CouchCat in BlanketCat Sitting Stupidly Cat Looking UpCat Sleeping on CouchCat with Wide EyesCat Laying in Doorway Cat Stopping HandVery Fat CatCat Sleeping Upside DownUpset Cat Cat at TableCat Looking UpCat in Cat TreeCat with Shoes Cat StretchingCat Sleeping on FloorPlayful CatCat Sleeping in Dog Crate Fat Cat Sleeping in WindowStartled CatCat Sleeping on BedCat in Box Cat Sleeping on FabricCat in Laundry BasketSleeping Cat with Toy