Wee-Wares Quilting :: About Us

Information About Us!

Who are we? We are two people continuing the centuries-old craft of quilt-making using techniques we learned from our parents who in turn learned from their parents while using what we can from the modern day to improve the process without losing that touch that has made quilts special for generations. Our names are Wendi Brower and McKya Byrd and we are a mom-and-daughter duo, on our way going through the school of trial and error and passing it with flying colors. Wee-Wares Quilting is based in Sugar City, Idaho. This tale all got started because Wendi wanted a way to help support her children and grandchildren (and let's be honest, spoiling the grandchildren is a top priority there, as it is for many grandparents.) unable to run an entire small business by herself, she asked her daughter McKya Byrd to help her run it. McKya, who works with special education in Sugar City, gladly jumped on the chance to work with her hero (that hero being her mother), and with the two of them on board, it made the small business official and the rest is history and the quilts have flown from there to bless many homes and bring joy to many individuals.