

Bright Eyes

This is the one power all the 57 units have. They can see any anomoly that is around them, along with any danger that is around them


This ability is to make him appear as someone else that people assume as Lightly57.


An ability he created, alcatraz is a sort of vaccume persay. It absorbs anything which can be used as capture and advanced mobility.


One of the deadliest moves to ever be created, it at minimum can be the force of a truck, and at maximum can create a crater. If it's at maximum, your best bet is to end up in heaven.

Healing Factor

Obvious for what it's for, it can go to the point of regenerating limbs. It does still have limits, and if pushed can cause him to pass out.


Hades' Rogue

The gaurdian that saved him from near death experiences isn't just his closest friend, but also attached to him. The two rely on each other and when combine, are more dangerous than Hades ever will be.

Touch Omnicron

The one thing that he found useful from his time with Omnicron, he can create electric currents that are more than capable of powering a large house.


This power actually wasn't learned, but stolen. Atrocity used one of Lighlty57's eyes and replaced his own with it. This gives him the ability to do as much as Bright Eyes, but not as well

Healing Factor

This is the same as Lightly57's ability, but a bit different. Atrocity technically doesn't heal, but is able to make a fully functional prostetic until it does heal. It does heal, but very slowly

Strange Static

Somehow not his strangest ability, Atrocity is able to walk on any solid surface, even if it has on electric properties. The reaches of gravity have no effect on him in this state, as he can hang upside-down.