Literary Catharsis

Dig Deeper


In this section I will give my views on different books and maybe a few of my theories. Maybe I'll include some of my favorite scenes. WARNING!! INCLUDES SPOILERS!!

The Wicked Powers

This book hasn’t come out yet but I am so excited! I don’t know how I’ll be able to read it since I have this new thing where I can’t read books because I’m too empathetic so I die inside anytime anything bad happens to the characters. But, I’ll just have to get over myself, because oh my gosh! Kit and Ty are everything. Kit may very well be my favorite Herondale and that is saying something, because I absolutely adore James; he is my spirit animal. Kit is just on point though. As sad as I am that Kit and Ty separated at the end of The Dark Artifices, I think it was worth it. Here’s why, Kit living with Tessa, Jem and Mina will be good for him. He will finally get the proper parental love that he deserves, and maybe he’ll crawl out of the Herondale self-deprecation hole quicker than any of the other Herondales did. If one of my favorite characters like Kit or Ty dies in the wicked powers, I will cry. I will cry longer and harder than I did when Will died. I cried for three hours then! And he died of old age after a long happy life! So if one of my favorite characters dies young… no, just no. It can’t happen. Ty already lost his twin, he cannot die and he cannot lose anymore people, that is just cruel. I don’t think it will happen, I think most people will be fine. Kit and Ty are the cutest. Kit is so iconic. I love them, I cannot wait for when they get together in the wicked powers. Which, they have to. By the end of Dark Artifices I was like: Emma and Julian? Cool, whatever. Kit and Ty? WHY would Cassandra leave us on such a cliffhanger!!

The Cruel Prince

Cruel Prince is the best. It is only a three book series but is has so many great scenes. I love the dynamic. You think Cardan is the intense violent one when really it turns out to be Jude.